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Bullet Sunday 452

Posted on Sunday, September 27th, 2015

Dave!THE END OF THE WORLD IS UPON US, because a blood-soaked super-moon edition of Bullet Sunday starts... now...

• Blood! As usual when anything cool is happening in the heavens, Redneckistan is having none of it. Apparently we've still got fires raging, because tonight's Super Blood Moon Eclipse was obscured as it crested the horizon. It wasn't until it climbed out of the haze that the moon was sharp enough to photograph. Unfortunately, the eclipse was retreating by then...



It was pretty tough to photograph because the exposed moon is so bright... but oh well. Better than nothing, I guess.

• Pope! My favorite Pope was John Paul II (whom I actually got to see... kinda... back in 2000)... but this new Pope is growing on me. His address to Congress was terrific, yes... but this is the story of his visit I like best.

• Jafar! So good...

• Fuckabee! Anybody thinking that Donald Trump is the biggest fucking douche to ever run for president is not paying attention. It would be fantastic if, after losing his bid for the presidency, we would never hear from fucking Mike Huckabee ever again... but assholes this big never truly go away, do they?

• Jimpire! If you are a fan of Empire, then this parody by Jimmy Fallon and Company is a must-see...

Higgy... Higgy... stop!

• Biker! And, before we go, a story to warm your heart...

Biker Cat
Photo from Pat Doody

Annnnd... no more super-moon for you!



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