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✖ Howard and The Love You Take

Posted on Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Dave!My long-time friend Howard died today and I am lost.

We first found each other through blogging a decade ago, but our friendship went far beyond that. Last night I was sifting through hours upon hours of texts, messages, emails, and comments, and realized that we have been in near-continuous contact since we first found each other. Our taste in music, movies, anime, and so many things were in perfect sync so there was always something to talk about.

And I guess sometimes you just know, you know?

We met in person a half-dozen times, usually when I was in Denver for work. The first was at my "Daveorado" event back in August of 2009...

Tug, Me, Hot Doctor's Wife, and Howard at the Hard Rock Cafe Denver!

And then there was that time we flew to L.A. so we could catch a rare US appearance by anime god Hayao Miyazaki, truly one of the best moments of my life.

And then there was the time we went to see Duran Duran at Red Rocks.

And then there was the time back in May when I flew to Denver to celebrate Howard's 50th birthday.

But most of our contact was just everyday stuff. Like when I first got Jake and Jenny and he decided to make them into a meme...

Jake and Jenny Darth Vader

He was forever sending me stuff like that.

And forever talking about music. We have text conversations that go on for hours that are nothing but Pet Shop Boys. But it wasn't just our love of 80's tunes that made for good music talk. Every once in a while he'd turn me on to new music too. Most notably Holy Ghost! and Postiljonen. One minute I'm reading an innocent text... the next minute I'm obsessing over a band I'd never heard of before...

Take a listen to Postiljonen...

Along with music was the movies we loved to talk about. All kinds of movies... but mostly our shared love of Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli films. Back in February a new one was released, The Red Turtle, and I got more than just his thoughts on the film...

Howard and Josh...

And then this past Monday, Howard and his "understanding guy" got married! I will be forever grateful for Josh bringing light and love into Howard's life these past six months.

Another thing I'll be forever grateful for is that Howard always knew how I felt about him. I loved him dearly, and told him so...

I love you, Howard

I could write volumes about how much Howard meant to me, but that text probably does a better job of it.

He was a soul mate.

It's as simple as that.

What's not simple is trying to find a way to carry on with life after a chunk of your heart has been ripped out. But I will find a way, because anything less would be an insult to somebody who fought so bravely every day to carry on...

It's Howard!

Goodbye, my friend. I will always love you. I will always miss you.

And you don't have to be embarrassed about liking that Katy Perry song in heaven.

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Categories: DaveLife 2017Click To It: Permalink


  1. Cb says:

    I didn’t know him nearly as well as you, but we also connected over the internet. And I am missing him greatly today. And beyond.

  2. Michelle says:

    So sorry for your loss. Howard sound like a really great guy.

  3. Margie says:

    I’m sorry for your loss, Dave.

  4. Lora says:

    I am so terribly sorry for your loss.

  5. Damn dude.. This year was supposed to be better than last year.. Then this sort of thing keeps happening :(:(
    *hugs* from Australia

  6. kilax says:

    So sorry for your loss, Dave. Howard sounds awesome. It’s rare you meet someone you mesh with so well 🙁

  7. hello haha narf says:

    oh dave, i’m so very sorry to hear.
    this post was lovely.

  8. Marc Zimmermann says:

    Oh damn, Dave, so sorry to hear about your loss. This sucks.

  9. Add my name to the long list of people whose lives were touched by Howard. It’s been so long since I’ve lost any friends, this was a gut-punch I didn’t need right now. He is sorely missed.

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