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✖ Pennies

Posted on Monday, April 23rd, 2012

Dave!I should have left the Dutch mayo back in the Netherlands. Because now I'm going to have to start a cocaine habit in order to break my Patatjes Met addiction. Cocaine I think I have a shot at shaking... but Dutch mayo? Not on your life. Dutch mayo is the new chocolate pudding, and I want to eat in on everything all of the time.

That can't be good.

Well, it is good, it just can't be healthy.

The weather has taken a decidedly warmer turn here, with temperatures reaching a ball-scorching 86° today. This is kind of depressing, because I don't remember getting a Spring. We went from cold days a couple weeks ago to hot days this week. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Just freeze your ass off one day, then sweat your ass off the next.

In other news... DEATH TO PENNIES!!!

Despite all the objections, I am for a cashless society. I buy everything... everything... on my credit card to get airline miles anyway, so it wouldn't be a big deal to me. And while I don't see the USA getting rid of money any time soon, I think killing off the penny is something most people could get behind once they are informed of what a stupid waste they are.

Or not.

Here in these United States of America, we seem to be addicted to stupid waste.

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  1. Invader_Stu says:

    they sort of un-officially killed of the one cent and two cent here in Holland. No one uses them any more. Even shops round up or round down the price.

    Maybe you can find a dealer to give all your pennies to for imported Patajes met.

  2. Kristin Wood says:

    I probably shouldn’t give you this, but.

    • Dave2 says:

      I’ve tried several Dutch Mayo recipes and they never turn out quite right. Somehow, some way, the “authentic” stuff comes out sweeter and richer than anything I’ve ever been able to make. Thanks though… I’ve printed it out and added it to my pile in case I get ambitious again. 🙂

  3. Yeah summer is apparently here with a vengeance. We hit 106° in Phoenix on Saturday. Made the mistake of going outside without shoes. Did you know that hot concrete is hot?

  4. martymankins says:

    I’m al for getting rid of the penny.

    Do they sell Dutch mayo here in the states? If so, we may all be doomed.

  5. Lora says:

    Have you tried making your own mayo? It’s ridiculously easy – I see someone has linked to a recipe for you. You can just use a regular blender or even a food processor. And if you are concerned about using a fresh egg, you can substitute a pasteurized egg or an equal amount of EggBeaters (or similar). I make my own mayo now and it is so much better tasting – as you’ve discovered.

  6. Sybil Law says:

    Buh – bye, pennies!

  7. Colleen says:

    According to this link, you are not the only one looking for Dutch mayo. While an addiction to mayo may not be healthier than a Cocaine addiction, it will at least be cheaper.

  8. the muskrat says:

    I agree with getting rid of pennies and just rounding off. But cash gives us a little bit of privacy from the Fed, and while I don’t use cash very often at all, I like that it’s still available.

  9. mitchell says:

    Dave, I have had this problem for years. There are several online Dutch food stores based in the USA (mostly the mid-west) that can suit your mayo / candy / food needs. While you’re at it, get some Dutch curry sauce for more awesomeness! (calvé brand is my favorite!). The mayonaise, in stock for short periods every couple of weeks usually, ranges from $5 to $9. I know what you’re going through!

  10. Steve in NH says:

    I am here to be the penny dissenter. I have OCD and to me any numerical system has to have a “1”. Simple as that. All that rounding will send me to an early grave. Every transaction will be one of those frustrating “fencepost” problems from junior high. Furthermore, if you are going to kill the penny it is only consistent (shudder) that the entire concept of one-ness be removed from our financial system. Even gasoline, apparently, is worth someone’s while to parse down to 9/10ths of a cent per gallon. Make pennies out of plastic or poop but don’t take away my “ones”. Shudder.

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