Today's word in the TWENTY/TWENTY meme is "move."
I spent most of my day moving... down the highway... so this was an easy one.
Usually, I drive over the day before I have work in Spokane, spend the night, then start fresh in the morning. But time is so scarce now-a-days that I couldn't afford to do that. So I drove three hours over. Worked for 25 minutes. Ate at David's Pizza for 20 minutes. Then drove three hours back home. All in one day. It's not an ideal situation, but the work is critical and must be performed in person, so whatcha gonna do?
I constructed a rig out of an old GPS window mount to hold my iPhone. I then use a photo app that lets me take a photo with a simple tap to the screen. This allows me to easily snap photos of my journey safely, since I don't need to look at the display to shoot. Occasionally I stop and relocate the mount to my side window just to mix things up. Most of the photos end up looking like crap, because they're not composed in any way, but I do end up with enough shots to tell a story of my day...
In other news... I finally got around to watching The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo tonight...
Hands down one of the best films I've seen in quite a while.
And I'm including the awesome MacGruber, so you know I'm serious.
The Swedish film is actually called Män som hatar kvinnor ("Men who hate women" in English) but it's based on Stieg Larsson's 2005 book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. In some ways, the movie title is more appropriate, because the story has some rather shocking violence in it. Fortunately, it's anything but gratuitous, and serves a very necessary purpose to the plot (a shamed journalist is hired to solve a 40-year-old murder where things aren't as they seem, and gets help from a remarkable and unexpected ally).
It also has one of the best revenge scenarios I've seen since Kill Bill.
What's amazing is that the two sequel novels in the "Millennium Trilogy"... The Girl Who Played with Fire (2006) and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (2007) have already been filmed. In fact, remarkably, all three books were filmed as a six-part mini-series for Swedish television and aired in 2009. Apparently, both sequels are coming to the USA this year as a theatrical release in bigger cities first, then on video at the end of the year. Sweet!
Due to the massive success of the books here, Hollywood is planning American adaptations, with actors like Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney rumored as leads. It's an interesting idea (though central plot elements seem like they'd need changing if the story is relocated domestically), but the originals are so good that it seems a bit pointless. Unless you factor in American's hatred of reading subtitles, in which case it makes perfect sense. Oh well.
In any event, if you can handle a bit of violence and can read subtitles, the movie is worth a look. If you're a Netflix customer, you can even watch it instantly!
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Just now finished watching that movie on Netflix and thoroughly enjoyed it, looking forward to the other two movies. I hear Daniel Craig has been rumored to star in the US remake, which I am sure Hollywood will cock up.
Just like they did with the Brothers movie. The original movie being much better.
I loved the first movie. The second one ok and the third was good!
Wonder what the US version will be like and why it has to be done really. Like the french movie Nikita which was amazing that got slaughtered although having a good cast in the US version.
Good to hear about Dragon Tattoo. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie. However, Netflix has it marked “Very Long Wait” and I didn’t get my return in from last week in time due to the holiday. Who knows how long I might wait. But it is on Instant Watch, like you said. Maybe I’ll just do that. I just hope the demand for that isn’t so great that buffer times are ridiculous.
The first movie came out in theaters as well. It was in downtown Chicago back in January or February but I could never find the time to get down there to see it.
Yeah, I watched it yesterday. What a great film!
I didn’t know about the following movies but I kept thinking it would make a good series. Can’t wait to see the others.
Not much traffic!!
And I have the first two books, just waiting for me to finish the book I am currently reading, so… I’ll watch once I’ve finished the books!
“the originals are so good that it seems a bit pointless” but if they didn’t do a Hollywood version, then, you wouldn’t have a reason for a for a ‘colossal fail’ topic about how badly they screwed it up. Right?
We put it on our Netflix Instant queue just yesterday. Gia was a big fan of the books, so we are looking forward to it.
PS – I’ve never had a buffer issue with Netflix streaming due to high demand. Does that really happen? I don’t know if it makes a difference, but we stream to our TV using a Roku player.
I stream using Xbox or my Mac and have never had a playback problem. It always works fine for me… I’d imagine it depends on your internet connection?
Watched it last night, and we loved it!
Great flick. Looking forward to the next two in the series.
Saw the movie, then read the first two books in the series. The movie ruined the first book for me, but that was okay because the book explained a few things that hadn’t made sense to me in the movie. I now cannot WAIT to see the second movie (having just finished the book), and then read the third book and see THAT movie.
Oh, and Hollywood can blow its watered-down remakes right out its ass.
I need to watch that. Reba read the book pretty recently and said it was slow to start, but got good after the first 100 or so pages.
Ooooh, that’s a Netflix instant watch? Will certainly be giving that movie a whirl tonight as I’ve heard more than one person give it the thumbs up.
I LOVED the book but now like always am scared to see the movie. Too often they ruin the book with the movie and I end up disappointed. I may have to trust you though because it was just so good as a book that I would love to see it as a movie.