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✖ O'Hare

Posted on Monday, March 6th, 2006

Dave!Sometimes it so sucks to be me.

At 8:30 this morning, I found out that some sort of crisis had happened, necessitating me having to pull together a project, drive 3 hours to Seattle, fly to Chicago O'Hare, spend the night, meet somebody at the airport at 6:30am, then fly back home directly after.

36 hours of my life gone so that I can play delivery boy.

And this was shaping up to be such good week.

As I sit here in my hotel room, I marvel how things like this tend to happen to me so often (note to self: wireless service at the Hilton O'Hare SUCKS ASS, so don't stay here again). I guess all I can do is order up some crappy room service food, watch TV, and hope I don't oversleep because the wake-up call system is all screwed up.

About the only cool thing that happened this entire day was sitting next to Seattle musician Jim Basnight on the plane and talking music for the trip over. He's on his way to New York to play a few gigs this weekend, so if you're in the city, be sure to check it out.


Since I didn't have time to pack anything except a change of underwear and a toothbrush, I just realized I don't have any Carmex lip balm with me. How in the heck am I expected to survive Chicago in March without my Carmex lip balm? I feel my lips chapping up as I type this...

Categories: Travel 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. RW says:

    Wow – you are less than 10 miles from me!


  2. adena says:

    Carmex is so flipping addictive!!

    My lips would literally hurt if I went more than 30 minutes w/o it.

    Blistex Medicated in the green chapstick like tube…that’s what I’m talking about!!

    All of the tingle of carmex, and none of the withdrawel symptoms.

  3. Belinda says:

    Yeah, the Carmex actually has some ingredients that are drying. Next time I do a batch of lip balm, I’ll send you some. You will love me for it, and not once think, “What kind of freak makes their own lip balm, and for that matter, has things on hand like cocoa butter, beeswax and avocado oil?”

  4. Jeff says:

    Weren’t we supposed to be able to follow you when you go on trips on your interactive Google map thingy?

    Or were we supposed to get a life? I get those confused.

  5. Dave2 says:

    RW: Don’t worry…I’m not coming to get you… this time.

    Adena: I am miserable without my Carmex. My lips are chapped and not at all supple. Carmex, I wish I could quit you!

    Belinda: Cocoa butter and avocados? That sounds delicious! But how am I expected to put that on my lips when I’ll probably be eating it out of the jar? 🙂

    Jeff: Well, if I was going anywhere interesting, that would be kind of cool. But I’ve gone nowhere except the airport, which won’t make for a very exciting map! 🙂

  6. Kevin says:

    Dang, I wish there was some warning, I’d come down and meet up with you and head to Giordano’s. Dammit.

  7. DRACULICH says:

    Addictive lip balms? I had an easier time quitting smack and meth than quitting Dermatone.

  8. Kathleen says:

    didn’t you get the lip balm checklist?


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