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✖ Bullet Sunday 265

Posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

Dave!THE SNOWPOCALYPSE IS UPON US! SNOWMAGEDDON IS HERE! Grab that special someone and bundle up tight, because Bullet Sunday starts now...

• Depp! People can say what they like, but nobody in cinema amazes me like Johnny Depp. The guy is absolutely talented... absolutely fearless... and absolutely brilliant. He can disappear into a role unlike anybody else, and owns any character he takes on. And this time it's yet another Tim Burton collaboration where he will be playing Barnabas Collins in the movie adaptation of Dark Shadows. This one image that's been released is enough to make me want to see this movie...

Johnny Depp in Dark Shadows

Just like it only took one image for me to want to see these movies...

Johnny Depp Brilliance

I'll be the first to admit that not every film Johnny Depp signs onto ends up being great. But his performances are always interesting. It's hard to ask for anything more than that, so I'm always looking forward to his next performance.

• Sniffle! I tend to look at everything as a learning experience. Even having a cold. This time around I learned about a new tissue... COOL TOUCH KLEENEX...

Cool Touch Kleenex

It is awesome on a sore nose because it is, in fact, cool to the touch. And it feels great on your nose. I think it must be some kind of scent-free menthol-like substance that is body-heat activated. Or not. But however they make it happen, it's a pretty sweet advance in tissue technology, and the only tissue I'll be buying from now on.

• Must-See TV! I have to say, I am loving the new FOX television series The Finder, and that was totally unexpected given that it's a spin-off of Bones, which is a show I can't stand...

The Finder Poster

I could tell you what a terrific, quirky character Walter "The Finder" Sherman is (played by Geoff Stults) and how entertaining the stories are, but all I really need to say is that it has Michael Clarke Duncan in it. If you're looking for something a little different to watch this winter, this show may be worth a look. You can catch the last couple episodes streaming on the official FOX site.

• Netflix Streaming Movie of the Month! Lately I've been on a foreign movie binge and discovering some real gems. The latest is a wonderful French film called The Grocer's Son now streaming on Netflix...

The Grocer's Son Poster

After his father has a heart attack, a guy living in Paris returns to his family home in the countryside to help his mother with their store. His job is to drive a grocery van to small villages and remote homes so that the elderly people there can buy foodstuffs. After a while he begins to form a bond with his customers and his outlook on life starts to change. If you're looking for some "comfort cinema" this sweet story is worth watching.

• Netflix Streaming TV Series of the Month! The contemporary re-imagining of Sherlock Holmes by Steven Moffat and the BBC is currently streaming on Netflix. It is beyond brilliant, and I highly recommend giving it a look if you haven't already...

BBC Sherlock Poster

Like most shows from across the pond, Sherlock has stories, acting, and production values that are leagues above what typically passes for American television. Probably because each series only has three episodes. They put all their good ideas into small number of shows rather than trying to stretch everything out over 22 episodes like they do here.

• Cinematic Anticipation! There's been a movie hovering on the horizon that has me pretty excited. Now Robot and Frank has been unleashed at Sundance and the reviews have been pretty great...

Robot and Frank

I mean, come on, it's got Frank Langella playing a retired cat burglar who is given a robot to help around the house. But Frank discovers a much more interesting use for his robot pal... crime. As a premise, it doesn't get much better than that!

Annnnnd... scene. I need toast and jam.


  1. Sybil Law says:

    This is my favorite Bullet Sunday ever. Full of goodness. Seriously – ho doesn’t love Johnny Depp? Thanks for all the good viewing recommendations!

  2. B.E. Earl says:

    I love the new BBC Sherlock. Benedict Cumberbatch is the most whimsical name I’ve ever seen/heard.

    I’ve recorded the first two episodes of The Fades on BBC America, but I haven’t watched them yet. Looking forward to it. Love the BBC.

  3. Sarah says:

    I love Depp in everything he’s in. Even if the movie isn’t that great it’s usually worth it to watch him.

    I can’t wait to watch The Finder, I hope it lives up to my hopes.

  4. Etienne says:

    I’m loving the Holmes episodes, too, although at moments I’m finding him a little too bit ‘precious’. All in all it is inspired, though. I googled him (actor) to find he has a fan club called humoursly “Cumberbitches”

  5. the muskrat says:

    Thanks for good recommendations here!

  6. Avitable says:

    Other than Alice and the 2-4 POTC movies, every one of those movies was worth the anticipation that the shot of Depp implied.

    Have you seen series 2 of Sherlock? I just downloaded it and just like the first one, the middle episode lagged but all of them were fantastic.

    How is The Finder a Bones spin-off? I’ve only watched the first season of Bones so I didn’t know that. It’s an interesting show, but it’s so treacly sometimes that the tone is bizarre. I’m not sure what I think about it.

    • Dave2 says:

      The show features characters created by Hart Hanson, who created “Bones.” He pretty much debuted an entire episode of “The Finder” in an episode of “Bones” this past season. The reason I hate “Bones” is because the two lead characters have -ZERO- chemistry. NADA! And yet the scripts keep treating them as if they do, and it is so uncomfortable to watch that I can’t get through an episode. Even the backing characters all seem to be freakishly awkward in stupid (not interesting) ways, so nothing ever “flows” well.

      “The Finder,” on the other hand, is flawlessly cast. Michael Clark Duncan and Geoff Stults were born for their roles, and everything “just works.”

      • Avitable says:

        I’ll agree that the cast is awesome, but the pacing and tone need to even out. Is it funny? Is it heart-warming? There needs to be a better-written balance.

        • Dave2 says:

          For “The Finder?” Really? I find it to be funny and heart-warming… but it’s a light touch here and there, not being shoved in your face. To me, the show is more than that though, it’s entertaining, and that’s all too rare now-a-days.

          • Avitable says:

            Comparing it to other quirky detective shows, I think it’s more like Psych than Monk – Monk knew it was a drama with some comedy, but Psych couldn’t figure it out.

            I hope it does figure it out, because I’m enjoying it enough to give it another few episodes.

  7. Deborah says:

    I flippin’ love me some Sherlock. LOVE. Am very anxiously awaiting the May arrival of series 2. Woot!

    Also: I love the Puffs with Vicks in them–they’re minty fresh, they clear out your sinuses, and they also have Puffs softness! Sadly, they’re a little hard to find, and my nose has suffered as a result. Might try these others, but they’ll always be a pale replacement of my “smelly tissues.”

  8. Invader_Stu says:

    Sherlock is amazing. Have you seen all of them yet?

  9. martymankins says:

    I’ve liked most movies Depp has been in. For me, it’s more a jealousy thing since he’s just a little bit younger than I am.

    I like those Kleenex cool touch. They are pretty nice to use when you blow your nose a lot. They used to make a menthol version that I liked even more.

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