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Posted on Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Dave!Last night while wandering around downtown Seattle so I could find something for dinner, a nice young lady outside of Pacific Place was gathering signatures in support of Planned Parenthood. With a smile on her face she would politely ask passing people if they supported Planned Parenthood so she could get them to sign. Most people were ignoring her.

Except the man walking ahead of me who decided to be a total dick and scream "NO!" at her so loudly that she was startled.

Naturally I decided to be a bigger dick and scream "YES!" at the back of his head, followed by "YEAH, PLANNED PARENTHOOD... YEAAAAAAHHHHH!!" And to totally drive my point home, I was fist-pumping and waving my arms while continuing to scream YEAAAAAAHHHHH!!"

Because, seriously, what is it with people?

Did he really have to be such a total asshole to scream at the girl? Couldn't he just have said a polite "no thanks" or even ignored her?

Apparently not.

The polarizing politics of this country have created such overwhelming hatred in our daily lives that just walking down the street can be both horrifying and depressing. People aren't even pretending to be respectful, kind, and decent to each other anymore. Even the smallest disagreement seems to be grounds for all-out assault.

I try not to care, but I'm so damn tired of being caught in the crossfire.

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  1. Connie says:

    Thank you! I simply hate nasty people. Pass on if you don’t agree.

  2. Wendy Thomas says:

    Hile, gunslinger!

  3. RW says:

    And then you signed! YEEAAHHHH DAVE!!!

  4. Liz Hill says:

    I would have done the same thing

  5. I hope he crapped his pants when you yelled!

  6. i really appreciate you standing up for that woman and for planned parenthood. thank you. while i know you didn’t write this for thank yous, it means a lot.

  7. Karl says:

    Douchebaggery, I have no time for it. Good for you, standing up for common decency. Some people never learned manners, apparently.

  8. I have to hand it to you: you handled that with a bit more class than I would have. I probably would have been shocked into silence or so enraged that I’d either call the guy an asshole just loud enough so he could hear me, or charge right up to him and ask him what the fuck was his problem.

    I created the local Planned Parenthood’s Gowalla spot and while I’ve never used their services, I appreciate that I could if I wanted or needed to. Here in Boise the PP protesters are generally mild and stick to the sidewalk behind the building, which is actually on one of the main streets running through town.

  9. sizzle says:

    I wish I could have seen you do that.

  10. Megan says:

    Go you. 🙂

  11. Sarah says:

    It’s shit like this that makes my statement of “I hate people” true. Well this and the fact that I get threatened at work and my managers don’t care enough about my safety to lose a sale by asking that person to leave.

    Seriously, what is wrong with the world?

  12. Michelle M. says:

    That’s cool that you had the cojones to do that. Maybe next time that guy will think twice before being such a jerk.

  13. The world needs less bullshit and more Dave.

  14. Mel says:

    Of course, my first thought was whether that might have been my husband’s nephew, who lives in that part of town. Homeschooled by fundies even deeper into the heart of Redneckistan than you and now going to Art Institute, so the kid’s got a lot of shit to work out.

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