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You Can Clock It On An Egg Timer

Posted on May 15th, 2024

Dave!Harrison Butker, a kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, delivered a commencement speech at Benedictine College this past Saturday. He's a hardcore regressive Catholic. Benedictine College is a Catholic college. So it should shock absolutely nobody that Butker unleashed a grotesque missive that was steeped in everything from misogyny, antisemitism, and homophobic bigotry to COVID misinformation, toxic masculinity, and general hatred of anybody who dares to not share his "values." He also decided to take a jab Taylor Swift (who's regarded as nothing more than "a teammate's girlfriend"), for which I can only hope that her boyfriend kicks him in the fucking dick.

No, people shouldn't have been at all shocked. And yet shock people he did.

Do I think it was crass that this asshole would stand up in front of young women who have worked long and hard to graduate from college only to tell them that until they are wives and mothers their lives don't mean shit and their entire purpose is to be barefoot and pregnant? Of course I do. But what did everybody think that he was going to say? That's Christian female gender roles in a nutshell.

Do I think it was disgusting that he would take jabs at the LGBTQ community with his "deadly sin pride" bullshit and prop up toxic masculinity by telling men to fight against ideas and people he doesn't consider culturally "masculine" enough? Absolutely. Gotta be an alpha-male for Jesus!

And am I even remotely surprised that it's now being brought to light that Butker hooked up with a male cheerleader at Georgia Tech when he went there? Oh fuck no. That's the easiest thing to believe out of any of this. History has shown us again and again that the harder a homophobic bigot attacks the LGBTQ community, the more skeletons they have in their own rainbow-painted closet. They're always compensating for something...

UPDATE: And of course TikTok removes the video. Butker can drone on with his homophobic, misogynistic, antisemitic bullshit no problem... but anybody dare to retort to that and it's REMOVED FOR BULLYING TIME! Well, the internet is forever, so if your browser can support video embeds...

The minute Harrison Butker came for the gays, it was only a matter of time until we found out why. I'm just surprised it took this long. Usually you can clock the tea on an egg timer.

Oh well. Here's hoping that Harrison Butker gets the life he deserves.

Which of course includes Travis Kelce kicking him in the fucking dick.


Fantasy Persecution Complex

Posted on September 5th, 2023

Dave!I am in a state of constant amazement how we have all these faux "Christians" just gagging to be persecuted for their "faith." You see it everywhere. The latest trend is so-called "Christians" dreaming of oppression by "practicing their mugshot for when they make it illegal to preach the true gospel of Jesus."

Which is, of course, hysterical.

Especially in this country where Christians are writing their faith into law and forcing people to live in accordance with their bullshit.

Say, I have an idea! Rather than buy into this idiotic fantasy from the future that will never happen... why not live in accordance with Scripture RIGHT NOW by actually help people who are struggling and suffering? Show the world just how big of a real Christian you are BY ACTUALLY FOLLOWING THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS. Because pretending you're going to be persecuted while persecuting others just makes you a hypocritical joke.

In order to not be in a constant state of despair, I seek out compassion and kindness from everyday people who aren't constructing some kind of elaborate performance... they're just living their life. Which is to say if they ARE Christians, they are following Jesus with their actions instead of their words... and if they ARE NOT Christians, they are actually demonstrating Christian ideals more perfectly than those screaming how superior they are because they fantasize about getting persecuted in the name of Jesus.

Just look at this (here's a link in case TikTok is being a dick)...

@james_cruickshank_ @jaxdecker_effs #nyc #skate #kickflip #thuggish #ruggish #bone ♬ Thuggish Ruggish Bone - Bone Thugs-n-Harmony

I'd take a hundred of this guy over "Christians" with a fantasy persecution complex. Any day of the week.



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