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Mental Decline Duo

Posted on Friday, June 28th, 2024

Dave!Did I watch the debate? Oh fuck no. Why torture myself? I despise our choices and already know who I'm voting for, so it's senseless. Biden may be too old, too far into mental decline, and a politician I can't stand, but at least I'm confident he will listen to smart people when it comes to making decisions. Trump is also too old, also too far into mental decline, and also a politician I can't stand, but I have zero confidence he'll listen to anybody. Including the dumbass sycophants he surrounds himself with. I also have zero confidence that he won't continue to grift the country for personal gain as he always has... all while doing everything possible to fuck over poor people so that rich people get richer. And fuck over women and LGBTQ people so that his demented far-right Christian base can have even more power to fuck over women and LGBTQ people. This is a definite "lesser of two evils" situation that's not even close. Even if it seems cruel to even have Biden on the ballot. Because my God.

I'd ask why these two pathetic options are what we're stuck with... but I already know the answer. Republicans and Democrats have fired up the hate to such stratospheric levels that there's no need to find competent candidates. People don't vote based on who's competent... they vote against the party they've been conditioned to hate most.

And the entire country suffers for it.

One way or the other.

We are so fucked.

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Categories: News – Politics 2024Click To It: Permalink


  1. Nicole says:

    I did make the mistake of watching the debate and what a shitshow! Turned into a pissing match. Trump is evil and Biden couldn’t complete a sentence, but at least Biden has people who will make better decisions for our country than Trump ever will. I’m really depressed at the direction this country is heading, which is backwards. The MAGA people want nothing but white men in power and to treat everyone else as lesser than who don’t deserve the same rights. It sickens me.

  2. kapgar says:

    And competent, good people don’t want to put themselves and their families through the shitstorm that is an election cycle and media.

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