I'M SICK! Well, sick as usual. I've been feeling poorly since I got back from Amsterdam. I'm sure it's just fatigue from non-stop-travel and working all hours of the night and day... but it's getting old. I'm tired of feeling crappy. I have a feeling that this will be a shorter than usual Bullet Sunday.
• Vote! Just a reminder to my fellow Washingtonians, there's precious little time left to get your votes in to APPROVE Referendum 71. All ballots are due by November 3rd, so if you haven't mailed your ballot and believe that everybody should have equal rights under the law, be sure to take care of it ASAP! I know I've posted this video before, and I realize it was made for the state of Maine, but it really applies everywhere, and is worth your valuable time to watch...
• Buttah! The latest commercial for "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" is pretty cool...
Except it looks strangely familiar...
Who do I talk to about getting paid for them using my idea?
• Saints! Guess what's opening this week?
That's right! After nearly a decade of waiting, the sequel to Boondock Saints is nigh!
The original Boondock Saints is one of those odd "guilty pleasure" movies that there's no reason on earth I should like... but I do. I've seen it a dozen times, and scare myself with how much of the dialogue I can quote from the film. I can only hope that the long wait for more Boondocks won't be met with disappointment. The crappy Star Wars prequels are still fresh in my mind.
Annnnd... I'm spent.
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Have you seen Overnight (the documentary about the rise and fall of Troy Duffy)?
Oh yes. Seemed a bit one-sided, but it was really interesting.
Humping butter! I like the butter-on-donut hyperbole. Why must people slather it all over everything?!?!
I love the Boondock Saints. I don’t know why, but I really like it. I just have to find someone to see the sequel with.
I hope you feel better!!
The only thing butter can’t make taste better is circus peanuts.
What’s the deal with getting sick?!
You do travel a bunch, and I know that’s really hard on the immune system. Feel better!
Wait wait wait, you are sick too? So I can add you to my “list of potential voodoo dolls”? Good to know.
I’m looking forward to seeing the Boondock sequel. The original was a lot of fun. In fact, maybe I’ll watch that right now!
I still find it hard to fathom that people’s civil rights are being put up to a vote. Makes me sad for those that get subjected to this. All in the name of a few bible verses that are used for those to hide behind in their efforts to prove they are “better than anyone else”
I hope the measure in Maine fails and the measure in Washington State passes.
On a happier note, you continue to post proof that butter is great.
ok, everyone and their fathers loved that Boondock Saints movie… I still don’t get the appeal.
But I’m happy for you that they’re making a #2! (I didn’t mean for that to rhyme…)
can’t help but think of Deadwood whenever someone says they’re feeling poorly (which is rare)
i’m definitely interested in seeing the BS sequel.