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✖ Banana

Posted on Tuesday, February 19th, 2008





Categories: DaveToons 2008Click To It: Permalink


  1. sizzle says:

    will you pay me to eat it?


  2. Hilly Sue says:

    I’ve got your two matching oranges ;).

  3. Stacey says:

    Exciting… and healthy!

  4. bluepaintred says:

    hmmmm two obvious choices for a comment :

    1. ring ring ring


    2. what an appealing phone

  5. Göran says:

    obviously peeled from the wrong end.

  6. Suzy says:

    Somebody is hitting the Jaegermeister HARD.

  7. Iron Fist says:

    I think that says it all.

  8. Darci says:

    I often put your art on my desktop which is then projected for my students to enjoy as I lecture. Now these are 7th and 8th graders, so I am thinking the fabulous banana will not be received without snicker and giggles. I shall keep Dave in his red wagon for a bit longer.

  9. Wayne says:

    oooh, is this going to be one of those strung-together picture posts?

  10. serap says:

    Hmmm… peeled the correct way, I’m impressed!

  11. Mr. Fabulous says:

    Are you sure it isn’t a plantain?

  12. Eileen Dover says:

    Mmm, bananas. Temptingly phallic.

  13. kapgar says:

    That could be taken so many different ways.

  14. Bec says:

    Ermmm… Apple, no… Orange… no… Kiwi!

  15. The Matt says:

    Well said.

    A good source of Potassium.

  16. delmer says:

    You say ba-nan-a, I say ba-nah-na.

  17. Rick says:

    And so it goes…

  18. turnbaby says:

    Who doesn’t love phallic fruit?

  19. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring… BANANA PHONE!

  20. bogup says:

    Yes, we have no banana.

  21. Avitable says:

    Are you playing with your banana again?

  22. Foo says:

    Why did the banana go to the doctor?

  23. Dave2 says:

    Sizzle… I’ll pay for the banana, if that’s what you mean…

    Hilly Sue… That’s an interesting mental picture. Though I don’t do very well with citrus… unless it’s a lime in a Pacifico beer!

    Stacey… Hey, it works for monkeys!

    Bluepainted… It may be aPEELing, but I still love my iPhone best! 😀

    Göran… Not according to the monkeys!

    Suzy… Hey, sometimes a banana is just a banana…

    Iron Fist… Yes, this is an edit of my original entry for the day, which was fifteen pages, single-spaced, front and back. Once I got rid of all the stuff that was just “filler,” all I had left was a banana. Fitting, somehow.

    Darci… Hmm… I need to send you the “astronauts” DaveToon I made.

    Wayne… You never know. Dave2 is a crafty bugger…

    Serap… Indeed. The monkeys of Thailand taught me well. 🙂

    Fab… It could be. I’m not that good of a drawer!

    Absurdist… Rama banana? Rama lama ding dong? Rama Barrack Obama? Hey… somebody’s getting political!

    Eileen… Is that a vitamin… like potassium?

    Kapgar… Or you could just eat it.

    Bec… Well, I do like me the kiwi, but I’m thinking blueberries myself.

    The Matt… That’s what I thought! Even though I don’t know what potassium does. At first I thought it made stuff glow in the dark, but then I was told that was phosphorus. It’s really too bad, because it would be fun to eat a banana and glow in the dark!

    Dar… I blame it on Wayne. He was the one who got me all introspective and stuff yesterday.

    Delmer… I say “that yellow thing that monkeys like to eat.”

    Rick… DANG IT! Now I want to go back and read “Slaughterhouse Five” for the hundredth time! 🙂

    Turnbaby… Homophobic carnivores?

    Bombshell… Hold on a second, my iPhone is ringing…

    Bogup… Well you do now!

    Avitable… Again? I never stop! I know it made our dinner at The Rainforest Cafe a bit uncomfortable, but it’s a banana!


  24. Avitable says:

    Our dinner was only uncomfortable when you got banana juice everywhere and made that baby cry.

  25. Fig says:

    Come, Mr. Tally Mon, tally me banana.

    I’ll be singing that the rest of the day… thanks.

  26. bogup says:

    Dave2, you have such a peel.

  27. Excellent with Cheerios or covered in chocolate!

    Dude, the banana, not your…. you know.

  28. SJ says:

    Every time you do this, I can hear you laughing maniacally all the way down here in San Diego.

    The power! THE POWER!!!

  29. Robin says:

    Only you could make an illustration of a banana topic for discussion!

  30. Lewis says:

    What?! You post a banana on my birthday? What’s a girl to think? Oh, wait….I get it….the potassium.

  31. Lewis says:

    What?! You post a banana on my birthday? What’s a girl to think? Oh, wait….I get it….the potassium.

  32. Lewis says:

    What?! You post a banana on my birthday? What’s a girl to think? Oh, wait….I get it….the potassium.

  33. Lisa says:

    No more bananas for Lewis…they make him WAAAAAAY too excited.

  34. Dave2 says:

    Avitable… That juice was a necessary component to the Rainforest Cafe Drink I was having! And it’s not my fault that babies don’t like to be slapped… he was irritating me, and that’s what happens when you irritate me.

    Fig… You are so welcome! I love that song!

    Bogup… Yeah, well, that’s a cross I’ll just have to bear. Sometimes it sucks being adored by millions! 🙂

    Granddaughter… I assure you, my “you know” is equally delicious in chocolate!!

    LizRiz… Banana who??

    SJ… Well, despite what Ocean Spray would have you believe… bananas are the “ninja fruit” after all. It doesn’t get much more powerful than that!

    Robin… I suppose it depends on what somebody was willing to do with the banana…

    Lewis… Yes. Yes. And yes. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

    Lisa… Apparently Lewis is all about the banana. Which I should have known already but, oddly, did not!

  35. ChillyWilly says:

    The Banana Splits…

    “Tra La La.. La la la la, la la la, la la la la”

  36. Liz says:

    Ahhhh!!! I am being haunted by bananas lately and you’re not helping! They’re everywhere! NPR stories, work, TV, is it the month of the banana or something?

  37. Tobi says:

    this shit is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s

    um, yeah…sorry for swearing on your blog.

  38. Dave2 says:

    Willy… I always found The Banana Splits to be more scary than funny. Same with H.R. Puffinstuff and most of the Sid & Marty Kroft shows. Don’t know why…

    Liz… Every day is Banana Day! They’re the year-round fruit!

    Tobi… I was ready to get all offended, but then realize that I swear on my blog all the time…

  39. lizriz says:

    Orange you glad I didn’t say… wait… Banana… Banana… Orange… Orange you glad…

    My head hurts.

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