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✖ Tattoo!

Posted on Friday, June 8th, 2012

Dave!As far back as I can remember, I've had a bit of an obsession with pirates. This led to an infatuation with their "skull and crossbones" symbol, which I've been drawing on my stuff for decades. Ultimately, it kind of became my personal symbol, and was even part of my signature at one point.

So, on a trip to Maui 26 years ago when the idea of getting tattoos was floated, I knew exactly what I wanted... the skull and bones.

It never happened, but the idea of getting a tattoo was planted.

But there were always excuses. "What if I change my mind in five years and regret getting skull and crossbones?" or "What if a total stranger gives me a crappy tattoo?" So I never got one.

And then I slowly came to realize that I hadn't changed my mind in 26 years as to wanting a skull and crossbones for my ink, so I probably wasn't going to change my mind five years from now.

And then I started seeing the amazing stuff that my Facebook Friend Michael DeMatty was posting to his wall, and all my excuses vanished. So today was the day...

Dave2 Getting a Tattoo!

Now, I'm not nearly macho enough to pull off a badass "realistic" skull and crossbones... but a DaveToon skull and crossbones? Definitely more my style...

Dave Tattoo Line Work


Dave's Cool New Tattoo!

I couldn't be happier with it...

Dave's Tat

And so at long last... after 26 years of dreaming about it... I finally have my first tattoo. Thanks to Michael at Black & Blue San Francisco for working so hard to make it happen!

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Categories: DaveLife 2012, DaveToons 2012Click To It: Permalink


  1. woah..! slightly shocked.. but cool! 🙂

  2. Connie says:

    Love it! Welcome to the “club”!

  3. Invader_Stu says:

    I think a Dave style skull and cross bones is much better. It’s more personal and it looks great.

  4. Mel says:

    Love it! And if you get something you really love, you’ll never regret it. Just so long as that something isn’t the name or likeness of a future ex.

  5. First of all, WHY ISN’T MY FACE ON YOUR ASS CHEEK!?!?!?!?! *Pant, pant*

    But, on a side note, congrats and that is a way-cool skull and crossbones. Though, my face on your ass would have been MUCH cooler.

  6. Suebob says:

    Don’t you think you should have given it a little more consideration?

  7. jenny says:

    LOVES IT! And you didn’t mess around man, that skull is BIG! Looks great!

  8. Kyra Wilson says:

    Awesome! Welcome to the crowd of inked degenerates! 😉

  9. LeSombre says:

    Très cool!

  10. Andy says:

    Great tattoo Dave although I’m surprised its not a bad monkey one.

  11. Sybil Law says:

    You look pretty badass to me! Love it!

  12. carlos m. hernandez says:

    Dave, it’s a thing of beauty. Great choice!

  13. B.E. Earl says:

    Awesome! Love it!

    Congrats, dude!

  14. LOVE! And you wear it well!

  15. Alexander says:

    Absolutely beautiful. Now I want to move forward on my second more than ever!

  16. martymankins says:

    So awesome. Congrats on getting first time inked.

  17. kilax says:

    Very cool! I love it!

  18. the muskrat says:

    Proof that it’s never too late. Now you need to go to Tampa for that pirate festival thing they have that starts with “G.”

  19. Göran says:

    Seriously awesome!

  20. Wow, congratulations mate. Looks awesome.

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