And I'm off for a wild weekend in DutchyLand with the Bitch that is Dutch...
Also in attendence will be the Lady that is Penelope and the Tai-Tai that is Geeky.
With a roster like this, only time will tell if I manage to survive the event.
Here's hoping that if (by some miracle) I do survive, I'll not be permanently damaged...
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With all those bitches, strike that, all those lovely ladies around, how could you not only survive, but also, well….
I’ll stop this while I’m quite behind and refrain from using words like “lucky” and “score” and stick to “valued friendship” and “I wish I was there with you”. Good luck, ummm, I mean, have a great time!!!!
I see tons and tons of booze in your future.
Being “damaged” by those three is a bad thing???
You and three gorgeous ladies. You have a rough life, buddy.
Have fun and hug those girls for me. Even Penelope, who doesn’t know really know me!
Ha! You’ve got no chance of getting out alive!
See you Friday!! Squeeee!
my mom’s dog and my cat were JUST in Amsterdam on their way to Saudi Arabia. What are the chances?
Give Penelope the biggest kiss for me, please.
I’m a little worried about you. I don’t “know” Geeky Tai Tai, but the other two? I only have one word for that situation, but I can’t decide which word it should be
Can’t wait for the recap!!!
Have fun, be safe… all that stuff.
You are coming over? Here? Umm… * cough * OK… sure…
Wait a second… you didn’t mean it when you invited me? Me and my pooferflargen are gravely offended!!
You have an awesome time, hon. Awesome.
Why am I not there, I ask you? I’m as bitchy as them, AND I live nearby.