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✖ iPhonery

Posted on Friday, June 19th, 2009

Dave!The new iPhone 3GS dropped today and my inner Mac-whore is mortified that I'm not getting a new Apple product on release day. The good news is that I'll be getting one next week instead of two months from now thanks to AT&T's generous eligibility revision for early iPhone 3G adopters.

At first I was seriously considering skipping the latest version, but the better camera (with video!) and speed improvements ultimately won me over. A part of me wants to be thrilled at the new digital compass feature (which will show you which way you're facing in Google Maps), but since the GPS unit in iPhone sucks ass, I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

Given how often I use my iPhone and how much I rely on it when traveling, buying the latest model seemed a wise investment.

MAC: I'm a Mac! PC: Plays with iPhone

MAC: -ahem!- I'm a Mac! PC: Plays with iPhone


BLAM! PC's head explodes

As if this wasn't enough, it appears that Steve Jobs is returning to Apple as scheduled.

Apple whores rejoice!

To see all of the Lil' Dave Mac vs. Lil' Wayne PC ads, click here!


  1. Sarah says:


  2. Penelope says:

    Quite possibly the funniest Dave & Wayne cartoon ever!
    Does this mean that for just a few days I’m actually running an iPhone that is newer than yours?! Blimey!
    You will absolutely love it – I have barely started playing around with the new features and already I’m in love. I’m sure you’ll do a fabulous write up when the time comes so I’m not even going to try ;o)

  3. I’m using the video feature as the reason why I need to upgrade from my iPhone Classic to the newest model. Mmmhmm!

  4. I can’t get past your PC dude looking like Whall …

  5. whitenoise says:

    Strange. The guy on the left doesn’t look like me…

  6. whall says:

    And what’s even better is my Lil’ Wayne Avatar looks HOT on my new iPhone 3GS!

  7. yellojkt says:

    And iPhones now have cut and paste like my Treo had four years ago.

  8. Ren says:

    I haven’t actually *seen* Wayne with his iPhone yet, so it’s still possible that it’s all a big ruse!

  9. Dave,

    TomTom is coming out with an app for iPhone! Now you can have GPS on it!

    I have a TomTom so they send me this stuff all the time. Thought you would care to know since you have mentioned there’s still no GPS for the iPhone.

  10. Avitable says:

    Now just wait until he admits that Obama is doing a good job! The world will end.

  11. martymankins says:

    Amazing. I knew just the mention of the words “Windows” and “blows” would make Wayne’s head explode.

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