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They Got Hurricane Money

Posted on October 16th, 2024

Dave!I used to go to Orlando 3 or 4 times a year for work, so it was inevitable that I would get caught in a hurricane at some point. And I did twice. Although since Orlando is so far inland, a hurricane there is not the same as it is when you're on the coast. It's heavy rains and strong winds while life goes on (mostly) as usual.

Except when it doesn't.

Your flight might get delayed or canceled (but that's always a possibility... hurricane or no hurricane). Maybe places will close early because they know people likely won't be wanting to go out in the weather. Or maybe plans will have to be changed for one reason or another. But it's rarely something serious.

Except when it is.

For one of the hurricanes I was in town, Walt Disney World actually closed. Which almost never happens because Disney loves money, and shuttering the parks for even a day costs them millions. This past Thursday when Hurricane Milton was battering Florida, I thought to look at the Disney app (which is still on my phone) only to see this...

Everything is closed!

Walt Disney World is open 365 days a year, so seeing everything closed tells you how serious they were viewing the situation. A quick Google search reveals that Walt Disney World has only been closed 11 times since they opened in 1971, which really drives it home.

You'd think that people would appreciate how Disney is willing to shut down to keep people safe when things get serious, but not everybody feels that way. Some people were livid that Disney would dare ruin their vacation by closing. Never mind that a potentially deadly hurricane was poised to tear through the place, WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE?!?

The parks were open the following day (Friday) and no worse for wear, so all those people griping about their "ruined" vacation only lost one day.

When it comes to Milton, it's a miracle that things weren't much worse than they were. They were certainly projected to be. I was seriously wondering if Disney World was going to be trashed or at least seriously damaged. But it wasn't, and Mickey Mouse lives to take our money another day.


Bullet Sunday 876

Posted on October 6th, 2024

Dave!Didn't my weekend just get started a minute ago? How is it that it's almost over? Again? Oh well, it's not like this blog is suffering along with me... because an all new Bullet Sunday starts... now...

• Potential! I wasn't going to tune into the new ABC show High Potential because it's a remake of a French series I've seen (called HIP: High Intellectual Potential). But then I saw Kaitlin Olson was starring, and decided it would certainly be unique enough to merit a watch, even if the stories were the same...

I like it. Same but different. And Kaitlin Olson continues to impress.

• Murder Bear! This year's Fat Bear Week has been a real drama-fest this year. Fat Bear 469 murdered Fat Bear 402 on camera. And apparently murder is disqualifying behavior, because Fat Bear 469 is nowhere to be found on the bracket...

Fat Bear Week Bracket Playoffs 2024.

On the discussion board somebody wrote "Rest in Power, Fat Bear 402," and so that's where we're at now.

• Talent! The number of actors passing lately has been really disheartening. Now John Amos (of SO many amazing roles in TV and movies) and Ken Page (whose iconic voice gave life to Oogie Boogie in The Nightmare Before Christmas) are gone. John Amos hit with Good Times, but my favorite roles were from Coming to America and The West Wing (where his talent was really allowed to shine)...

And Ken Page? Oh man...

Disney may have disavowed The Nightmare Before Christmas when it debuted, but they have sure been leaning into the characters hard in recent years. Not only does Oogie Boogie dominate Halloween at Disneyland with his Oogie Boogie Bash, but he was just added as a racer in Disney Speedstorm...

Oogie Boogie joins the race in Season 10 of Disney Speedstorm!

Rest in Peace, sirs. The characters you created will live on.

• So Not Weird! They need to get Haley Joel Osment on Saturday Night Live stat...

I don't know how it's possible, but he captures J.D. Vance better than J.D. Vance does.

• UNSUBSCRIBE!!! I love adidas footwear. Their Terrex Swift R2 Mid Gtx boots are the best pair of shoes I've ever owned. They're the only shoes that I spent money to have repaired when they wore out (twice) because I just didn't want to let them go. Eventually I purchased replacements for my beloved shoes. But instead of going through as I usually do, I made the huge mistake of buying them direct from Adidas. And now I get fucking emails from them EVERY DAMN DAY. How many fucking pairs of shoes do you think i need? My pair of Terrex Swift R2 Mid Gtx lasted five years (with repairs). And here's the deal... YOU CANNOT UNSUBSCRIBE BECAUSE THEIR UNSUBSCRIBE LINK DOESN'T WORK!

Access Denied — You don't have permission to access on this server. Reference #18.702017.1728147510.2133c40

I abhor shit like this. I think this is actually illegal in Washington State? But here's where it gets worse. There is NO option on their website... none that I could find anyway... where you can tell them not to email you. All you can do is subscribe to more lists...


If I got an email once a month... even every-other-week, I wouldn't be phased. BUT EVERY FUCKING DAY?!? How is this anything less than harassment? Who the fuck could possibly want this?

• And speaking of WA! For the record? Johnny Cash was talking about Mattawa, WASHINGTON STATE IN 'MURICA... not Mattawa, Ontario in Canada... when he said he's been "everywhere."

Bet on it.

• THE AD LITERALLY WENT TO A PORN SITE YOU ASSHOLES!! Facebook doesn't give a single fuck about anything but money. You can report ads for linking to porn sites, but Facebook never looks at where their ads go when you click, so it doesn't matter. So long as the ad itself isn't pornographic, they don't care who sees it.

Facebook says they won't remove the ad. What else is new?

Well, I give up. Facebook closes their eyes to absolutely everything... porn, scams, abuse... they don't care so long as the money keeps rolling in.

And now back to the rest of my rapidly diminishing Sunday. Or what's left of it, anyways.


I say whip it! Whip it Dole good!

Posted on October 2nd, 2024

Dave!As I mentioned way too many times, my favorite thing to do at Walt Disney World is eat. I love their beautifully-themed, over-priced, high-end restaurants which have delicious food.

But I also like the snacky things... like the churros, popcorn, and fries. It's all good because you're in Walt Disney World. But you know the one snack thing that I love more than any other? Dole Whip. My favorite is the original Pineapple Dole Whip you can get in Adventureland. But there's also Orange Bird's Sunshine Tree Terrace, which has Orange and other flavors (like Strawberry). Disney Springs and some of the Disney hotels also have various varieties of Dole Whip... all of them very tasty.

I had mentioned to my friends who actually work at the resort how I was sad I couldn't have a Dole Whip Float whenever I want... and how jealous I was that they could have it whenever they want.

They're response? "Oh but you can!"

And they gifted me a big bag of Dole Whip mix (that they got on Amazon)...

A bad of authentic Dole Whip!

The stuff is dairy-free and vegan, fat-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free, peanut-free, and totally delicious. All you have to do is mix it with water! The bag makes 89 servings(!) and is meant to be run through a soft-serve machine. I don't have one of those, but I do have a Ninja CREAMi machine. You just mix 2 cups of water with 2/3 cup of mix, freeze it in the CREAMi canister overnight, then run it through on the "Frozen Yogurt" setting. Simple.

And it tastes exactly like what you get at Walt Disney World. Probably because it is what you get at Disney World. You can pipe it through a big star-tip if you want it to look more like Dole Whip, but it'll take practice to make it swirl correctly...

Dole Whip made at home!
Don't worry, my swirl with get better as I work on it!

There's also a "copycat" recipe floating around which you can make in your blender (if you don't have a soft serve or CREAMi machine) that we tried...

  • 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream
  • 2 cups of frozen pineapple chunks
  • 4oz. of pineapple juice

It's tasty... but not as sweet as the real stuff (which might be a plus for some people). It tastes much more like actual pineapple than Dole Whip does. It also lacks the various stabilizers and gums which makes the original so darn creamy. We struggled to get my Ninja Blender to mix the stuff properly, so we ended up mixing in more pineapple juice. I think if I would have used more ice cream with it, then it might have tasted more authentic. For what it is, it's a terrific treat. But it ain't Dole Whip.


If you love Dole Whip like I do, buying the actual mix will get you there. If you don't have a soft serve or CREAMi machine, you might try freezing the mixture in ice cube trays and pulverizing the cubes in a blender or food processor with a little pineapple juice to try and get it to work that way.

Then close your eyes, take a bite, and you're at a Disney park!


Copycat Disney Regrets

Posted on September 16th, 2024

Dave!If I were to have a regret over my trip to Walt Disney World, it would be that I didn't go to the Polynesian Village Resort for Tonga Toast, and I didn't get any Spicy Hummus Fries from Spice Road Table in Epcot's Morocco Pavilion.

Everything else I wanted to do (namely ride all the attractions which came out after my list visit and eat at some of my favorite places) I did. I try not to have regrets in life, but... Enter Copycat Recipes.

Tonga Toast

This amazing breakfast treat hails from the two breakfast restaurants at Polynesian Village Resort is pretty simple. Take a really thick slice of sourdough bread, cut a pocket in one side, shove banana slices in it, then dredge in a egg/milk/vanilla wash, deep fat fry, then coat in a cinnamon-sugar mix.

It's incredible.

I looked at three separate copycat recipes and came up with my own vegan version which uses almond milk for regular milk and egg substitute for eggs. No, it's not going to be an exact flavor match, but the milk/egg thing isn't a big part of the flavor profile, so it's perfectly fine. But the bigger difference in my recipe? I am not using a massive slice of bread because I would have to drag out my deep fat fryer to cook it. Instead I will use "regular-thick" bread and put the bananas and sugar on top because that will only require an inch of oil in a small skillet.

The result was darn tasty...

My delicious poor man's Tonga Toast!

Now, I want to be very clear. I didn't cheat this. I didn't blast a skillet with cooking spray and fry it up like you'd normally make French Toast. I did indeed use enough oil to cover the toast, then submerged it so it was deep fat fried. Because it's the slow deep fat frying that gives it a different, crispy texture which is superior to regular French Toast. So good.

I was going to bake the bananas a bit to simulate the cooking that bananas get being inside the bread in real Tonga Toast, but ultimate passed on that because it occurred to me that the bananas in real Tonga Toast have so much bread around them that they don't get very cooked. Just warned a bit.

Maybe next time I'll bake a loaf of sourdough, pull out the deep fat fryer, and do this up right. But probably not, because what I ended up with had all the taste that I wanted out of real Tonga Toast.

Spicy Hummus Fries

While more like "mini falafel loaves" than "hummus fries," these fantastic staples of the Morocco Pavilion finally got a permanent home at Spice Road Table restaurant (after being a dish at the Epcot Food & Wine Festival). The first time I tried them in 2017, I ate double-orders for lunch and dinner most days I was there. They're heavenly. I love falafel, so it's not a shock that I love these vegan treats. What makes them different than falafel is the addition of spicy spices and the vegan chipotle mayo sauce, which takes them to the next level.

I only found one copycat recipe. And while the results from their recipe are pretty close, the sauce is different, but not bad at all. Overall, I really liked this recipe, and will absolutely be making them again...

My deliciousSpicy Hummus Fries!

Kinda like a falafel pita sandwich without the pita, I guess?

And now I really need to set aside Walt Disney World and get back to my Real Life. If that's even possible.

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Walt Disney World: Future Backward

Posted on September 13th, 2024

Dave!Finishing up with my entries on my recent(?) trip to Walt Disney World... I thought I'd end my near THREE WEEKS(!) of Disney-related posts by talking about the future.

As summed up in my entry about the announcements of D23, Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World is getting its own version of Cars Land. I had thought that it was being put BEHIND Frontierland...

Dave's Map

But nope. It's going INSIDE Frontierland, and they're paving over the Rivers of America to get it there...

Disney's MAYBE Map

Now, on its surface, this doesn't seem like the worst idea... for Walt Disney World (the same thing cannot be said for the original at Disneyland, which is sacred). The rafts to Tom Sawyer Island (not to mention the island itself) is hardly popular any more. And the Liberty Square Riverboat barely has people on it most times. So why not pave it over and put in attractions which people will actually want to experience?

When I was in Magic Kingdom on my trip, I didn't want to visit Tom Sawyer Island, but I did want to say good bye to what the park would be losing. So every time I walked around the "river" I was sure to take a good look...

A look at Tom Sawyer Island over the edge of Rivers of America.

A look at Tom Sawyer Island over the edge of Rivers of America.

A look at Tom Sawyer Island over the edge of Rivers of America.

A look at Tom Sawyer Island over the edge of Rivers of America.

And then I had pause.

It's not that the attractions on the river and on the island are not very popular and it would be good to have something people will actually want to visit... it's the aesthetic of what the river and island provide for the area around them.

Frontierland and Liberty Square have their entire vibe defined by their location being along that lazy river. It's scenic. It's relaxing. And walking along the body of water makes it feel a bit cooler on a sweltering Summer day. Removing it is going to have a serious affect on visiting these areas. An argument could be made that a river is a bit out of place in Frontierland given the dusty frontier town they're striving to replicate, but that's not the point. It's not what it's supposed to be, it's what it is now.

I think that the area will suffer once the river is gone.

Though I'd have a tough time arguing with Disney management to keep investing the money needed to maintain and improve the river and island when they're clearly one of the most unpopular areas in the park.

And then we need to jump over to Disney Hollywood Studios, where Monstropolis (the city from Monsters, Inc.) will be located. Rumor has it that they will be paving over Muppets Courtyard for that (and probably blowing into the employee parking lot behind it a bit)...

Highlighting Muppets Courtyard on the map of Disney Studios.
Map and Satellite Image © Google

Now if Muppets Courtyard has to be leveled for anything, I'd rather it be paved over to join Star Wars Land (on the left) with the Star Wars Star Tours ride (on the right), and be used to add another Original Trilogy attraction...

Highlighting Muppets Courtyard on the map of Disney Studios.
Map and Satellite Image © Google

That would complete Star Wars Land and also give us a bit more Original Trilogy to experience which, let's be honest, is what everybody would rather have anyway. Then Monstropolis could be put in its entirety in the employee parking lot like so...

Highlighting Muppets Courtyard on the map of Disney Studios.
Map and Satellite Image © Google

Now, this would necessitate some serious Imagineering because foot traffic would have to go over (or under!) the Cypress Drive access road, but doing that would further separate Monstropolis from the rest of the park, so I choose to think of it as a good thing. And of course they'd have to find a spot for employees to park, but that's the easiest of all problems to solve because they could be shuttled from the lot to the park fairly easily. And the payoff? Well, just look at how big Monstropolis would be able to be! You could really do it justice in an area like that (plus have room for expansion).

And lastly we need to jump over to Animal Kingdom, where Tropical America Land will go. I think the biggest problem with this entire concept is that I can't see how any of it relates to animals. It's built around Indiana Jones Adventure and a Casa Madrigal boat ride? WTF? There's also the matter of dinosaurs being incredibly popular with kids and DinoLand USA being fairly well done (and dinosaurs being, you know, animals)... which makes it a little tough to think about it being ripped out. But, again, I'm guessing they wouldn't be paving it over if it were popular enough to keep. And if DINOSAUR wasn't such a badly nerfed version of the original Countdown to Extinction.

And there it is. The future. Maybe. Because Disney could just be announcing all this to counter what's happening over at Universal Studios' "Epic Universe." They could cancel any of it or all of it at any time.

Which would be pretty bad, because they certainly needs to do something to stay relevant in the Florida theme park business.


Walt Disney World: Disney Sleeps

Posted on September 12th, 2024

Dave!Here's the thing... even the "cheap" Walt Disney World resorts are expensive. That being said, they're also decent accommodations where even the least expensive of them are clean, comfortable, and safe. On top of that, all Walt Disney World resort hotels have a few nice perks (like early-entry to the parks, free transportation, and 7-day Lightning Lane pre-booking... plus Deluxe Resorts also get extended park hours some days). This is a far cry from what you used to get with a Disney resort stay (my favorites being having your purchases sent back to your room and the free Magical Express bus from the airport direct to your hotel), but it's better than nothing, and I still prefer to stay on-site than not.

Thanks to my many years of having work in Orlando, I've actually stayed at all but three of the resorts. Granted, this was years ago, so many of the ongoing remodels have been lost on me... but I can comment on what I experienced at the time. I know that most people would separate out the "Villas," "Bungalows," "Towers," and whatever other "Vacation Club" extensions they keep adding to the resorts, but I've not stayed at any of them so I won't (though I have stayed at Saratoga Springs, a DVC resort).

But first, a warning... these resorts are huge and there are many different types of rooms and locations for rooms. So my experience might not be your experience. Plus Disney is remodeling and changing things all the time, which means my experience may not even be relevant any more!

Before I get to my rankings, I should also disclose that there's three properties I haven't stayed at...

  • Old Key West Resort (DVC-DELUXE $$$$). It's a Vacation Club property, which doesn't mean I can't stay there... I just never ended up there because it wasn't on the roster I was on. There are Vacation Club members who made this their home property and love it, so it definitely has its fans.
  • Riviera Resort (DVC-DELUXE $$$$). This is the newest hotel in the most magical place on earth and I have zero desire to stay there. Looks like a big, boring cracker box of a building that could be a hotel anywhere. I'm sure it's been randomly farted on with Disney IP (intellectual property), but it's just not interesting enough for me to bother. If I was still working in the area I'd probably end up here eventually, and I'm sure the rooms are amazing, it's just not the experience I want when staying at WDW. Maybe I'll go if the restaurants have good word of mouth?
  • Shades of Green. This is an "Armed Forces Recreational Center," which means you have to be an active member of the armed services or have retired from service to even step foot on the property. I think there are special exceptions beyond that, but it's things like being discharged yet having earned a Purple Heart or having been a Prisoner of War or having otherwise suffered serious injury or been disabled in combat. There may be other ways, but they're all military-related and off-limits to me.

And now for my rankings...

Disney's Wilderness Lodge as seen from the waters of Bay Lake.
The Wilderness Lodge in 1997 from a photo I shot while boating on Bay Lake!

  1. Wilderness Lodge (DELUXE $$$$$). The first Disney World hotel I stayed at, and is still my favorite. Easily the best theming of any property, I love the design of absolutely everything this hotel has to offer. It's like staying in a grand lodge in the Pacific Northwest... in Florida. I love the rooms with their woodsy aesthetic and spacious accommodations. The only downside is that the restaurants, which used to be my absolute favorite, are now sub-par for vegetarians. And what's worse, you can't really work with the servers or kitchen to accommodate your specific needs like you used to because so many of the dishes have components that are pre-made. I wish the top-tier resorts would go back to being more flexible in their food options, because the "efficiency model" they're running is killing the dining experience for people like me. But, yeah, the primo location, the beautifully appointed public spaces... and even the price, which isn't terrible (when compared to other Deluxe resorts near Magic Kingdom). I could stay here every time I not be disappointed.
  2. Animal Kingdom Lodge (DELUXE $$$$$). This would likely overtake my top spot if not for two reasons... 1) You have to get a pricey Savannah View room to make it worth staying here... and 2) It is really far away from everything except Animal Kingdom. That being said, it was also designed by Peter Dominick (who designed the Wilderness Lodge) and is absolutely beautiful. The theming and details are all top-notch. Plus they have the best restaurants of any of the resorts. The only negative is the drumming. Cast members have drumming performances often. There's drums for kids to bang on. It's all drums all the time. I like it for atmosphere, but it's too much and get very, very tiring if you stay here for several days. But hey, if you can afford an amazing Savannah View room, there's nothing quite like seeing animals right out your window.
  3. Polynesian Village Resort (DELUXE $$$$$$). To a great many people, this is their favorite resort in all of Disney World and I get it. Excellent theming. Great restaurants (Tonga Toast, baby!). Wonderful rooms. A killer location. The Polynesian has it all. Maybe if it was my first resort it would be my #1, but I just prefer the architecture and aesthetics of the Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge. Still, this is an amazing resort... assuming you can afford the price tag. My biggest negative, and it pains me to say this because I absolutely love the movie, is that Disney has leaned hard into the Lilo & Stitch theming. I think it was a much more authentic and immersive experience before they did that. Then they slapped Moana on top of that! Still, if you've got the ungodly amount of cash required, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to stay here because it still has a lot of the magic that makes it such a great Walt Disney World resort. In many ways I'd say that this is the most "Disney" of the resorts they have.
  4. Caribbean Beach Resort (MODERATE $$$). Back before Skyliner came, this was my #7 pick. But with the addition of a Skyliner stop (and nicely renovated rooms), this has become the best of the "moderate" resorts. Sure the bathrooms are cramped (which makes showering a chore) but otherwise the rooms are clean, fresh, and comfortable. Plus the atmosphere is expansive and laid back in a way that the newer, more expensive Riviera doesn't have at all. The only negative is that Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom can't be reached by Skyliner so you have to rely on busses which make many stops to cover the entire resort. We never had to jump to the more plentiful Riviera busses with their one stop (as some people do), but I guess that's an option if you don't mind a walk to get back to your room.
  5. Pop Century Resort (VALUE $$). I liked this "value" hotel before it got a Skyliner stop, but now that it has one? It's very good. It's always been my go-to resort to recommend whenever people ask me where they should stay in Walt Disney World that's not crazy-expensive. It's still pricey, of course (all WDW rooms are), but it's got value for the money. Except for the restaurant, which is inexplicably not that great and extremely limited. That aside, the big downside here is that everybody knows how good it is so sometimes booking it can be rough. If that happens to you, I'd invite you to look at the Art of Animation resort that's just across the pond and shares many of the things that make Pop Century such a solid choice.
  6. Port Orleans Resorts (MODERATE $$$). There are two sides to the Port Orleans portfolio, and I'd give the edge to French Quarter over Riverside, if forced to choose. This is because French Quarter has Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory Scat Cat's Club Café, where you can get authentic beignets! (apparently the beignets have moved?) It's also the smaller of the two and closer to where you want to be. As a "moderate" resort, the rooms are perfectly clean, comfortable, and serviceable... and I believe that I've stayed here more than any other resort over the years. I never minded. It's not too far from Epcot, which is my preferred dining spot, and is near Disney Springs and their restaurants as well. But most of all it's taking inspiration from my favorite American city, New Orleans, and gets some touches just right.
  7. Beach Club Resort (DELUXE $$$$$). I've stayed here twice. The first time I stayed here was in a room that was odd in weird ways. I still don't know if it was a failed studio concept room or what, but it was a very different experience from my second stay which felt more "classic hotel." This hotel is an easy walk to Epcot (just 5 minutes!)... but also within reach of Disney Studios (about a 20 minute walk)... which is pretty sweet. And speaking of sweet, this resort is home to Beaches & Cream Soda Shop which is a fantastic place to not only treat yourself to all kinds of ice cream sweets, but also eat (their grilled cheese and tomato soup is great). The aesthetic is probably best described as "Great-Grandma's Bedroom" (but apparently they got refreshed recently, so I don't know what's happening there now). Probably the best thing about this place is the Stormalong Bay water park it shares with the Yacht Club next door. It's an attraction unto itself, and worth looking into if you like that kind of thing.
  8. Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa (DVC-DELUXE $$$$). The reason I like this resort so much... what really sells me on the property... is that it's within walking distance of Disney Springs and all its many amazing restaurant options (the last time I stayed here I had a five minute walk to Earl of Sandwich!). It's also fairly quiet, not attracting families with kids like with other resorts because of its lackluster-to-non-existent Disney theming and location away from the parks. If you're looking for Disney "magic" you'd be hard-pressed to find it here. But for the rest of us (and especially those of us at WDW to work?) it's a solid, though expensive, choice with wonderful rooms plus great dining within the resort and outside of it nearby. Which is to say that the reasons I like it is why many people give it a pass, and that's okay.
  9. Art of Animation (VALUE $$). I moved this up several notches because, like it's sister property Pop Century, it now has a Skyliner stop. When I stayed here it was fairly new, and was erected to take the place of the other half of Pop Century that was never finished and ultimately abandoned. The big feature of this hotel is that it has large "family suite" accommodations which can sleep six people. Myself and a colleague ended up splitting one of these suites and I gotta say it's pretty nice. There's a separate bedroom with its own bathroom, so parents have a way to escape the kids for a minute. If you're a larger family, this could be your best bet. Another claim to fame? It's apparently got the largest pool of any Disney resort property, if you're into that kind of thing. The down-side is that you get one restaurant and I wasn't at all impressed. I'd advise you to go across the lake, but the offering at Pop Century isn't much better.
  10. Swan & Dolphin (DELUXE $$$$). I've only stayed at the Dolphin half, but I'm guessing it's pretty similar to the Swan half? I dunno. These properties are infamous for being non-Disney properties on the Disney property. I think Disney needed cash, so they took money from Marriott which allowed them a spot to build hotels which have the same benefits of a Disney Deluxe Hotel but at a lesser cost. And you do get serious good value for the money at these properties (better room for less!). Though it's not perfect. We went mini-golfing at Fantasia Gardens and took the Swan's bus back to Magic Kingdom. Except we had a very long wait before the bus arrived. We would have been better off walking to Disney Studios and taking their bus. This is a serious problem. I'm guessing the total time spent is no less than staying at an off-site hotel. So... more bang for your buck over similarly-priced Disney resorts. But ultimately lesser in important ways too.
  11. Contemporary Resort (DELUXE $$$$$). Back in the day, this used to be a hotel that I was thrilled to be dropped in. It was smart, elevated, and beautiful. Plus it had a really good location when it comes to getting to the Magic Kingdom. But then... it started going downhill. The atrium keeps getting all kinds of crap shoved into it, needlessly distracting from the cool monorail run and gorgeous Mary Blair mural. This includes one of the worst restaurants in WDW, Chef Mickey's, which turned me off of eating buffets (except for Boma at Animal Kingdom Lodge, of course). It's trash despite costing over $50 for dinner and breakfast! Some of the rooms got an Incredibles makeover, which sounds seriously cool (seriously, the vibe of The Incredibles is a perfect match for this hotel), though I hear Disney did it on the cheap so it's not as good as it could have been. Regardless, some of the public areas are still pretty cool despite it all, and it's a classic resort that helped to define what it means to stay with Disney, so I'm not opposed to staying there. I just wish Disney would give it the love it deserves and make it be worth the cost to stay.
  12. Coronado Springs Resort (MODERATE $$$). This is not a brilliantly Disney-themed property with a fabulous location... but I do like staying here because it was so perfect for my work needs. It's got nice rooms. It's quite. It's got a great size desk. Plus it's now got Toledo, a tapas restaurant that I would never tire of eating at. And if I ever do get tired of it, Epcot is right next door and a short bus ride to all their great restaurants. There were many questionable choices made when they built this property, but for the money it's a good choice to be on-site and get the dwindling benefits that a Disney hotel gets you. Plus they opened up the "Gran Destino Tower" (home of Toledo) which looks pretty great, especially for a "moderate" resort, so if this appeals to you, you might want to check into it.
  13. Grand Floridian Resort & Spa (DELUXE $$$$$$$). This is THE premiere resort at Walt Disney World, and tops many people's lists at WDW for its luxury and opulence. And the rooms are nice, I guess... albeit a bit bland and not themed or utilized well. But luxurious? Not even. It's all done on the cheap. It's fake, and designed badly. To me it has the stylings of a brothel and the restaurants are overpriced and aren't great for vegetarians with options I didn't care for. It's just a big, faux-fancy, wildly-expensive hotel that happens to be close to Magic Kingdom, and I just don't get the love for it. The only thing I thought it did well was the activities, but are they worth the cost? No. If I was the one footing the bill for the one time I stayed there, I would have been pissed. I hear it's been updated recently... so maybe it's better now? Other than visiting during the holidays to get me some gingerbread, I rarely end up here even to visit.
  14. Boardwalk Inn (and Conference Center) (DELUXE $$$$$). The whole concept of an old-timey hotel on a boardwalk is a great start. Add to that the easy walkability to both Epcot and Disney Hollywood Studios, and it's tough to beat a stay at the Boardwalk. Except... the resort feels way too expensive for what you get. Even the rooms overlooking the parking lot are pricey. But if you want a view of the boardwalk itself? Hope you got some serious cash on hand. Another ding to the property are the pools, which seem so weak compared to what you get across the lake at Beach Club (also a DELUXE). Overall this isn't a bad resort at all. I'd stay here in a heartbeat. But not at the money they're charging.
  15. Yacht Club Resort (DELUXE $$$$$). Conceptually, this resort should place higher than the Boardwalk Inn above. But there's one thing that makes that impossible for me. It's frickin' boring. I'd far rather stay at the Beach Club next door because it feels more fun. Which is a shame, because it's definitely a pretty property. It's just that I expect something more exciting when staying with Disney. On the plus side, you do get access to the Stormalong Bay water park shared with the Beach Club.
  16. All Star Music Resort (VALUE $). Full disclosure... I haven't actually stayed here. But I did crash here with a colleague when I didn't feel like finding my way back to the off-site Hilton after having too much to drink at the Victoria Falls Lounge (in the Animal Kingdom Lodge). That counts, doesn't it? The hotel is just so... basic... but you do get whatever perks are left when staying at a Walt Disney World resort, so that's about the best thing I can say about it. If you're on a tight budget but want Disney accommodations, this is an option for you.
  17. All Star Movies Resort (VALUE $). This would be my dead-last choice because it's just so far removed from everything and it's older... but at least it was fairly quiet. If you are just looking for a basic, relatively cheap, no-frills hotel within the Disney Bubble, this will serve you well if your expectations are kept in check. I only stayed here once for one day and it was fine.
  18. All Star Sports Resort (VALUE $). I'm not into sports and when I stayed here it was incredibly noisy. I needed to be able to work, and that was made far more difficult with a bunch of screaming kids running around (and not just little kids, a lot of older kids as well). I did my level best to not stay here because once was enough. Maybe if you're lucky enough to get a quiet stay it's good?


Walt Disney World: Disney Eats

Posted on September 11th, 2024

Dave!Continuing on with my recent trip to Walt Disney World... I've mentioned a few times how one of my most favorite things to do at Disney World is eat. I may not have always done attractions each time I had work there, but I did eat at the resort every single time. Not only are many of the restaurants, you know, actually good... they're also imaginative, unique, and fun too. Everything from a simple churro to a full-on gourmet meal can be had at the most magical place on earth, and they're all pretty easy to get to if you're staying there. Sure it can be an expensive prospect, but if you're careful it can be worth it.

My Top Twenty places to eat at Walt Disney World (that can accommodate my vegetarian diet and mostly don't force me into a buffet or fixed price menu) are here (keeping in mind that menus change, restaurants change, and all that... though I did try to double-check that if the name changed that I had the right place and food). Sorry if your favorite is not on here. Odds are it's just because I stopped going to WDW regularly in 2019 and have missed a lot!

  1. La Hacienda de San Angel (Mexico Pavilion, Epcot) If you've ever been inside the pyramid in the Mexico Pavilion (likely to ride the Three Caballeros ride that's badly in need of a refresh... like what they did for Maelstrom when it became Frozen Ever After and is now a massive hit), you know how beautiful it is. Bathed in perpetual twilight as night is falling, there's a night market and restaurant that's lit up so beautifully. But the wonderful atmosphere would be worthless for a restaurant if the food sucked. Fortunately, the food is actually very good, and the drinks are top-shelf. On top of that, the staff works with you to have a great meal. I wasn't feeling the Huarache Vegetariano this time, so I asked if I could get the guacamole and chips without the meat and the Queso Fundido without the meat and our server was happy to accommodate me. That. along with their La Cava Avocado drink (which is sublime) and I was set for a fantastic dinner.
  2. Tutto Italia (Italy Pavilion, Epcot). My favorite restaurant on the face of the earth is Alfredo's Alla Scrofa in Rome. They are one of two restaurants claiming to have invented Fettuccini Alfredo. The other one being Il Vero Alfredo, also in Rome. Back in the day, the Italy Pavilion at Epcot had a satellite location for Il Vero Alfredo, and it was a happy thing for me. Although some people didn't care for the place, I loved it and ate there many, many times. The restaurant closed in 2007 and was replaced by Tutto Italia. Not the same as the restaurant I loved, but still one of my favorite places to eat in Orlando. Their crispy potatoes, green beans, and pastas are all top-notch.
  3. Spice Road Table (Morocco Pavilion, Epcot). Their hummus fries are to die for, and I have been known to show up and plow through three orders of them and nothing else (but they also have tiropitakia, naan with dips, and very good desserts). I wish there was a gyro/falafel quick-serve somewhere in World Showcase, but this will have to do.
  4. Via Napoli (Italy Pavilion, Epcot). If you want pizza, this is your best option in the entirety of Walt Disney World. Imported ingredients from Napoli cooked into pizza that's about as authentic as it gets, and the price tag ain't cheap. They have non-pizza options, but not ones I can eat, so this gets knocked down a few pegs even though I eat here more often than Tutto Italia.
  5. Toledo (Coronado Springs Resort Gran Destino Tower). This was the last WDW restaurant I ate at during my last pre-pandemic trip. I love tapas, and Toledo had some vegetarian options on the menu, so I gave it a shot by taking a trip to the (then) new Destino Tower at Coronado Springs Resort. The food will never take the place of eating tapas in Barcelona, but it was darn good fare, and I would absolutely eat there again.
  6. Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater (Disney Hollywood Studios). While the food here is not spectacular, it is pretty good, and they are happy to make a veggie burger I can eat. But it's the amazing setting that makes this a truly special place to eat. Sitting in cars while you watch old movie trailers is fun, the staff is always great, and I have eaten here many times just for the experience of it all. This is how most restaurants in the Disney Bubble should be. An escape from the usual which is more than just the food you eat.
  7. Boma (Animal Kingdom Lodge) The dining at AKL is an embarrassment of riches, and it starts with the Victoria Falls Lounge, which serves up tasty drinks (and amazing African-spiced nuts, if you're lucky). And that leads smack-dab into Boma. Yeah, yeah... it's a buffet, which I usually hate. But they always have many interesting and delicious vegetarian options, so I am willing to look the other way. The celebration of African dishes is fantastic, but if you have people in your party who are not that adventurous, there's some more standard options to be had. If you avoid buffets as I do, this one is an exception you should try.
  8. Casey's Corner (Main Street, Magic Kingdom). Formerly I liked their veggie dog. But now I'm fixated on their Chicago-style veggie dog, which is how all hot dogs should be eaten anyway). Regardless, I'm just happy that they offer a veggie dog at all. Seating can be a struggle, but it's worth the hassle.
  9. Kona Cafe / Captain Cook's (The Polynesian Resort) One of the things that makes the Polynesian Village Resort worth staying at (assuming you can afford the ungodly price) is that they have one of the best breakfast foods on the property: Tonga Toast! Which is banana-stuffed French toast that gets deep-fried. (I KNOW!) You can order it at two locations, but I'd go for Captain Cook's Quick-Serve because it's the same thing but significantly cheaper ($10.50 vs. $17.50!). Both restaurants have dinner options worth exploring too (except I've had better luck with vegetarian fare I like at Captain Cook's as well).
  10. 50's Prime Time Café (Disney Hollywood Studios). They used to have a vegetarian shepherd's pie here years ago (at least I think it was here?) that I really enjoyed. But now it's just the tomato soup, cornbread, and apple crisp that has me coming back. Just like the Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater, this restaurant is themed to what I can only describe as "grandma's house" where you have servers who are happy to tell you to keep your elbows off the table and eat all your vegetables. Yet another example of how restaurants in the Most Magical Place on Earth should be designed.
  11. Sanaa (Animal Kingdom Lodge) The bread service and samosas are excellent, which tend to make me ignore the fact that you get one vegetarian option for an entrée, but it's always been a darn good option (currently a vegetable curry that I'm sure is amazing). As if that weren't enough, the desserts are killer, and I've come here a couple times just for a couple sides so I can have it!
  12. Earl of Sandwich (Disney Springs). I used to love this establishment, but then they removed my beloved veggie sandwich and I avoided it. Then they put it back on the menu and I was thrilled to be able to eat there again. Premium ingredients and that incredible bread that's toasted so beautifully... it all adds up to an amazing meal. The fact that it's priced (relatively) reasonably is just the icing on the cake.
  13. Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar (Disney Springs) Back when "Downtown Disney" became "Disney Springs," this Indiana Jones inspired eatery was opened. While I still mourn the loss of Pleasure Island and its restaurants and clubs (especially the Adventurers Club), I have to say that the Hanger Bar isn't half bad. It's certainly got a lot of Easter eggs for people who remember Pleasure Island and are deep into the Indy lore. The food is inventive and fun with vegetarian options I can always enjoy.
  14. Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen (Adventureland, Magic Kingdom) Based on The Jungle Cruise across the way, this is a fun restaurant that gets largely overlooked (which is strange because it's so big). They have some interesting vegetarian salads and entrées that are worth a look at the menu when I visit.
  15. Les Halles Boulangerie-Patisserie (France Pavilion, Epcot) If you like authentic French pastries and breads, this is the place. They also have sandwiches, but the vegetarian option bounces around so I never count on it being something I'm going to want to eat. But when it is? Magical.
  16. Basket at Wine Bar George (Disney Springs). An off-shoot of Wine Bar George, which is a place that I avoid because I'm not a wine drinker, Basket has a limited menu with some fantastic treats to be found. I made a trip to Disney Springs just pre-pandemic to order some just based on word-of-mouth, and was not disappointed.
  17. Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory Scat Cat's Club Café (Port Orleans Resort: French Quarter). Apparently the beignets have moved, but if they're the same thing in Mickey shapes (using the same recipe), then great. This used to be the only place in all of WDW to get beignets, but apparently since Tiana's Bayou Adventure opened you can also get them at Magic Kingdom, except I hear they are not authentic beignets like you can get at Port Orleans Resort, so your mileage may vary.
  18. Garden Grill (Future World, Epcot) This restaurant features produce that was grown in The Land which is to say that you're guaranteed some nice vegetarian options. Everything is served "family style" which is to say that it's best when you have fellow vegetarians who can share in the options available. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if it's your thing) this is currently a "Character Dining" experience. Which I don't object to (truth is that it's a fun experience which you should want to have in Disney World)... but I do object to the absurd price tag which comes with that. This ain't a cheap place to eat. But it is all you can eat so I recommend going in hungry so you can get your money's worth! I remember it when it was called The Good Turn Restaurant because it's a rotating restaurant which has views of the Living with The Land attraction where the veggies are grown. The food is good enough that I go back when I'm with people who I know will enjoy it. Otherwise the cost makes it a pass.
  19. Yak and Yeti (Animal Kingdom) This isn't the best restaurant when it comes to selection for vegetarians (let's face it, few restaurants in WDW are)... but what they do offer has always been great. The problem is that Animal Kingdom Lodge is so very close, and I'd rather eat at any of their restaurants, so I don't end up here very often.
  20. ABC Commissary (Disney Studios) While not the most inventive place to eat, I have been here more than a few times because I know that there will be something interesting for vegetarians to eat. I've had good salads, sandwiches, and burgers here that were all worth a stop.

A Quick Note on Tusker House... Animal Kingdom's Wild Africa Trek tour is one of my favorite things to do in the park. It's a more intimate, close-up experience than you get with the regular safari attraction. And the highlight is always lunch out on the savannah, which is prepared by Tusker House. My vegetarian lunches have been CRAZY DELICIOUS all three times I've taken the tour. So good that I was compelled to find the source and eat there the next day. Unfortunately, it's a buffet (which I usually hate) and a Character Dining Experience (which means it's expensive) which is to say it's not quite what I was hoping for. To make matters worse, the vegetarian ("plant-based") selections were not all I was hoping for. Even so, I've eaten here a couple times after just because I love African dishes so much. I think that the experience would be a much better one if you eat meat, so I thought I should throw it out there.

And a quick note about that hot dog at Casey's Corner... After eating a veggie dog Chicago-style while visiting The Windy City, I have a tough time eating a hot dog any other way. Miraculously, one of the two veggie dogs on the menu at Casey's Corner on Main Street is a Chicago-style dog! No poppy seed bun, pickle, or sports pepper, but it's darn close...

A Casey's Corner Disney Veggie Chicago Dog

I just wish that A) It arrived hot, and B) They would keep the mustard inside the bun so you can eat it with your hands and not make a massive mess. Otherwise? This is your dream dog if you're a vegetarian.

If I were to add a 21st place to my list, it would probably be Fairfax Fare (Disney Hollywood Studios). There are many places to eat Mickey Waffles (my second-favorite thing for breakfast after Tonga Toast), and usually I recommend having them at your Disney hotel so you get a place to sit down to eat them. But if you want to rope-drop an attraction, you want to bypass your hotel so you can stand in line for a ride first thing. Then you can go have breakfast in whatever park you're at. Problem is... a lot of times there's no available seating because a lot of people have the same idea. At Disney Studios, Fairfax Fare is a good choice because there's plenty of seating...

Mickey Waffles with Syrup

The problem for vegetarians is that the waffles come with bacon. If you're at the park with somebody who eats it, that's fine. But if you're not, then you can tell them to keep it... but they don't credit you a buck or two. You pay the same price. Also? No butter. Syrup only. Still, good stuff.

With all my positive things to say, surely there must be some negatives (other than the cost and the fact you need a park ticket to get to many of the restaurants)? Well, yeah. Sadly, most restaurants don't have many vegetarian/vegan options in the name of efficiency. If you like the option they have, you're golden. But if not, then odds are they can't accommodate you because most restaurants don't allow you to customize their dishes.

Another negative for me, at least, is that I occasionally get dragged to restaurants that are widely considered among the best in Walt Disney World only to end up disappointed. Victoria and Albert’s (The Grand Floridian) is grossly overpriced and I didn't enjoy the food at all (though it's also nigh impossible to get a reservation because it has a coveted Michelin Star, so this likely won't even be an option anyway). The Hollywood Brown Derby (Disney's Hollywood Studios) is a restaurant that I was excited to eat at... only to find that the menu was overtly vegetarian-hostile. And the one entrée on the menu I could eat had mushrooms that they couldn't remove so I ended up with tomato soup. I used to love The California Grill (The Contemporary Resort) because the vegetarian options were incredible. But the last couple times I ate there I didn't enjoy myself as much as the price tag should have provided and the menu wasn't as varied as it was years ago. And, lastly, it's a real bummer that my most favorite of all WDW resorts, The Wilderness Lodge, used to have my favorite restaurants. But Whispering Canyon Cafe won't work with you to create vegetarian meals, leaving you only the awful vegan options that use gross fake cheese and meats... and Artist Point has been converted to a Character Dining experience with mediocre vegetarian options that's a far cry from the amazing menu they used to have when it was a restaurant. There's no place for me to eat at my hotel of choice, which is hugely disappointing.

Another negative is that many of the cart snacks are bad (though some, like churros, are fine). One day at Epcot I was hungry and our dinner reservation was a ways off. So I decided to grab a Mickey Pretzel that comes with a tub of cheese. Boy are these bad. The pretzels are tough and chewy instead of fluffy inside with a thin chewy shell. And the cheese tub your get is gloppy and gross. They are cute though...

A Mickey Mouse Pretzel!

Also... almost all of the Disney pre-packaged snacks suck SO bad. I had a bag of Chip 'n Dale pretzels that were stale and gross and sat like a lump in my stomach for hours. I had a Micky Mouse marshmallow crispy treat that was not even remotely "crispy"... it was gummy, tough, and so disgusting that I couldn't eat all of it and had to throw it away. Do you know how bad something has to be at Disney World that I toss it? Especially when you have to pay a shitload of money for it? Just... no. Bring your own snacks to not only save a ton of money, but have something you know doesn't taste like crap.

So I'm not ending this entry on a down-note, I should reiterate that eating remains my favorite thing to do when visiting Walt Disney World. There's almost always a plant-based option on the menu, so all you have to do is look at a restaurant's offerings on the Walt Disney World website to see if it's a vegetarian option you might like. And usually there is, for me. Bonus points to those fine-dining establishments where the meals are not pre-made and they can actually work with you to come up with something you'll love. To me, that's the ultimate Disney dining experience!


Walt Disney World: Skyliner

Posted on September 10th, 2024

Dave!Continuing on with my recent trip to Walt Disney World... Before discussing the Disney Skyliner we have to go back in time to talk about how both Disneyland and Magic Kingdom used to have a "Skyway" that ran between the far-West side of Fantasyland and the far-East side of Tomorrowland. That may seem like a waste because the "lands" are right next to each other, but it was actually a nice way to cover quite a distance on a crowded day. Literally half the distance of the park. Plus being able to have an aerial view of the park was fun. The Disneyland version even went through The Matterhorn which was especially cool.

Both Skyways were removed in the 1990's (along with the one that was in Tokyo Disneyland). There were all kinds of excuses given... too expensive to maintain and operated... metal fatigue for the posts that the wires ran across... sight-lines being ruined... or whatever. To me it was sad news because I always enjoyed the ride, and got to experience it at both USA parks.

So you can imagine my surprise when Disney announced that Walt Disney World would be getting a Skyway to help some resort guests get to the park? Branded "Skyliner," there would be stations at both Epcot and Disney's Hollywood Studios, which means two out of the four parks would be serviced. It would run directly to the Caribbean Beach Resort, the Art of Animation Resort, the Pop Century Resort, and the brand new ugly cracker box of a hotel... the Riviera Resort...

Skyliner Routes!

If it's easier for you to picture it on an actual parks map, here you go...

Skyliner Routes on a Map!
Map and Satellite Image © Google

I wanted to try it so I decided to stay at the Caribbean Beach Resort. I had stayed there before and enjoyed it, but that was before the Skyliner was built.

And there's not really much else to be said. Time for a recap...

The Bad...

  1. Crowds. Despite the fact that the line moves fairly quickly, if you try to board after a popular event (like Luminous Fireworks in Epcot or Fantasmic! at Disney Studios) you will be waiting a while. There's not much Disney can do about it, but it's a big stopping point when it comes to usefulness.
  2. Wraps (or lack thereof). Half the fun of getting on the Skyliner is seeing which Disney characters will be on the wrap around your bucket. And there are loads of different ones to be had. But... inexplicably... there's also buckets that don't have a wrap. They're just a plain color with no characters or art. And it's like WTF?!? Way to crush a little boy's dreams by giving him the most boring ride ever! Note: and by "little boy" I actually mean my inner child.
  3. Hours. The Skyliner shuts down about an hour after the park's regular operating hours. Which is to say that if you have extended park hours, you will have to find another way home. And while I get it, this seems kinda weak. Why not extend the hours so that everybody can get home after the park actually closes?
  4. Limited Network. Disney really needs to extend the network to more parks and places. Granted, this will likely increase wait-times to get on it, but it would make it a lot more useful to more people. And, if handled correctly, may even decrease times because more people would be able to be tied up in the network at the same time.

The Good...

  1. Convenience. I requested a room near the Skyliner station and got put in the Barbados section. From there it was a quick walk to the station, and made getting to Disney Studios or Epcot a breeze because it was direct service (though you have a stop at The Riviera when going to Epcot, you don't have to get off). So incredibly convenient. Especially when you're trying to get there for your early-hour admission that comes with a Disney resort stay.
  2. Speed. With no traffic or stop lights in your way, the timing is darn good once you board a bucket. Especially in the early morning where there's not much of a line and you can hop on without a wait.
  3. Size. Unlike the old "buckets of death" that you'd find on the old Skyways, the buckets on the Skyliner can easily hold six people. This helps keep families together and can increase the capacity of the network so more people can get through it. This isn't treated like a "ride" it's more like a valid method of transportation.
  4. Fun. I was onboard just as the fireworks were going off at Epcot and it was pretty cool to be able to look out and see what was happening as I headed back to my hotel for the night. Almost makes me wish I would have made an effort to time it better!


Walt Disney World: Seven Dwarfs Mine Train

Posted on September 9th, 2024

Dave!Continuing on with my recent trip to Walt Disney World... The last time I was in Orlando for work was September 2019. Before that I believe it went 2017, preceded by 2015, preceded by 2014? It's hard to remember because those pre-pandemic years all blend together (but are easier to remember than the period from 1990 to 2003 when I was going 3 to 4 times a year).

The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train attraction opened in 2014 in Magic Kingdom. Which is to say that I had four opportunities to ride it when I was there, but by that point I was so burned out on Walt Disney World that the only reason I'd go to the parks for was a haircut or to eat (mostly at Epcot's World Showcase, but sometimes I'd go to Magic Kingdom for Casey's Corner or Disney Studios for Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater or 50's Prime Time Cafe).

This time I finally made time to ride it.

Which is tough because you either wait in the Standby Lane for 60 to 90 minutes or you have to pay $12 for an Individual Lightning Lane to skip the wait. But, hey, at least you have the option to wait in line (unlike Tiana's Bayou Adventure, Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, and TRON: Lightcycle Run). The ride is to the right of the castle across from The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh...

The Seven Dwarfs Mine Car Ride Location on a map.

The ride itself is pretty cool.

The Bad...

  • Length. I'm going to put this in both the Bad and Good columns. It's bad because it's under three minutes, but it's good because at least it's not under two minutes. If you've waited 90 minutes to ride or paid $12 to ride, that's not a great return on your investment.
  • Price of Admission. Whether you're paying with your valuable time or paying with actual money, there's a cost to ride this attraction. I'd argue that any time you have a wait that's over an hour on a ride that you're overselling tickets to the park, but that's just me.
  • Not Everybody Can Ride. When I rode it the second time, the car ahead of me had a couple on the large side trying to ride. They couldn't fit. At first I thought it was because the woman's backpack wouldn't fit on the floor because she was futzing with it and I was going to tell her that I'd set it at my feet... but that wasn't it. She couldn't get the lap-bar to lower far enough to engage. I don't know if it's because the two of them together were too big or it was just her... but she was understandably upset and on the verge of tears. What's worse is that the cast member couldn't accommodate them ride-swapping where one rides while the other hangs out with their bags, then they swap. It's not one big seat that two people sit in but two individual seats side-by-side. This is really unfair. And before anybody comments with "IF SHE WANTED TO RIDE, SHE SHOULD GO ON A DIET!" you should know that I've known people who live far healthier than I do... barely eating a salad for every meal and walking daily... that were very heavy, while I eat garbage and don't exercise and am thin. There's more to your weight than what you eat. But anyway... I don't understand why Disney doesn't have one car that's a single-wide seat which can be used by two people or one large person. Or something so that bigger people can ride. At the bare minimum they should have a "test car" out front like they do for TRON: Lightcycle Run so you can see if you can ride before standing in line 90 minutes or paying $12. Really bad form for Disney here.

The Good...

  • Story. Imagineers took the time to make the ride make actual sense, which is nice. The segment in the middle which has you slowing down to see the miners in the mine actually mining is =chef's kiss= exactly the kind of thing I expect from a world-class Disney attraction.
  • The Cars. Excepting the fact that they don't provide a cart which allows larger people to ride (as mentioned above) the way the cars swing from side-to-side is pretty cool. It's not a huge movement, but it's there and you do notice. Very cool.
  • The Queue. A good chunk of the line is indoors and air conditioned. But it's better than that... they have interactive games and distractions you can play with here and there. Kinda nice if you're in line for an hour or more (especially if you have kids).


Bullet Sunday 872: Walt Disney World Edition

Posted on September 8th, 2024

Dave!Continuing on with my recent trip to Walt Disney World... You only thought that I shot all my Disney World bullets last week, but it's just not true... because an all new VERY SPECIAL WALT DISNEY WORLD EDITION of Bullet Sunday starts... now...

• Monsoooon! Because I've been to Orlando dozens and dozens of times over the years, I've been here at all times of year. But hurricane season is always the time that can be a bit dicey. One top of an actual hurricane (which I've experienced twice) that can shut down Walt Disney World (which I've experienced once), you usually get some showers in the afternoons. But sometimes you can get these torrential downpours that make it impossible to be out and about. On the Sunday I was at Magic Kingdom, we had one of those. And it was a rare sight indeed to see the park empty as everybody went running for cover...

A massive downpour in an empty Magic Kingdom's Main Street USA.

Though every once in a while somebody would be running around...

People running through a massive downpour in an empty Magic Kingdom's Main Street USA.

• Weather! The thing about visiting Walt Disney World in the Summer is not just the hurricanes that can pop up, but also the unrelenting heat and humidity. I don't mind the heat, but the humidity can really get to me when it's on top of the heat. Which is why I don't mind it when there's a sprinkle or overcast clouds. On top of cooling things off a bit, you also get prettier photos...

A beauty shot of Cinderella Castle in Maginc Kingdom.

Cinderella Castle really pops when it's not trying to compete with the glare of the sun!

• Send in the Drones! Rumor has it that Disney is looking into using drones as an alternative to fireworks for some shows. This is not surprising, because of the cost and environmental impact that big fireworks shows have are not great. There have been a few drone shows in the past, but the first big show I'm aware of is the Dreams That Soar show at Disney Springs. It's very well done, and some of the 3D objects that are created are incredible to behold (I'm looking at you, WALL-E and EVE). There's also a Star Wars segment that's pretty special...

It's the Death Star built out of drones!

Drone entertainment is just going to get better and better. Will it ever truly replace fireworks? Probably not. But given the benefits to both Disney and their guests, it's only a matter of time before we start getting drone shows in the actual parks.

• Secondhand Mickey! My first watch was a Timex Mickey watch that I loved. Eventually it broke, and I've always wanted a replacement. So imagine my surprise when I saw that Fossil had a new take on the old watch that was being advertised on Facebook! Except two problems. A) The price? FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS! and B) What the heck is going on when the placement of that second hand?

Mickey has a secondhand penis!

Nigh pornographic. Which I'm not opposed to, of course. But I am a bit hesitant to spend FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS on something which such a bizarre design to it.

• Country Bears Redux! The Country Bear Jamboree is an original Magic Kingdom attraction that proved so popular that it was duplicated in both Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland. And while the Disneyland version closed over two decades ago (necessitating "Bear Country" being renamed "Critter Country"), Disney World's version kept chugging along. Until Disney finally decided to update it, reopening the attraction this July. The bears got new costumes... and new songs. This time countrified versions of Disney movie classics like You've Got a Friend in Me from Toy Story, A Whole New World from Aladdin and Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid. Fortunately, Baby Oscar is still in the show, except he has a hat and no longer has his teddy bear (Mayer!) that he squeaks at the end of songs. I think it's a Big Al plushie? I dunno...

Baby Oscar

Surprisingly, the new take on a classic attraction really works! It refreshes something that was badly outdated and makes it into something new. It's essentially a sing-along for the kiddos who know all those Disney songs by heart. Fun!

• PhotoPass-Out! Disney has loads of photographers around the park ready to take your photo in all kinds of places with all kinds of characters that you can get with a PhotoPass. And I'd probably buy one if I had kids despite the insane cost (all photos from my week-long trip cost $209.99 and a single day is $74.99), but I don't care enough about it for myself to spend that kind of money (if my friends want to buy it, that's on them!). Except... if you get a Lightning Lane MultiPass, you get your ride photos included. You also get your photos if you go on a tour that has them (like Wild Africa Trek). Sorry, but you still have to pay for your character photos with Mickey Mouse & Company. But anyway... PhotoPass has some serious problems. First, for two days during our trip there were only a handful of photographers available (no idea why), and they asked you to take photos with your phone. How bad is it to pay $209.99 to take your own photos? Second, for really popular spots, there are no photographers but an automated camera in a box that randomly snaps photos that simply cannot take the place of a real person. Third, I cannot imagine that a lot of people are paying the hideous cost to buy their photos. Instead they shoot with their phone (like we did) and pay nothing. But Disney is still paying all those photographers and still taking all those photos that are never purchased. If my PhotoPass was half the cost... say, $99... I would have totally bought it! I bet a lot of people would. If it was half the cost would they make double the money? I dunno. But I'll bet they'd make at least the same money with a lot more happy guests. Fourth, the app and website where you manage your photos is terrible. I tried multiple times to download the photos on my phone. I deleted and re-installed the app three times. Never could do it. Instead I had to you the website, which has massive problems of its own. Just look at what happened when I downloaded them...

Not only could PhotoPass be a massive perk for guests if it were affordable and worked well, I think it could be more profitable for Disney as well. But it would take a commitment to improvements that I don't think Disney would make given that they just announced a bunch of other expensive projects. And it's a shame, because PhotoPass is a brilliant idea that I think park guests could embrace more than they have.

• Competition! Big changes are underway in Orlando, and the new Universal Studios Epic Universe park opening up next year is driving much of it. Disney finally had to react by announcing a bunch of new stuff for Walt Disney World at D23 just last month. But it's not just their local competition that Disney has to worry about. There's other parks around the world that will be eating their lunch if they allow it. One of the biggest that I've not yet been to is Europa Park in Germany. Recently there was a fascinating documentary released which goes behind the scenes and gives you a look at what it takes to run one of these things. If you enjoy theme parks, it's worth a look...

Makes me want to have several billion dollars so I can dust off the plans for my Daveland theme park and Daveland Resort and build them!

And that's the last Disney Bullet Sunday for a while. Only a couple more Walt Disney World entries to go!


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