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✖ Delight?

Posted on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Dave!Yesterday morning I had to head back over the mountains early so I could make it to work on time. The drive is usually 2-hours, 15-minutes... but I always budget 2-1/2 hours just in case something weird happens.

Like some asshole in front of me deciding to drive 15 miles an hour under the speed limit while in a no-passing zone for 20-minutes.

Or, more likely, because I have to stop at McDonalds for breakfast. Which went something like this...

      "Welcome to McDonald's! Would you like to try our new Egg White Delight McMuffin Sandwich?"

      "What? — No. — Oh gross. No."

      "Sorry, we have to ask. What can I get for ya?"

Now, I'm not doubting her word... I'm sure they really are required to ask people to try the Egg White Delight. My question is why? Do they expect that you'll order that hideous-sounding sandwich in addition to what you're already buying? That's not very realistic. Best case scenario is that you'll eat that egg white shit-sandwich instead of what you were already going to buy. Are they cheaper to make, thus more profitable or something? I doubt it. So I just don't get it.

Especially since the Egg White Delight McMuffin looks like this...

McDonalds Egg White Delight McMuffin

Oh hell no.

Because that photo comes directly from McDonalds where it was undoubtedly styled perfectly and still looks like shit. I can only guess how utterly awful it looks "in real life." The best part of an egg is the yolk, and I sure as hell ain't going to go for a sandwich without it. Go sell that disgusting, slimy, mass of vomit-inducing hell to somebody else, McDonalds.

And speaking of food styling... this is what I'm talking about...

From experience, I can tell you that a really good food stylist is worth their weight in gold. The better they are at making stuff look amazing, the less time you have to spend in Photoshop!

But even the best food stylist in the universe would have trouble making the Egg White Delight McMuffin look edible.

= shudder =

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Categories: Food 2013, Photography 2013Click To It: Permalink


  1. B.E. Earl says:

    McDonald’s is almost never an option for me, no matter how convenient it is. And I’ll do egg white sandwiches every now and again at a good deli or diner, but that shit looks horrendous.

  2. Having GM’d a few fast food places in my 20’s, I can say with authority that ALL fast food places require their cashiers to “upsell” at the Point of Purchase. No, the crappy sandwich isn’t that much cheaper to make, but it does turn a better profit than that Egg McMuffin on the dollar menu. Last time I looked, the percentage of customers who can be upsold at the POP was 40%(Back in the 90’s), so if they can make 50 cents more on every 4 out of 10 customers, at the end of the month it really adds up. Also, that extra cheese they try to sell you for 25 cents? Yeah, they pay 4 cents for each slice, thus making a 21 cent profit on every 8 out of 10 customers! Multiply that by 200+ customers and hour and….well, you get the point.
    That thing does look like crap though. Ew!

    • Dave2 says:

      I figured it had to be something like that. Still seems that the smarter up-sell would be an add-on… such as “Would you like fries with that?” rather than a marginally more profitable replacement.

  3. Suebob says:

    1. McDonald’s is a great place to stop. To use the restroom.
    2. Try getting a plain iced coffee at McDonald’s. Masters theses have been written in shorter amounts of time than it takes me to explain that order.
    3. I’m always a little pissed off when people don’t try to do a basic upsell. Like you order a bagel at a bagel place and they ring you up and don’t give you a chance to order cream cheese. If I were their boss, I’d be SCREAMING.

  4. martymankins says:

    As Blondefabulous already mentioned, the upsell comes with the territory.

    As for the egg white Egg McMuffin, I have actually tried this and while it’s not like the original, I did like the white cheese they used on it. It’s not as gross as it looks, but lacks that wonderful yolk of a fully cooked egg.

  5. Ren says:

    I prefer the Egg White Delight, though it might be mostly due to the cheese. Well, and the slightly fewer calories. Usually, I have the oatmeal or the parfait.

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