Pull up a seat to the campfire... because Bullet Sunday starts... now...
• Doctor! While I felt Peter Capaldi did a great job as the new Doctor Who, I was a bit disappointed in his debut episode. I'd like to blame it on all the build-up, hype, and anticipation pushing my expectations too high... but I honestly feel that had nothing to do with it. I was just bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. It was a boring episode.
I'd have thought they would start this series out with a bang, but that didn't happen... at least in my humble opinion. I don't know what they're waiting for, but here's hoping next episode ramps things up to where they need to be.
• Thrice! Did I mention that the latest FREE issue of Thrice Fiction has been released? Well it has! And you can download it at absolutely no charge from our website!
Plenty of good stuff to be found within. Hurry up and get your copy before we come to our senses and start charging thousands of dollars for it!
• Star-Lord! My man-crush on Chris Pratt continues. I love it when famous people use their celebrity as a force for good instead of being self-centered assholes like so many seem to be. And kudos to Marvel for not starting up a lawsuit when Chris visited a children's hospital in-character as Star-Lord...
Photo from @Twitter
What an awesome guy.
• Bunga! If you've got an upcoming journey to or through Europe, be forewarned that Iceland is ripe for yet another volcanic eruption. Mt. Bardarbunga is poised to blow. The potential for disaster being even larger than the previous explosion of Mt. Eyjafjallajokul that messed up travel plans for millions of passengers as flights were delayed and canceled left and right due to unsafe ash content in the air.
It's always something.
• Tom! I hate to be the All Thompson Twins All The Time Channel, but I'm a huge fan. And this is a really good interview...
Original Photo Uncredited
Can't. Wait.
• Human! And lastly... this video is titled Restore Your Faith in Humanity. It's aptly named...
Annnnnd... no more bullets for you. See you next week!
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I’m a new Whovian… And yeah, it was a sucky episode.
Oh gawd… there was no wrap up or explanation for new fans this time around. I can’t imagine somebody new to Who watching this episode and understanding what’s going on.
Katie and I like to believe that Chris Pratt and his wife Anna Faris are downright decent people and what Hollywood, and the world, should be comprised of. We don’t want to be proven wrong.
Unfortunately this volcano has a pronounceable name, so it won’t be any fun listening to broadcasters flub it.
I agree with you about the Dr. Who episode. Too much hype…I mean, it lasted a year, didn’t it? Or at least if felt as though it did. Plus, I didn’t sense any chemistry between the Doctor and his companion, even after that bit towards the end.
I felt similarly to the Doctor Who episode – but I always enjoy Strax. That potato is hilarious. I was disappointed that Tom Thomas wasn’t in this episode.
I do like how they left whether the android killed himself or if the Doctor pushed him as a mystery.
Just wanted to let you know that Tom Bailey was interviewed about the tour in the latest episode of the ‘Stuck in the 80’s’ podcast. It’s at http://stuckinthe80s.libsyn.com/rss.
I haven’t seen the new Doctor yet. Part of me hopes it will be more like the Doctor/Jo Grant team up.
Reba really liked the new Doctor Who season opener. Although she admits that she liked Matt Smith as the Doctor.
That was a great Tom Bailey interview. Thanks for sharing. Less than 2 weeks.
I enjoyed the premier DW episode. But I’m weird like that.