It's... a righteous Bullet Sunday!
Righteous Cock! I've mostly ignored the whole Dr. George Rekers gay sex scandal because, honestly, what's the point? Yet another gay-hating public figure has been caught with his penis in a place he's advocated it doesn't belong... am I supposed to be shocked? As I've said the last couple times this has happened, I just automatically assume that anybody who would spend most of their time fighting so hard against "teh gay" is most likely a big ol' cock-loving hypocrite. Religious leaders. Politicians. Christian ministers who say homosexuality is a mental disorder to be cured. It's all the same. But I got a comment asking me to add Rekers to the list, so here he is...
Dr. George Rekers Wants Cock!
Senator Roy Ashburn Wants Cock!
Reverend Ted Haggard Wants Cock!
• Righteous Bitch! The DutchBitch now has a logo poster for
If you're going to be in the vicinity of der Netherlands that weekend, let The DutchBitch know so she can pencil you in the guest-list! There will be more good times and pooferflargen than you can shake a poofenwafel at!
• Righteous Anger! Yesterday on Facebook I updated my status with this...
"Holy crap. The only reason I would give a shit about Elena Kagan's sexuality would be if I wanted to bone her. And, since I really, really don't... why should I give a flying fuck whether she prefers sausage or taco? Why should anybody? I'm more curious about the sexuality of all these people that are constantly bringing it up... do THEY want to bone her?"
This got me an interesting message this morning, telling me that people have a right to know anything they want about the Supreme Court Justices who make the laws that govern us. That's a very good point. And so I have a few questions that need to be answered by the current Supreme Court...
![]() How often do you masturbate? |
![]() Can you describe your gay fantasies? |
![]() Have you ever had anal sex? |
![]() What is the length of your erect penis? |
![]() Got any sex fetishes or hang-ups? |
![]() What's your favorite sexual position? |
![]() Are you a spitter or do you swallow? |
![]() Are you a spitter or do you swallow? |
![]() Did that "pube on a Coke" line ever work? |
• Righteous Birthday! Tracy asked me to make a birthday wish for her friend Grant, who likes "Asian Bunnies." Since I owe Tracy a debt bigger than my bank account, I agreed and came up with a "Dave Bunny" drawn manga-style...
• Righteous Victory! There was a time that I valued the work of the American Civil Liberties Union for their efforts in defending the Constitutional rights of American citizens. Sure they did some crazy-ass crap that I disagreed with, but their overall mission was something I could get behind. Until they attacked my local library. I wrote about their outrageously stupid lawsuit over three years ago. To sum up... the local libraries in rural Washington State installed computers so that people without internet access can get it. Because most of these libraries are tiny little buildings with barely enough room for a computer in the first place... the library had to install filtering software so that children using the computers or kids wandering by web-surfing adults wouldn't be illegally exposed to porn or other mature subject matter...
Well, after years of litigation, the library finally won their case. Small libraries can keep filtering on their computers so kids don't get exposed to adult material and the library doesn't get sued for child endangerment. And even though the libraries themselves know it's not a great solution, it's a compromise they are trying their best to deal with. So congratulations to my local library! And fuck the ACLU for being total dumbasses that sue those who are just trying to help as many people as they can the best way they know how. Fuck you up your stupid, self-righteous, disgusting asses.
And now... a busy week lays ahead. Time to get to work!
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Just goes to show you that everybody loves a good cock once in a while. Even the Jesus People need it.
They dost protest too much…
I approve of the cock and anger sections of this post.
I must make a “Poppy Approved” stamp for my blog then!
I think I love you.
Well, I KNOW I love you… not every girl would dress up as Wonder Woman to fulfill the wish of every geeky boy blogger at a Halloween party!
I have never seen so much cock before this entry. My fantasies are now forever fulfilled.
Thank you, David.
You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed the cock!
That picture of Ruth Ginsburg and the caption is gonna haunt me. I know it.
Hey, the American people may not WANT to know, but apparently they NEED to know all the intimate details of the sex lives of the Supreme Court! I heard it straight (heh heh) from Bill O’Reilly!
We had the same problem in rural Florida with the libraries. ACLU sued several of the smaller libraries because they had the same difficulties with their internet; Not enough room, still wanting to provide a beneficial service. Luckily, we had the same outcome here as well, but it was a time and fund suck on the library system. I wonder how many more books, DVD’s, or even expansion plans could have been purchased if they didn’t have to use that money on their defense?
Exactly. I don’t understand what the ACLU expected these small town libraries to do… install “privacy booths” in space they don’t have so adults could view porn? Seriously?
The ACLU is a necessary evil, like dentists.
Yeah… a dentists that pulls all your teeth just to fix a single cavity!
I get that there needs to be an advocacy group for Constitutional rights, I just wish the ACLU would stick to things that are ACTUALLY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS! It may be our right to look at porn (God bless America!) but it’s not the job of public service organizations like libraries to supply it. 🙂
You make a good and valid point. Everyone who complains about the gay agenda or homosexuality is secretly a gay themselves. Makes total sense to me.
I don’t know that it’s actually 100% true, but it does make a lot of sense… and it keeps me from falling into shock the next time some hard-core Conservative homophobe gets caught in a gay sex scandal!
“Prefer sausage to taco”
My new favorite phrase of the week.
I think I got that from the movie “50 First Dates.” 🙂
I’m getting so tired of getting fabricated reasons to be enraged with the ACLU from my rightwing Republican RushLimbaughnutlicking in-laws who have apparently never heard of Snopes, its nice to see someone promulgate something based on actual fact. I still love the ACLU and I’m not breaking up with them over this, but “overreaching” is an understatement for their actions in this case. They should be ashamed of themselves.
If you need someone to carry your luggage on your next trip, don’t call Rentboy. I’ll do it for free. Special massage services at rates to be negotiated.
Hey, I’m gonna look up flights to Amsterdam for Bitchsterdam. Rich has a boys weekend that weekend and I loves me some Amsterdam.
(BTW, the link to DutchBitch didn’t work, it took me back to your blog).
I’ll get back to you.
Dave, the Supreme Court section made my fucking day. It’s brilliant! Seriously, thank you.
And Dave Bunny holds a special place in my heart. I think it’s replaced 20% gay Dave as my favorite ‘toon!
I hate to disagree with you but I think that yes, “life, liberty and the pursuit of internet porn” is EXACTLY what our founding fathers fought and died for. Considering how much we all could suffer if censorship became the norm (suppose the entity responsible for the filtering decided to block a political opponent or your blog because of the language ?!?) what the ACLU did seems justified to me even though it appears dickish on the face of it. Consider this: why didn’t the library just cave and give up the filtering? Someone has an agenda to stop what they disapprove of (even though millions of us like internet porn) and is using the tiny instance of libraries to grind their ax. Maybe the church lady? That’s a way-scarier prospect than the ACLU. Who’s gonna look at porn in a public place anyway? Some kids briefly? Who cares? The ACLU takes some unpopular stands but close examination shows their logic to be sound and their battles consistent.
But it’s not censorship. The libraries are just trying to comply with the law and not expose children to “inappropriate” material they’re not supposed to see. It’s not THEIR agenda, it’s whoever made the laws.
If there was no filtering, and somebody pulled up a porn site, and a child walked by and saw it, they’d be sued or somebody would end up in jail. Just the same as if you were to buy a copy of Hustler and then invite some child over to your house to look at it.
Because if you honestly believe that nobody looks at porn in a public place, you are seriously deluded or grossly uninformed. If you don’t think kids will navigate to porn (intentionally or unintentionally) with unfiltered access to the internet, you are seriously deluded of grossly uninformed.
I’m still trying to find the logic in passing obscenity laws to protect children, then giving a small local library no way of doing it. I guess the ACLU would be happy if libraries have to stop providing free access to the internet altogether because there’s no legal affordable way of doing so. THAT’S what’s scary here.