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Posted on February 1st, 2013

Dave!When I woke up, there was a dull ache in my frontal lobe. I thought maybe I had smacked my head on the nightstand or something, and tried to ignore it.

By the time I got to work, the pain had escalated to something impossible to ignore, so medication was in order. Alas, it was over-the-counter medication which did absolutely nothing.

I lasted three hours before I couldn't take it any more. It was time to take my head home before I puked on my desk or something equally disturbing...

DAVETOON: Lil' Dave Head Explosion

And so here I am... too drugged up to concentrate on work, but not drugged up enough to sleep.

About all I'm good for is a quick blog entry, which is serendipitous, I suppose.



Posted on January 26th, 2013

Dave!Totally drawing a blank tonight.

Bad Monkey Draws a Blank


Having a blog about nothing in particular means that sometimes nothing in particular shows up.



Posted on January 22nd, 2013

Dave!Let's see how many 16-hour workdays I can manage before I die... shall we?

Lil' Dave Computing

Lil' Dave Computing Tired

Lil' Dave Computing Asleep


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Posted on January 12th, 2013

Dave!Good luck tomorrow, guys!

Lil' Dave Says Go Seahawks


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Posted on January 4th, 2013


Dave Melancholy




Posted on January 2nd, 2013

Dave!I would like to send a big "thank you" to Congress, The President, and all our elected officials for their hard work on coming to a deal to avoid the so-called "Fiscal Cliff." Totally excellent work, guys. You completely lived up to my lofty expectations. That extra money coming out of my paycheck each month? Totally fucking worth it. I'd recommend that everybody involved get a raise, but you've already given yourself one.

Who says that the American government is filled with useless pieces of shit who are more interested in salvaging their cushy careers and getting their hands on special interest money than serving the American people? Not me! My confidence is running high that we're on the right track now, and everything's going to be just awesome as we barrel forward into the future...

Lil' Dave and Bad Monkey Are Off the Cliff!

Thanks once again to the best government money can buy! You guys rock!


Not Again

Posted on December 14th, 2012


DAVETOON: Lil' Dave Upset




Posted on December 10th, 2012

Dave!I don't know what this world is coming to.

I'm horrified that monkeys are now being jailed for wanting to do a little holiday shopping at the local IKEA. I mean, what the heck? Humans aren't the only ones who want to buy a BOOMFLARG bookcase for their den... or to give POOFENVOOG glassware for Christmas gifts!

And it doesn't even matter if they're wearing a fancy-ass coat!

IKEA Monkey

Needless to say, Bad Monkey is livid.

He seems intent on putting on his little shearling coat and taking a trip to IKEA so he can dare somebody to say he isn't allowed to shop there...

Bad Monkey Goes to IKEA

I think he must have at least one gun in that coat. Probably two.



Posted on November 26th, 2012

Dave!I have always hated wearing glasses. The frames are distracting in my field of vision and the lenses get smeared way too easily. So once I got my first pair of contact lenses, I was hooked. There was no way I was ever going back to stupid glasses ever again.

Or so I thought.

But then my eyes worsened, and contact lenses weren't giving me vision as good as they once did. I tried several different brands and styles, but to no avail. The best I could find were a disposable astigmatism lens, but they made my near-vision drop out completely.

And so now I'm back in glasses again, which give me pretty good vision near and far... certainly better than any contacts I tried...

Monkey Glasses!

Except I still hate them.

Because no matter how often I clean my glasses, it always seems as though I'm looking through smeary, dirty lenses with a nasty frame getting in the way. Apparently my brain has lost the ability to ignore such non-essential visual information.

Or maybe it's an ability I never had.

Because, come to think of it, I've never been able to ignore such non-essential visual information as Carson Daly or those stupid ads that networks put on top of their television shows...

Television ID

Life is pain.

Anyone who says different is trying to sell you something.

But, more often than not, it's because somebody is trying to sell you something.



Posted on November 23rd, 2012

Dave!I was asked why I didn't post my annual Thanksgiving DaveToon yesterday.

I was going to, but found the idea of featuring a slaughtered turkey on my blog yet again to be more than a little depressing.

Besides isn't it about time Bad Monkey made peace with that turkey?

DaveToon: Turkey Peace

Next year, it's the turkey who will have something to be thankful for.

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