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Posted on Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

Dave!First of all, OMG, Zack Snyder has posted some promo shots of various characters from the upcoming Watchmen movie, and they kick-ass! It's going to be agony waiting a year until this film is released... I hope it's worth it.

Second of all, it would seem Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, has run out of Hit Points. As a former hard-core D&D geek, this is sad news indeed. I wasted a lot of time in my high school years battling monsters and seeking treasure, which is only moderately better than doing drugs I suppose.

And lastly, it's Avitable's Querypalooza! The rules say you have to answer these five questions on your blog, come up with five new ones for your readers to answer on their respective blogs, then link back to the original post. Here we go...

1. Out of all of the posts you've written, which is your favorite and why? That's difficult to answer... I'm really proud of entries like Wings because it took so much planning to make things happen, and it totally paid off. But my favorite posts are always those that are the simplest. Just a little illustration or something. Like Ride or Friends.

2. Out of all of the posts I've written that you've read, which is your favorite and why? Too many good entries, but my favorite is easily Halloween 2007 Recap Part 2. Great memories of a great party, and I was there!

3. Which do you find the most frightening and why... A radically fundamentalist Christian, a moderate Muslim, a pretentious atheist, or a Scientologist? I think a radial anything is inherently dangerous.

4. Rather than discuss the typical characteristics of someone you'd desire (sense of humor, good body, etc.), I'm going to focus on the little details. Rank them in order of preference, with #7 being the one you consider more important than the others and #1 being the one you consider the least important: Okay!

  1. Ability to dance well.
  2. Good fashion sense.
  3. Encyclopedic knowledge.
  4. Odorless feet.
  5. Quick-wittedness.
  6. Likes the same music, movies, and/or television.
  7. Even tempered nature.

5. If you were going to be trapped on a remote island for the rest of your life with one other person, which would you choose and why? MacGyver would probably make life more comfortable, but I'd pick "B"... ELIZABETH HURLEY!

  1. Your spouse or S.O.
  2. Your celebrity crush.
  3. Your best friend.
  4. MacGyver.
  5. One of your parents or children.

And now five questions for my blogging readers...

  1. Which entry of yours is sexiest?
  2. Which entry of yours is darkest?
  3. Which entry of yours is funniest?
  4. Which entry of yours is laziest?
  5. Which entry of yours is baddest?

Answer 'em if you've got nothing better to blog about (my answers are in the first comment). And, if you decide to do Avitable's Querypalooza, be sure to let Avitable know.

Categories: Memes 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. Dave2 says:

    And here are my answers to my own questions…

    1. Which entry of yours is sexiest? If you find the idea of a high school girl grabbing my ass sexy, then Sexual harASSment is the entry for you. I myself find it more disturbing than sexy, but I’m immune to the hotness of my own ass, so who am I to say?

    2. Which entry of yours is darkest? Probably Hartford because it had unexpected extreme violence. Looking back, this one still shocks me a little bit, though I did let the clerk get her revenge four days later in a follow-up entry, Lancaster.

    3. Which entry of yours is funniest? It’s kind of pathetic when you laugh over something that you yourself wrote… but every single time I run across Wipe, I crack up. It’s funny because it’s true! A close second would have to be Pain, which I owe totally to Belinda. I love those charts so much that I keep thinking I should do more of them.

    4. Which entry of yours is laziest? One of my most popular entries in the history of Blogography is SNL Harry Potter, which is nothing more than a recap of a skit on Saturday Night Live. It doesn’t get much lazier than a television recap… though I did add screen-captures, so I guess it wasn’t TOO lazy?

    5. Which entry of yours is baddest? I thought my rap Bitch Got Three Spaces was pretty bad-ass. It’s got Lil’ Dave and Bad Monkey as gangstas… what else do you want with yo bad self?

  2. Damn-it! I just did a meme tonight. *sigh* It’ll have to keep til tomorrow, but I can answer #5 off the top of my head: D. MacGyver, who would then hopefully become my A., B., and C.

    Richard Dean Anderson was/is HOT!

  3. Karl says:

    So sad about Gary Gygax. sigh…many many hours were spent fondly rolling 2d12.

  4. I never would have thought of you as a D&D player. I heard about the death. Sad. I thought you may have been one of those all-around nice guys (popular) that everyone liked; not a jock or anything; just a popular dude.

    PS: How come we don’t have the option to get updates on new comments on your blog? I have to come back throughout the day to see what you have responded to mine. **sigh**

  5. Avitable says:

    Those Watchmen pictures have me very excited. I can’t believe it’s still a year away.

    Thanks for doing my Querypalooza! I like your questions and will try to do those myself, too.

  6. delmer says:

    I keep deleting my darkest entry as I don’t want to worry my mother. Oddly enough I wrote it again, in my head, on my way to work this morning.

  7. Dave2 says:

    Dave2… You so crazy!

    Librarian… Agreed, but admit it… MacGyver is marginally less hot than Elizabeth Hurley…

    Karl… Apparently his saving throw came up short. 🙁

    Absurdist… I was hardly “popular” but I was fairly active in high school, so I made friends with a lot of people in my class. I rarely see any of them today, however, so they obviously weren’t close friendships.

    Avitable… Every time something new surfaces about Watchmen, my enthusiasm grows. I don’t think it could possibly live up to the comic book (how could it?), but it’s looking like it will be a darn fine movie in its own right.

    Delmer… Time to ban your mother from your blog! 🙂

  8. Hilly Sue says:

    Wait what? You don’t like women with ugly mood swings and psychotic tendencies? *twitch*

    Seriously though, great questions to Avi…make him work for it ;).

  9. Dave2 says:

    Well, maybe if she had odorless feet…

  10. Dave2.. you are so crazy!

    Well, here are my answers:

    1. Which entry of yours is sexiest? Oh – you know, the post when I introduced my Mac to the world. Or the one when I “Scared the delivery man“.

    2. Which entry of yours is darkest? Probably my “Funeral in Montreal” post, which isn’t dark dark, but certainly woh! dark. Deleted of course, but if you want, I can email it to ya. Also my first Sex & Scandals post….

    3. Which entry of yours is funniest? Probably “My trip to the pharmacy“. It’s actually the most stressful as well.

    4. Which entry of yours is laziest? No entry is lazy on my blog!! Ok, maybe my food/recipe posts when I just don’t have any brain cells left to blog about anything.

    5. Which entry of yours is baddest? As in bad-ass… probably my “All Asian Are Thin” myth post. Or maybe my most recent post in when I apologize to the world for my bitchy ways.

  11. Beth says:

    I must admit I agree on Bitch Got Three Spaces. That one was priceless, proving that you truly do span from cute all the way to gangsta. A total package!!

  12. Belinda says:

    Good gosh, you’re awesome. Honestly, it amazes me that 3 years later (yes, I only started reading blogs 3 years ago, sue me) yours is still THE site I check with the most frequency, and stay current with with the most loyalty. Gotta be something to that.

    I also love that your frightened of “radial” anythings. Like tires, presumably, which I think would be a pretty entertaining phobia to watch.

  13. Belinda says:

    Oh my gosh, I just typed “your” instead of “you’re.” That’s what I get for being a smart-alec about YOUR typo. Karma SERVED.

    And the Watchmen shots look amazing–could “real life” people really look THAT close to the drawings? Wow.

  14. I’m still sad to hear about Gary Gygax passing.

  15. Uh, no. There are very few women who are hotter than Richard Dean Anderson and, sorry sweetheart, but Elizabeth Hurley is not one of them. Sacrilege on this blog, I know…but I think you’ll live. ;-P

    Now if you were to say Ingrid Bergman, maybe that’s be a different story…

  16. “That’s be?” What was I thinking?

  17. Mooselet says:

    I think odourless feet rank higher than liking the same music/tv/movies. You can watch/listen to separate things, but you can’t escape stinky feet. I bet MacGyver’s feet don’t stink.

  18. yellojkt says:

    Gary Gygax sure changed a lot of lives. And everybody, but everybody, including me, has made the “saving throw” joke.

  19. Hilly Sue says:

    I LOOOOVE YOUR NEW HEADER! I keep hitting refresh to see the new pics :).

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