I'm getting some nice emails from people who are finally getting their shirts this week, many of whom have been waiting quite a while. I feel bad about all the delays, and can only hope it was worth the wait. What I am wanting to do is fix the store so that it shows inventory quantities. That way, people can see if they'll be getting a shirt right away or have to wait a bit. It would also be nice to come up with a solution that calculates exact shipping charges, so nobody pays too much (this is a BIG problem for international shipments, which can be billed too much or too little by $5 or more). If wishes were fishes.
Anyway, I don't know if it is apparent from the $8.95 price tag, but I don't make much money on these things... once everything is factored in, I get about 50¢ to $1 per shirt. Considering how much time it takes to package and process the shipments, I am actually operating at quite a loss. But I don't mind one bit. I never got into this with the intent of making money, it was always just for the fun of it. And when I see pictures of people having a good time while wearing their shirts, it's all worthwhile...
There will, of course, be a new design for my Blogiversary III Celebration come mid-April. And once again I'll be giving away a bunch of free shirts (among other things) to people who enter the contests (just to warn you... this time you may have to work for it, so put on your thinking caps!).
And, while we're talking about shirts, time for some Q&A...
Where can I get your "Healthy Boobies" Breast Cancer Awareness Shirt? This was a limited-edition shirt that I designed, but had no part in manufacturing (I don't even own one!). The shirt was a success, however, and helped raise nearly $1000 during Breast Cancer Awareness Month... quite an achievement considering only 50 were ever made! If there is enough interest, I may make a limited edition shirt this October and donate all the money to The Susan G. Komen Foundation. I'll keep you posted.
Why can't I buy a "Dave Cafe" shirt like in all your DaveToons? Because the Hard Rock Cafe would probably sue my ass! I love the Hard Rock, and would rather that people head to their local cafe and get a "real" shirt than anything I would come up with.
How do I get an "Artificial Duck" shirt? They are currently not for sale, but may be resurrected one day. The logo is really too good to not be on a shirt, so I definitely want to print them again. I'll take a look at it after Blogiversary III is over.
Why are your shirts in black and white? I want color! For the current designs, I just thought that they looked better that way. I did experiment with color, but kept coming back to the B&W. The good news is that there may be some color options coming up...
I'm a GIRL and want a GIRL'S SHIRT! How can I order a baby doll T or fitted women's shirt? Well, right now you can't. The simple truth is that having to keep an inventory of many shirt styles in various sizes would bankrupt me. HOWEVER, I have talked to my printer about custom ordering them along with my "regular" orders and it doesn't seem to be a problem. So I am thinking of having a "pre-order store" next time, and letting people order sweatshirts, baby dolls, fitted shirts, long sleeves, or whatever. When it comes time to order the Blogiversary III stuff, I'll let everybody know.
What does "Bad Monkey" mean... who is this "Bad Monkey"?? There is no secret meaning to Bad Monkey. The very first DaveToon I drew was in reference to that evil little monkey in the movie Outbreak who infected everybody with the ebola virus. Not only that, but monkeys have been known to spit and throw their poo at people, which makes them bad indeed!
Who prints your shirts? That would be Ad-Fab Ink... the best screen printers I have ever had the pleasure of working with (and there have been quite a few over the years!).
I was told by (insert name here) that they got a shirt for free. I want a free shirt! There are five ways to get a free shirt... ONE: Get lucky from leaving a comment here on Blogography (every 1000th commenter gets a free shirt, assuming you leave a valid email address so I can contact you, and aren't a comment troll who got deleted). TWO: Win a contest during one of my Blogiversary celebrations each April. THREE: Be one of the first twenty people to make a tax-free donation of $100 or more to Doctors Without Borders during a disaster relief drive (contact me if you're interested). FOUR: Order a shirt that's out-of-stock for 4 weeks or longer. FIVE: You are Elizabeth Hurley, Kristen Bell, or Betty White and ask for one.
Alrighty then. I am off to wash a giant pile of dirty clothes that has accumulated over the past week of craziness. Something is starting to smell funny, and I want to take care of things before it comes alive and strangles me in my sleep. Just my luck it would be a Bad Monkey T-shirt... oh the irony...
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ooo my lego is famous again
.. I still haven’t dismantled that mosaic heh 
I love my Bad Monkey T-shirt! Goody! New designs for this year!
I wonder..will it be Pirate Dave…or Pope Dave..or…Gimp Dave
There are too many possibilties. I can’t believe it is time for Blogiversary already, it just seems like yesterday..*sigh*
(You do know that I am going to keep my shirts in pristine condition and then when you rule the universe I shall sell them on ebay for MILLIONS!)
Dave, did I forget to mention I’m Kristen Bell? I knew I should have mentioned that sooner…
$.50 to $1.00 per shirt…
at 200,000,000 shirts already sold…
Looking forward to the new design! (not that there’s anything wrong with the current ones, of course)
Dang I’m hot! I’m glad you’re letting everyone else know that, too. Wait til they see my ass-pointy picture. Yeppers.
I can’t wait for new designs & styles!
I still haven’t gained the courage to order one. I’m afraid that if I wear it out, it will attract more attention to my self than I could handle. And really, I don’t need to stand out any more than I do already.
Um, wait. Betty White??
I totally missed something…
Wow, Blogography shirts make you really thirsty! I look forward to the third-annual Blogiversary Celebration and will do my best to earn a prize!
Awesome group of folks! I love my new shirt as well as the company I keep!
I finally went ahead and ordered a Bad Monkey shirt! I came here by way of Ninja Poodles (I’ve known Belinda my whole life).
I think you can catch a rerun of last night’s Veronica Mars next Tuesday night. And starting April 11, V.M. will be moving to Tuesday nights. I’m a big Veronica fan!
The shirt rocks!!
When do the the shirts featuring “Zombie Dave” or “The PowerSmack Girls” of IT2M come out?
Upper right hand corner sez hey.
I am taking it out for its first spin in public tomorrow. I am counting on attracting many women with this.
Not that I would know what to do with them if they did but… I’m just sayin…
Kazza: Perfectly understandable… that’s cool Lego you’ve got there! I couldn’t bear to take it apart either.
Sayuri: MILLIONS?? Uhhh… I will be closing up the Artificial Duck Store today. Why should everybody else get all my money? I’ll just hold onto all of them myself and sell them on eBay when I’m famous!
Nicole: Wow… you’ve got a heck of a commute to the Veronica Mars set from Pago Pago every day!
Chanakin: If I made 200 million dollars from selling T-shirts, I can practically guarantee that I would be retired by now!
Chase: Indeed you are hot with your Bad Monkey self! That’s why I simply HAD to link to you’re brilliant photo shoot over at Taste the World, where people can see first-hand how my T-shirts can change your life!
Rob: Good man! Since anybody wearing a Blogography T-shirt will immediately become the center of attention in any social situation, it’s good that you realize whether or not it would be too much for you.
Jennifer: My love of Betty White is well documented… here, and here, and here, and here, and here. Betty rocks!
Eve: The good news is that you’ve only got a few weeks to wait!
Jeff: Yes, these T-shirts make you special indeed, and don’t let anybody tell you different!
Melissa: Ah yes… and soon your good taste will be known to the world! Congratulations!
Crystal: And so do you for recognizing it!
Charred: Hmmm… be sure to drop by during Blogiversary III week…
RW: Brace yourself! Your first time in public with The Monkey might surprise you (just like it did these people).
Um…yeah it is a bit of a commute.
He-eeeyyyy, those are my boobs. heh, heh. I said “boobs”.
And I am STILL the #1 Google return for the phrase “bad monkey boobs.” I love you for that.
Oh, Betty White always gets the perks! She’s just too damn nice! You can’t say no to one of the nicest ladies to ever grace the tube.
Blogiverssary III? Did you say Blogiverssary III? Holy crap, I’m going to poop myself with anticipation. I can’t wait.
I gotta get off my ass and order these. I keep forgetting. I want one of these and one of Belinda’s Ninja Poodle shirts (although your idea of a ninja poodle de-hearting a chihuahua or whatever it was sounds cool) and one of Shane’s Hawesome shirts. The list goes on.
Oh, and Liz Hurley said she wants a shirt. She wants it as a night shirt and has requested an XXL so she has added room for when you visit. But she’s afraid of giving out her address and asked you to just send it to me so I can pass it on when I see her next. You know where to find me.
I can’t wait for the big third Blog-Anniversary festivities…Dave, you mentioned maybe color in future Blog T-Shirts, well if you do a “Penis Salad” T-Shirt, color is a must !
Must remember to not buy food or pay bills one week… Must spend money on the glory of the Bad Monkey T-Shirt… Am doing it next week as a birthday treat for me!
You know I will.
Lookin’ good, RW!
Nicole: But even so, love your work.
Belinda: Yes, your boobs are indeed a good showcase for Bad Monkey! Though I must admit to being a little disappointed that I’M not the top hit for “Bad Monkey Boobs!”.
Brent: She’s MOSTLY nice. Betty has been playing some much more diverse rolls as of late… particularly on shows like “Boston Legal” and movies like “Lake Placid”. I, for one, am thrilled to see a darker side!
TheMike: Hey… that’s right… you won an iPod last time! I had forgot about that.
Kevin: If I truly believed that you had this kind of access to Elizabeth Hurley, I would be at your door right now.
Harold: I wonder exactly how much trouble I would get into for producing a “Penis Salad” shirt? Something tells me it would be popular for all the wrong reasons!
Bec: Bah! Food is vastly overrated! A Bad Monkey T-Shirt is forever!
Charred: Personally, I am pulling for “Zombie Dave” – but I guess we’ll see…
Love the bad monkey t-shirts!