Today's word in the TWENTY/TWENTY meme is "love."
And I decided to take it to heart and show some love to myself for a change. I made plans, made time, and made decisions that benefitted me today. Sure it's selfish, but I've been working so hard for so long that I think I've earned it.
It was a great two hours.
After that, I needed to think of something other than myself to love so I could post an appropriate photo.
I decided that I love breakfast. Mostly because I so rarely have the time to have a good one. Like this order of Banana-Macadamia French Toast I had in Maui a while back...
Or this fantastic Scrambled Egg Breakfast Burrito I ate for Carb Appreciation Day a few years ago...
Or these sweet Mickey Mouse Waffles I found at Walt Disney World...
Breakfast is awesome!
But tomorrow it will be a can of Coke as I rush out the door, as usual.
If I really loved me, I'd make time for breakfast.
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I gained 2 pounds just by looking at your photos. Those Mickey Mouse waffles look delicious.
I love breakfast too! It’s the only meal I never skip. Actually, I get kind of cranky without it. That french toast looks awesome!
Oh man, I haven’t had a big breakfast like those in months, the kind where the only thing left to do is go home and take a nap. I love those.
I also seem to recall you having a waffle-gasm from the waffles bought from the dude and his little cart on Victoria Island. You appear to have a ‘thing’ for waffles.
I enjoy breakfast as well, ‘specially when the burn on my pancake looks like Jesus.
I love breakfast.
When someone else makes it.
Damn it! Thanks to your posting it, I now *have* to make Banana-Macadamia French Toast.
It looks like it would be amazingly yummy.
Oh. My. God. That French Toast looks mouth-wateringly good. I just finished my lunch and that pic has made me hungry again.
Hmm, Why do I get a hotlinking forbidden on your blog and via The later I might understand but here?
Now I totally want Mickey Mouse waffles. Fucker.
Ha! Sure… but you can get them whenever want! You’re what… 45 minutes away? Or 30 minutes, if you’re doing the driving? A quick cruise down 4, and you’re there!
My jealousy is huge. You can get the ultimate Disney fix any time. You can eat at Earl of Sandwich whenever. And the only thing stopping you from having Mickey Waffles is getting up early enough to go get them! Fucker.
That burrito lookz derrrricioz! I wish there was pork roll chopped up in it. And omit the powdered sugar PLEASE!
A can of Coke? For realz? The horror…the horror…
Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day. So much so that I usually have it two or three times, and I end up skipping lunch or dinner.
On the go, Jack-in-the-box’s Hearty Breakfast Bowl (minus the hashbrowns) is an incredibly good breakfast for the money. I LOVE THAT MEAL. The local Rudy’s BBQ place does breakfast tacos, but I end up getting a cup instead of a taco, and you just tell them what you want to fill up the cup with. MAN IT’S GOOD.
I think I’m due for another all-caps sentence soon, so I’ll just hang out here until it does. Sometimes it takes a while. OH WAIT THERE IT IS.
As someone who directly benefitted from you deciding to love yourself, I’m allll about that! I’m so very happy.
Your photo of the Banana-macadamia nut French Toast reminds me of the macadamia pancakes and coconut syrup I had in Honolulu last year.