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Happy World Monkey Day

Posted on December 14th, 2016


This is really a thing.

Jenny Fetch


Given the countless monkey lives given to science in the name of improving human lives... it's the least we can do, really.


Deconstructed Buddhist Monk Dave on Lotus with Om

Posted on November 18th, 2016

Dave!I love tattoos. LOVE them.

Had I started getting tattoos earlier in life, my arms would already be covered and I'd be starting in on my back and (probably) my legs. We have no choice as to what genetics are going to deal us in the card game of life, but being able to permanently make visual changes with tattooing is a wonderful freedom I'm fully onboard with.

Today I got my seventh, thanks to the unparalleled line-work talent of Michael Dematty at Black & Blue Tattoo in San Francisco. My right arm tattoos are all Buddhism-inspired designs I've drawn up.

So I took a cue from the culinary world and deconstructed me as a Buddhist monk on a lotus into separate pieces... which ended up fitting the space perfectly and turned out exactly as I had hoped. Which I knew it would, because that's what you get when you hire somebody as talented as Michael Dematty to ink your work...

Dave Deconstructed Buddhist Monk on Lotus with Om Tattoo.

As with all my tattoos, I drew them up in DaveToon black-and-white style. The "om" enlightenment at the top was written in Tamil (one of the oldest languages on earth) so it would look different from the om in my more traditional "om mani padme hum" tattoo that's already on my inner arm...

Dave Deconstructed Buddha on Lotus with Om Tattoo.

Annnnnnd... guess it's time to start thinking about my next tattoo...



Posted on July 4th, 2016

Dave!There is no way I could come up with a Fourth of July post better than the one I came up with last year.

And this year it's more appropriately Murican than ever, so I'm just going to dump it all here again.

Celebrate safely, my fellow Americans!


Captain America Suit
Truth! Justice! Captain America!

Wonder Woman
You're a Wonder, Wonder Woman!

REAGAN, bitches! Trickle-Down America!

Jessiqa Pace... Land That I Love

Flag Undies
Too... Much... America...

I pledge aliegence to the flags...
I Pledge Allegiance to America...


Stephen Colbert Defender of American Justice!
'MURICA! from USA News First!

America Challenge!
Fuck the Pepsi Challenge... take The America Challenge!

America Challenge!

America Challenge!
American Jesus (the ONLY Jesus)... Artist Unknown

America Challenge!
America... One Nation Under God by McNaughton

Red Sox Baseball America!!!
BOSTON RED SOX AMERICA!... by Matt West, Boston Herald

America Pie!

Stephen Colbert Defender of American Justice!
Stephen T. Colbert... The Spirit of America

American Pride with Waffle
"American Pride" (with Waffles the Cat) by Justin Schwab

American Pride with Waffle
Jordan Carver... God Bless America

DAVETOON: Lil' Dave and Bad Monkey waving US flags.

So. Much. America.


Bullet Sunday 472

Posted on February 14th, 2016

Dave!Romance is not dead, because a special Valentine's Day Edition of Sunday starts... now...

• Valentine's Day 2016...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day 2015...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day 2014...

I (Heart) VD

Valentine's Day 2013...

Tattoo Valentine

Valentine's Day 2012...

DAVETOON: Lil' Dave Ate All Your Valentine Chocolates...

Valentine's Day 2011...

DAVETOON: Bad Monkey with a bouquet of Valentine balloons... and a gun!

Valentine's Day 2010...

DAVETOON: Happy Valentine's Day... Lil' Dave is being showered with love

Valentine's Day 2009...

Bad Monkey holding a Valentine heart

Bad Monkey with a bloody human heart.

Valentine's Day 2008...

Monkey Self Love

Valentine's Day 2007...

Blogography Valentine 2007

Valentine's Day 2006...

Dave Valentine 06

Valentine's Day 2005...

Dave VD Greetings

• Valentine's Day 2004...

Valentine 1

Valentine 2

Valentine 3

Until next year then...



Posted on February 9th, 2016


Dave On Strike!


Categories: DaveToons 2016Click To It: Permalink  7 Comments: Click To Add Yours!  


Strike 13

Posted on February 8th, 2016


Dave On Strike!



Strike 12

Posted on February 6th, 2016


Dave On Strike!



Strike 11

Posted on February 5th, 2016


Dave On Strike!



Strike 10

Posted on February 4th, 2016


Dave On Strike!



Strike 9

Posted on February 3rd, 2016


Dave On Strike!



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