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Posted on Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Dave!I've been keeping tabs on the Kilauea Volcano eruption in Hawaii quite closely. Not because I own property there or anything, but because in the three times I've been to The Big Island I drove up the volcano and didn't see shit.

Well, that's not entirely true. The last time I was there, it was venting vog (volcanic fog). Which I guess is kinda cool. But it's a far cry from lava shooting 80 feet into the air like what's happening now.

Here's a photo I took when I last visited in 2008...

Hawaii Volcano Smoke Plume

And here's the Kilauea Volcano today...

Nuclear Explosion

Okay, I exaggerate. That's a photo of a nuclear explosion. But still, why can't the cool shit happen while I'm there? How awesome would it be to be standing on a volcano when it erupts?

Maybe one day I'll get lucky.

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  1. the muskrat says:

    I was there in ’08, too! And then in ’10 and again in ’11. And guess what? No eruptions. Ditto for when we went to Costa Rica. Apparently, we Muskrats are doomed to never see live lava.

    And the fact that both in ’08 and in ’11, eruptions began within a few weeks after we left? Is like a kick in the balls after a kick in the ass.

  2. I heard that a dive shop will take rather advanced divers out to the volcano when it’s actively oozing/erupting lava into the ocean and you can watch it happen during a dive. Of course, you want divers comfortable with their buoyancy and physically fit so they’re not ramming themselves head first into the lava. But THAT would be a cool dive. But, it’s probably only a rumor and they don’t actually do it. Still…

  3. Lisa says:

    Being on an erupting volcano is pretty cool. I lived on Mt. Etna for two years and could sit on my front porch and watch the eruptions. Since Etna erupts daily you could count on regular shows. Of course after I left Etna had a major event and covered part of the town I lived in, so it’s not all pretty but everything has a dark side.

  4. you make me want to find my big island photos. i got to see the red hot lava trickle into the ocean. not shooting up into the air, but still had my jaw hanging open.

  5. Sybil Law says:

    Cool to see, as long as you don’t slip and fall! 🙂

  6. I can think of other places I’d rather be than on a volcano as it erupts. But that might just be the whole self preservation thingy kicking into gear.

  7. Whit says:

    There’s nothing like fresh lava for great marshmallow toasting.

  8. Invader_Stu says:

    For a split second… just a split second… I thought the second photo was real.

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