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Posted on Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Dave!I'm not sick, but I'm feeling like crap.

Probably because I made the mistake of taking a nap when I got home. That never works out well for me, but I was half-dead from the crazy events of the past week and couldn't help myself.

And so now I'm three-quarters-dead and have nobody to blame but myself...

Lil' Dave is Three-Quarters-Dead

Tomorrow's going to be a fun day.

In television news... Survivor sucks more and more each season because Jeff Probst tries and makes the show be about Jeff Probst. Sorry, but this show is supposed to be about the contestants. Stop trying to influence the game and manipulate Tribal Council to put the spotlight on you. It's not making the game any more interesting... it's making the game less relevant to the outcome. Just announce the challenges, initiate the conversation, snuff the torches, and SHUT THE FUCK UP. Also? Those "Redemption Island What-If Moments" are truly stupid and wasting valuable time we should be spending... oh... I dunno... WATCHING THE GAME.

In other television news... Mr. Sunshine has to be the biggest waste of television talent in recent memory. Matthew Perry, who was not only genius in Friends and Studio 60, but near-inspiring in his guest-appearances on The West Wing is wasted on mind-numbingly boring material. Allison Janney, who's run on The West Wing is legendary, has been given a one-dimensional joke of a character that's about as appealing as salmonella poisoning. They can't even get a guest-spot right, as they bring in somebody with real character like Kathy Najimy, then have her do... absolutely nothing? WTF?

In even more television news... Justified Season Two... wow. Just wow.

In Twitter news... SWOOOOOON!

Brooke Alvarez Tweet!

BROOKE ALVAREZ! Guess I better hose down that goat's blood off my altar and take that photo!

And, on that stalker-ish note... it's almost midnight, so I suppose I should see just how big a mistake that afternoon nap was.


  1. Michelle M. says:

    Those what ifs were just ridiculous. Tribal council was fun to watch, though. Frances-sis-chess-qwa. Ha!

    Does Elizabeth Hurley twitter? You should give that a try.

  2. Avitable says:

    Brooke Alvarez is hilarious.

    I’m sad that Mr. Sunshine isn’t. I haven’t had a chance to watch the pilot, yet.

    Is your “wow” for Justified a good thing or a bad thing? I still haven’t seen season 1!

  3. bo says:

    I see potential in Mr. Sunshine, though. I’m going to hang in for a few weeks, based on the idea that that kind of talent had to be drawn by something. I just hope it wasn’t money.

  4. B.E. Earl says:

    I have a post going up tonight about Justified. I don’t know how, but it has become my favorite show on television. Just awesome.

    But I loved last night’s episode of Survivor (watched on DVR, FFing through the stupid “what if” moments and commercials). I love when Jeff gets involved.

  5. claire says:

    I saw the first ep of Mr. Sunshine and wasn’t sure what to make of it. Really I watched because I love Allison Janney. She was appalling and funny but seemed to be more peripheral.

    I find myself DVRing shows and then not being anxious to watch them. (*cough* Harry’s Law *cough*) I’ll probably give Sunshine 1 more try.

    On the flipside, this newly developing respect for my time is giving more time to read.

  6. the muskrat says:

    I had to Google her. You make me feel ignorant.

  7. Sybil Law says:

    You better send her a pic of that shrine!

  8. We were channel surfing last night and caught the tail end of Survivor. Which was kinda annoying seeing as (a) we had no idea the new season was starting and (b) WE BLOODY MISSED IT. Ugh.

  9. making this all about me…i love that lil dave is thinking about the first letter of my last name, but hate that it is making him sick.

    making it all about you…dude, BROOKE!

  10. Invader_Stu says:

    I wish my victims were so accommodating. All I get is restraining orders.

  11. whitenoise says:

    I’ve never heard of her, either, but she seems to have a good sense of humour.

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