Put down that beverage... because Bullet Sunday starts... now...
Or maybe not. Maybe you should pick up that beverage again and order another. That's what I'm going to do. Right after I edit out all the nastiest bits of this nasty Bullet Sunday in an effort to make it be not-so-nasty. I've had enough nasty for the week.
• Rewarding Failure. Despite being a total Mac Whore, I don't hate Microsoft.
• Unfathomable Stupidity. I've never hid my disgust and loathing of Rush Limbaugh as everything that's wrong with this country. He incites hatred by telling lies to a huge audience who never questions the bullshit he's peddling. This week he hit an all-time low by calling a near-twienty-year-old Batman villain, Bane, a conspiracy by the filmmakers behind The Dark Night Rises to undermine Mitt Romney's presidential bid by reminding people he worked for Bain Capital.
• Darkest Night. The horrible tragedy in Aurora, Colorado is a horrific reminder of the world we live in.
• Chik Chuck. When a successful company proudly announces that they support organizations which fight for inequality, bigotry, and hatred... you kind of have to wonder why they're a successful company.
• Political Animals. Sigourney Weaver is one of my favorite actresses because she's appeared in so many of my favorite movies... Ghostbusters, Galaxy Quest, Alien, Aliens, Dave, Paul, The Cabin in the Woods, and WALL-E
to name a few. So when I heard she was going to be appearing on television(!) in a new show called Political Animals, nothing could keep me from tuning in. And I wasn't disappointed. Such a deliciously good show with a really good cast.
• Two Birds. My favorite email client is called "Sparrow." It is beautifully simple yet very powerful, which is everything you want when it comes to your software. Unfortunately, Sparrow was bought out by Google, who promptly stopped development on the Mac and iPhone apps. While I can't blame the developers for taking the Big Google Payday, I'm still a little bitter about it. Just like Gowalla before them, it seems as though surprisingly little consideration was given to all the customers who got them where they are.
• Michele Bachmann. Surprise surprise. This weeks' installment of bat-shit crazy comes courtesy of the Queen of Bat-Shit Crazy.
Annnnnd... I want a fresh start in a fresh week now.
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I really appreciate your words about Aurora, CO. I’ve felt at a loss, and the things I’ve read so far haven’t come close to expressing my feelings. This did so perfectly. Thank you.
(Your words about Michele Bachmann expressed my feelings perfectly, too.)
Thanks, Dave :>
I didn’t know that about Sparrow. Dang. I don’t even have a Mac yet but I had flagged that app as one I needed for when I do get one.
I really would’ve loved to have seen all that deleted content. (Although I’m sure it would’ve mirrored my own opinions on said subjects.)
I thought the Rush commentary was ridiculous. However, when Bane took over the city and put “the people” in charge, I couldn’t help but wonder if that’s not the logical conclusion to what the “Occupy” movement seems to champion, and that scared me a bit. Obviously, this film was penned and began shooting before that movement took off, though, so I don’t think it was meant to encourage such behavior.
I was using Sparrow for iPhone for a while but I recently switched to the Gmail app. For my use, the advantages of the Sparrow app are pretty small and having a search function that really works trumps them.
On my Macs, I’m satisfied with Mail.app. It’s search even works.
Political Animals and Newsroom are why I am very slightly missing cable lately. Well, along with Weeds and True Blood, though those are mitigated somewhat by having older seasons to watch via DVD rental.
I wish we had Chik-fil-A here so my boycot of them meant anything. The only times I can declare I won’t eat there and have it carry any weight are when I’m traveling, and who wants to eat at a fast food chain when you’re traveling anyway?
I’d like a link to the uncensored post please. Thank you. 🙂
I was never a patron of Chick-fil-A, so the boycott is lost on me, too (I don’t eat fast food chicken all that often, with the exception of Wendy’s Spicy chicken nuggets with ranch sauce)
I almost tried Sparrow for the Mac, but ended up solving the issue I had with Mail.app for my IMAP account (it wasn’t Mail.app, it’s the web host I use for mail not supporting IMAP properly). I’m sad that they decided to stop development on it especially when they have iPhone apps for their products. I know this will probably get feature rolled into the next version of their Gmail app, but still, it would have been nice for them to leave that part of it alone to support IMAP and other mail clients.