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✖ Shipper

Posted on Monday, July 14th, 2008


It's 11:00pm and I just finished the last of the orders I can fill from the Artificial Duck Co. Store. Basically, if your order doesn't have playing cards, it will ship tomorrow (that's 106 orders total). If your order does have playing cards... hopefully they will arrive when I get back from Atlanta so I can ship all remaining orders then. If the playing cards aren't waiting for me when I get back, they'll have to ship when I return from San Diego. So... barring any catastrophe (e.g. the plane carrying my cards crashes into the Pacific Ocean) all orders will have shipped by the end of the month!

Thanks so much to Artificial Duck Co. customers for your patience.

I had no idea that when I decided to make my own playing cards that it would be such a big frickin' deal. I foolishly assumed that the three months I spent drawing them would be the hard part. How wrong I was. I've now gone through three different companies and have experienced every conceivable problem... twice... since I placed my first order for them BACK IN FEBRUARY!!!

DAVETOON: Bad Monkey whistles on the Two of Hearts Card

DAVETOON: Bad Monkey in love on the Five of Hearts Card

Given the total disaster I've had trying to get my playing cards manufactured, you can understand why I'm already getting merchandise ideas together for my Blogiversary VI celebration next April. Two of the items are just killer, and I hope they work out because I want them pretty bad (even though they'll probably bankrupt me to have them made).

And now it's time to pack my suitcase.

I sure hope I can get even a few hours sleep tonight.

Categories: DaveToons 2008Click To It: Permalink


  1. some guy says:

    is there a bad monkey bobble head doll in the future?

  2. Beth says:

    You are such a tease…dangling such things a year in advance! I want to hate you because not knowing something drives me nuts. Travel safe!

  3. adena says:

    Three Words: Blogography Poker Chips!

    Of course, they’d wind up costing us a small fortune…but, small price to pay! 🙂

  4. ChillyWilly says:

    Shipping by the end of the month? If that’s the case, just bring my order with you to Dave Lake City Redux. Then any shipping costs I pre-paid can go towards the Dave fund. I’d be cool with that.

  5. SJ says:

    W00t!!! The good news is that the cards will be SO worth the wait.

    And the new merch ideas? If YOU want them badly, I imagine we’ll all be salivating excessively. Stock up on the napkins.

  6. kapgar says:

    So is it safe to assume that once you run out of the stock of playing cards that you’ve ordered, you’re never dealing with printing more ever again?

  7. Göran says:

    It´s going to be totally awsome when they arrive!

  8. Hilly Sue says:

    Your cards are cute and are worth waiting for! Erm, let’s hurry through this next week so you are here, yay!

  9. Jeff says:

    No worries… these are worth waiting for!

  10. Kris says:

    On the upswing, I got confirmation that my shirt and button order shipped. WHOOOO0-BABY!

  11. Winter says:

    Those of us going to Dave Diego who have orders… you should just bring em. Wouldn’t it be cheaper than shipping? Since I never fly anymore I’m not too sure about that…

  12. Bec says:

    And next year I will have my shit together enough to order. I will I will I will I will I will! Well, probably not but, can you see, the determination is there!

  13. Tug says:

    YAY! Can’t wait to get my order… Safe travels, and hopefully you can catch up on sleep once this whole nightmare is over, huh?

    (worth a thought anyway)

  14. Poppy says:

    If I were not lying down I would be jumping for joy, but I am lying down, so I’m quietly squeeing for joy. Thanks to Dawg for ordering the cards so that *I* get my order soon!!! WOOT! (Part of my order is for him. 😀 )

  15. nicole says:

    yay blogography stuff by the end of the month but you know i would wait till the end of time knowing someday i will have my hat and cards!!

  16. It says a lot about your good character that you’re always dedicated to honoring your fans by working diligently (despite your very busy life) to get their orders out, and keeping them updated on your progress. Very cool!

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