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Extraordinary San Diego

Posted on May 22nd, 2019

Dave!Landed at 1:30 yesterday, was done with work by 3:30, and in my San Diego hotel room chillin' by 4:00. Usually I would just fly back the same day, but since I started bypassing the toxic waste dump that is SeaTac International Airport and flying out of Everett Paine Field, my flight back doesn't leave until tomorrow at 2:20pm (unless I wanted to fly home at 7:45am, which I did not).

With time to kill, I met up with San Diego friends for dinner. Which was awesome.

Then we went out for dessert at Extraordinary Desserts. Which was extraordinary...

Extraordinary Desserts San Diego!

I had the "Shangri-La" cake, which was described like this: "White chocolate mousse along with guava mousse and fresh strawberries are layered in between whipped cream and Kirsch infused vanilla cakes. Every girl loves this cake." And yet... I was secure enough in my masculinity to order it because I really wanted something strawberry. It's pretty enough to eat...

Extraordinary Desserts San Diego!

Delicious. And that's 24K gold leaf on the strawberry, which is great because I've always wanted my poop to be gold-plated.

As I've mentioned a few times, Jake has been really clingy after his accident, and this is the first time I've left him overnight since it happened. I checked in on him several times to make sure he's doing okay. After spending most of the morning looking for me, he took a long nap right in the middle of my messy bed...

Jake Sleeping!

Poor guy.

Before I knew it, time had flown and it was time for me to be flown home...

Warm Nuts in First Class!

My trip back over the mountains was much less eventful than the drive over, thankfully.

And that was the end of that.

My cats were happy to have me home... especially Jake, who wouldn't leave my side, which was kinda sweet at 10pm...

Jake Sleeping!

But kinda scary at 1am...

Jake Possessed!

Probably not great that I decided to take his picture with the flash on. Because, damn. If looks could kill...

And on that ominous note, enough work for the day... time for bed.

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San Diego Tres

Posted on February 22nd, 2015


The Gaslamp Quarter!

Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration!

It was all happening in San Diego today...

Road to Coronado

Coronado Clock

Coronado Cafe

Coronado Cafe

Coronado Cafe Soy Chorizo Burrito

Coronado Candy Shop Gummi Octopus

Coronado Museum Shark Finger Puppet Book

San Diego Hats

San Diego Hats

Patrick's Bar San Diego

Patrick's Bar San Diego

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Sumo Ass

Greyfriar Bobby and Bum San Diego Edinburgh

Greyfriar Bobby and Bum San Diego Edinburgh

Greyfriar Bobby and Bum San Diego Edinburgh

Greyfriar Bobby and Bum San Diego Edinburgh

Greyfriar Bobby and Bum San Diego Edinburgh

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter RAWR

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter Chinese Lunar New Year

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San Diego Dos

Posted on February 21st, 2015

Dave!The Zoo!

A Russian Restaurant!

The Rocky Horror Picture Show at Midnite!

It was all happening in San Diego today...

San Diego Zoo Australian Outback!

San Diego Zoo Australian Outback Tasmanian Devil Statue

San Diego Zoo Australian Outback Koalifornia!

San Diego Zoo Australian Outback Koalas

San Diego Zoo Australian Outback Koalas

San Diego Zoo Australian Outback Koalas

San Diego Zoo Australian Outback Kangaroo!

San Diego Zoo Kitty!

San Diego Zoo Kitty

San Diego Zoo Giraffes

San Diego Zoo Giraffes

San Diego Zoo Kilpspringer

San Diego Zoo Meerkat

San Diego Zoo Turtles

San Diego Zoo Elephant

San Diego Zoo Elephant Pedicure

San Diego Zoo Lions Sleeping

San Diego Zoo Antelope

San Diego Zoo Red Panda

San Diego Zoo Kookabura


Fire Pit Drinking

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego FLAMING MEAT!

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego Bathroom

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego Bathroom Gorby Doll

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego Dolls

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego Dolls

Pomegranate Russian Restaurant San Diego Dolls

San Diego Club Kensington

San Diego Club Kensington Bathroom

San Diego Kensington Theater Rocky Horror Picture Show at Midnite!

San Diego Kensington Theater Rocky Horror Picture Show at Midnite!

San Diego Kensington Theater Rocky Horror Picture Show at Midnite!

If you don't take care of your body, where will you live? San Diego.

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San Diego Uno

Posted on February 20th, 2015


Welcome to San Diego.

Kenington District San Diego

Moosies Ice Cream

Kitty Mosaic

San Diego Alterations

San Diego Pediatric Dentistry

Clem's Bottle House San Diego

San Diego Cantina

San Diego Jester

Bearito Republic San Diego

Wonka Wonka San Diego

San Diego Adam & Eve

San Diego Barber Shop

Ca$h Only San Diego

San Diego Dead Kennedys

Hipster Chic Window Display San Diego

Green Mannequin San Diego

Anarchy in San Diego

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Categories: Travel 2015Click To It: Permalink  1 Comment: Click To Add Yours!  


DAY THREE: San Diego

Posted on July 23rd, 2010

Dave!And so here I am at Comic-Con International 2010 or, as I refer to it, "The Bastion of Cruelty."

Make no mistake, Comic Con is not fun. At least, not the kind of fun you're used to. It's fun in an entirely different way, where the suffering is what makes it fun. Because once you've endured the crowds, the endless lines, the expensive food, and the many opportunities for bitter disappointment... what you have left is fun that you've earned. Which makes it just that much sweeter, of course.

I wrote in-depth about my Comic-Con experience when I was here last time, and this year is more of the same, so I won't bore you with another extensive recap... just a few things I took away from my half-day at the event...

As expected, AT&T's service was complete and total shit. A lot of the time I couldn't get even remotely useable bandwidth speeds, which was still better than the many times I couldn't get service at all. Never mind that 3G service was absent more often than not and I was kicked back to EDGE, a huge chunk of my battery was spent just trying to get something... anything I could work with so that I could TXT or make a call...


Now, granted, 150,000 people all in one spot is bound to overload a cellular network, but I wasn't expecting things to be this bad. I wonder if Verizon and T-Mobile were in the same boat? Probably.

Just like last year, Comic-Con was drastically oversold. There's just entirely too many people, which means that even if you stand in a line for hours, you're still not guaranteed that there will be room for you in the venue. I sure wish that the people running this thing would find a way to make this more fair so you don't wait in line for nothing... though I suppose if they eliminated lines and went with tickets or something, then all the people in line would be clogging up the show floor, so maybe that's why they don't.

While I am excited about a number of movies being promoted at the Con, including Scott Pilgrim, which is based on a comic I really like, it's TRON: Legacy that has me freaking out. I loved the original film, and the sequel looks like it will absolutely amazing. If nothing else, the new LightBikes are cool...

Tron Legacy LightBike

Just like two years ago, I had three comics people I wanted to see on the dealer floor. Eric Shanower, Sergio Aragonés, and Brandon Peterson. Shanower was easy to find, still promoting Age of Bronze, his epic retelling of the Trojan War in comic book form. Aragonés, whose work in MAD Magazine I've loved since I was a kid, was signing his latest Groo The Wanderer collection...

Sergio Aragones Signs at ComicCon

Peterson I COULD NOT FIND! Not from the booth number he gave at his website (which, so far as I could tell), didn't exist. Nor from his description of the area he'd be at. He had a new artbook I wanted to get too. Bummer.

Speaking of comic books... it truly shocks me when I walk by the booth of some titan of the industry and see that nobody is there to see them. They've long since been replaced by some hot new talent, and now they've been forgotten as if their work doesn't matter. I guess it's just a facet of the industry, like all industries, but it just doesn't seem right.


Wil Wheaton at Comic Con

The costumes this year were better than ever, though I'm ashamed to admit that my favorite costume I saw wasn't super-hero related. It was Dr. Rockzo from Metalocalypse! "MY NAME IS DR. ROCKZO! I DO COCAINE!!

Comic Con Dr. Rockzo

It's more fun to see people dressed up outside the convention. Like your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, walking down the street...

Comic Con Spider-Man

After four hours, I had as much as I could take, and decided to get as far away from the crowds as possible. I hadn't been to the San Diego Zoo in decades, so that seemed like a good place. It's a remarkable zoo... probably the best I have ever seen... and it just keeps improving. The sheer volume of animals you can see it pretty impressive...

San Diego Zoo Animals

And lest we forget... they have THE BUCKETS OF DEATH available...


And that's pretty much it. I met up with quite a few friends and bloggers along the way, which was truly the highlight of my Comic-Con experience. I'd take that over meeting movie stars and comic book heroes any day.

All that's left is a redeye flight across the country, and my day is done...



Posted on January 14th, 2009

Dave!I just paid $4.00 for a bottle of Italian Spring Water at my hotel.

I wish I could say that when I close my eyes and drink it, the taste is evocative of Italy... but all I taste is wet. That's a darn shame.

So here I am in San Diego. It's a wonderful place that everybody should visit at least once in their life. If, for no other reason, to make a pilgrimage to the city of my birth. There isn't a temple here in honor of the occasion, but there really should be. Or maybe instead of a temple there could be a statue of me standing in Balboa Park. I dunno. There just needs to be someplace my worshippers can go to go pay their respects and place flowers to celebrate my greatness. And make a donation to the Dave Monument I'm planning to build in the land formerly occupied by Mt. Ranier National Park.

Hmmm... I don't know why it didn't occur to me before, but San Diego would be the perfect place to put my Daveland amusement park! I will convince the city to plow under the San Diego Zoo and put Daveland there instead! What a great location!

Boy, being back to the city of my birth really has me firing on all cylinders tonight.

And speaking of San Diego... there's a few people in town wanting to meet up for dinner on Friday night, if you're in the area and would like to come along, please send me an email ASAP so we can make plans. My email address is at the top of the sidebar on every page.

Kirk says Khaaaaaan

Unfortunately, I landed to learn of the terrible news that Ricardo Montalban had died.

I, of course, loved him as Mr. Roarke on the show Fantasy Island. Every kid growing up in the late 70's did, because he was the epitome of coolness. He'd walk around in those flawless white suits being all friendly and good-natured and "Welcome to Fantasy Island" and stuff. But then he'd occasionally show his darker side... proving that he could be a total badass as well. It's unthinkable to envision anybody else playing the character except Mr. Montalban (indeed, even the brilliant Malcolm McDowell couldn't manage it when there was a failed revival series twenty years later).

But, to me and so many others, Ricardo Montalban will forever be Khan...

Ricardo Montalban as Khan

The role of the maniacal villain in the second Star Trek film was not an easy one to play. Indeed, I'd say it was a thankless and impossible role to play. As written, the part was so badly over-the-top... almost to the point of being comical.

Until it was performed by Ricardo Montalban.

He played the character deadly-serious, and turned in a performance so riveting that it cemented Khan as one of the greatest movie villains of all time (indeed, even the brilliant Malcolm McDowell couldn't top it in a follow-up film, Star Trek: Generations). After watching Star Trek II, I fell in love with all things Trek again, and I really have Ricardo Montalban to thank for it. He will definitely be missed.

Even if you don't like Star Trek, you should absolutely check out Wrath of Khan. Montalban's performance is totally worth it. Oh, and don't forget his masterful performance in the first The Naked Gun movie as well!

Lastly, I urge you to read a fantastic blog entry about what it was like working with Mr. Montalban over at Mark Evanier's News From Me site. He was truly an amazing guy and a class-act.

P.S. All my best wishes to my personal hero, Steve Jobs, for a speedy and full recovery.



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