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✖ Bullet Sunday 385

Posted on June 15th, 2014

Dave!Hope your dad wanted a half-dozen bullets for Father's Day... because Bullet Sunday starts... now...

• Fathers. And, speaking of Father's Day... happiest of holidays to all the dads out there... especially mine!

Dave and Dave2!

Wow! I look so young in that photo!

• Radio. Growing up in the 70's and 80's the voice of music was Casey Kasem. He was also the voice of our cartoons, as he was Shaggy in Scooby Doo and the voice of Robin in Super Friends! I was sad to hear that Mr. Kasem passed away today...

Casey Kasem!

"Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars..."

• Feline. Three marines saved some kittens in Afghanistan, bringing us one of the best things I've read all week...

Marine Cats!

Marine Cats!

The story is worth a look over at Love Meow.

• Halloween. In what looks to be the best thing to happen to Halloween since Tim Burton's A Nightmare Before Christmas, here comes Guillermo del Toro's The Book of Life...

Absolutely beautiful. I can't wait.

• Dreams. Kevin Costner and other cast members assembled in Iowa at the Field of Dreams movie site to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the film. Needless to say, I am pretty crushed that I didn't get to go...

Kevin Costner Hits!
Photo copyrighted by the Associated Press

Yep, still my favorite movie of all time.

• Bat-Cave. My second choice for a place to watch Field of Dreams? THE ULTIMATE BAT-CAVE THEATER, OF COURSE!

Ultimate Bat-Cave Theater!
Photo courtesy of Elite Home Theater Seating

When a friend sent this link to me, I poured over the photos for a long time. The detail and thoughtfulness that went into planning this room is amazing. It feels very authentic to the style of the Christopher Nolan trilogy of films, though I can't fathom the $2.5 million is will cost to implement. If only I had too much money to know what to do with it.

Now we return you to your previous Father's Day activities...


✖ Veterans

Posted on November 11th, 2009

Dave!It's Veteran's Day!

Tonight Applebee's was offering an entrée to all veterans, so I took my mom (US Navy Veteran!) to claim her free dinner. It was a really nice thing for the restaurant chain to do... but the place was packed to the rafters, and most of them weren't veterans. They were just accompanying a veteran (like me, my brother, and sister-in-law). So Applebee's was making out like bandits, probably clearing one of their biggest money-making days ever. I actually think that's pretty cool though. Do something nice, and get something in return... everybody wins!

Which is why a group of friends and I continue to take turns grabbing names from and sending care packages to them while they're serving far from home. Soldiers get something that makes their lives a little better, and we get to be the ones who makes it happen... everybody wins!

If you want to know how YOU can help, I've written about --here-- and --here--.


DAVETOON: Soldiers
(With my apologies to the Coast Guard, but I haven't received a name in that branch of service yet!)


A heartfelt thank you to all those who are serving in our military or have served in the past (thanks mom & dad!) and those who have given their lives in service of a grateful nation.

I've said it before, but every day should be Veteran's Day.



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