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✖ Inevitability

Posted on Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Dave!I thought I lost my passport, so I'm recovering from a total meltdown right now. I hate it when I misplace important stuff like that.

But enough about me.

And so, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, Mitt Romney won the Florida Primary in a cake-walk. Congratulations, Republicans! You might as well have selected President Obama to be your candidate...

DAVETOON: Lil' President Obama Wins! Thanks, Republicans!

In all seriousness, Hello Kitty would have a better chance of winning against Obama than Romney...

Hello President... Hello Kitty 2012

The only way Romney is going to win would be if President Obama punched Betty White in the face while crapping on a bald eagle and then wiping his ass with an American flag during the Super Bowl half-time show as he denounces NASCAR and declares himself an atheist.

And with that mental picture firmly implanted in my brain, I'm off to bed. I probably won't sleep much (as usual), but I've got an incredibly busy day tomorrow, so I might as well pretend to get some rest.

Right after I make sure my passport is still where I think I left it...


  1. Ian says:

    I panic so bad if I think I have lost my passport. To get a new one, would be such a ball ache. I would need to go to the Irish embassy in London, sign some documents, it could take upto 8 weeks.

    It would be a nightmare.

  2. Jarod says:

    Probably since the beginning of this election cycle, I’ve been thinking that if this is the best the republicans can do then maybe we should skip it and just give Obama the second term. I don’t think the GOP has a clue at thee moment.

  3. the muskrat says:

    No one’s going to unseat Obama, I don’t think.

  4. martymankins says:

    With the Sanrio Corporation’s total world domination of creating just about every possible accessory, I could see a Hello Kitty presidency a possibility.

  5. claire says:

    Well, I hope you’re right, but there are so many racists out there who plan to vote for *any* white man opposing Obama that it worries me.

  6. Ren says:

    This seems to imply that one of the other three candidates stood a better chance against President Obama. Which one would that be?

    • Dave2 says:

      John Huntsman! 🙂

      I am convinced he’s the only one who could have drawn in the independents needed to pull off a win against President Obama. But he never got the support of his party (and would have NEVER got ANYTHING from the Far Right/Tea Party), so it was not to be.

  7. Buddhafied says:

    Where can I sign up for being Hello Kitt’s campaign manager? I have an extra can of pink paint.

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