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Posted on November 22nd, 2014

Dave!Even a small victory is worth celebrating.

DAVETOON: Lil' Dave Drives Angry


Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

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Posted on November 19th, 2014

Dave!If I had to pick a single defining attribute of Buddhism, it would be patience.

As you might imagine, patience is a very rare commodity in a world where everything is moving at 100 miles per hour and the mantra for modern living seems to be "Keep up or get left behind." How do you practice patience in such an environment?

The easy answer is that you do not.

Instead you go balls-out like everybody else and try your best to retain enough perspective that you are able to stay sane.

The not-so-easy answer is that you be patient...

DAVETOON: Lil' Dave Enlightenment

I do try. But often fail miserably. Probably because I cannot abide discourteous behavior and the world is filled with assholes. I don't have patience for assholes.

Which is totally my fault, of course.

I'll have to try not letting that keep me from trying again.

Because apparently I'm the one asshole I can find patience for.



Posted on November 11th, 2014


For those men and women who are serving or have served (like my Mom and Dad!)... thank you!

DAVETOON: Happy Veterans Day Everybody!


If only the politicians who risk your lives when there's a job to be done would take better care of you once the job is over.



Posted on October 31st, 2014

Dave!No trick-or-treaters again this year.

I'd feel bad about it... but I only bought candy I like, so the big winner of the evening is obviously me...


I remember when I was in my final years of trick-or-treating. It was a war. Complete with a battle-plan that involved maximizing the area covered and minimizing the amount of time to cover it. We knew which houses to go to for the good stuff... and which houses were a waste of time and to be avoided. We alternated being "runners" who would run ahead to the next house and ring the bell so that the door would already be open when the rest of the group arrived. We had parents lined up to drive us to the "good candy neighborhoods" and timed everything so that the houses that tended to shut down early were hit first. And of course we had two sets of cloth candy bags that wouldn't rip like the crappy plastic bags most kids used.

He who had the best battle-plan got the most candy.

And Halloween back in my day was all about the candy.

Until I was too old for trick-or-treating. Then it was time for a new generation to take over.

Except Halloween was too good to last.

Big city problems invaded suburbia. Poisoned candy came along. Candy with razor blades appeared. Frickin' HEALTHY "candy" debuted. Trick-or-treating suddenly became dangerous. Even worse, "fun-size" candies kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller, so even if you could find actual candy, it wasn't worth your time. And don't get me started about the houses handing out toothbrushes or stickers or any of that crap.

So now Halloween is more about dressing up than getting maximum candy.

Which is sad for the child-me who once loved the holiday.

But reason to celebrate for the adult-me who is sitting here with a big bowl of U-NO bars all to myself.

Happy Halloween, everybody!



Posted on October 29th, 2014

Dave!I'm tired.

Tired of playing the game.

Ain't it a cryin' shame.

DAVETOON: Bad Monkey and Jäger passed out on the floor.

I'm so tired.



Posted on September 16th, 2014

Dave!As I read through the news headlines tonight, I can honestly say that the thing I am looking forward to most is not being able to read the news headlines.

Oh to escape from this sick, sad world if only for a little while.

New iPhone 6

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Posted on September 15th, 2014

Dave!And... finished packing.

Not having to rush around at the last minute trying to get a suitcase put together? Priceless.

New iPhone 6

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Posted on September 1st, 2014

Dave!I don't care that I had to work on Labor Day.

Because I can finally see a vacation on my monthly calendar...

Bad Monkey is a Belieber


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Posted on August 30th, 2014


Bad Monkey is a Belieber


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Posted on August 27th, 2014

Dave!Everything you know is a lie.

Newsflash: Hello Kitty has never been a cat!

Rest assured, however, that Bad Monkey is most definitely a monkey...

Bad Monkey

And he's bad.

He's bad.

You know it.


And, speaking as a close personal friend of Hello Kitty...

Davedon: Dave and Hello Kitty

Dave VD Greetings




UPDATE: Annnnnnd... Kotaku brings some much-needed sense to the discussion.


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