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The Myth. The Mystery. The Colon.

Posted on Thursday, January 18th, 2024

Dave!When it comes to colonoscopies, I've been very open about the experience. Mostly because I want to encourage others to have the procedure.

Colon cancer, if caught early, is very much survivable (over 90% survival rate). And if you catch pre-cancerous polyps before they turn into cancer, then you're golden. They can be easily removed before something goes terribly wrong. And speaking of which, there's this news...

Colon cancer incidence rises sharply in under 50s.

And yet I don't know that insurance covers colonoscopy if you're under 50 without a doctor's recommendation? That's not great.

If you are 50 or older, haven't gotten a colonoscopy yet, and can get one... please, for the love of God, get one! I had pre-cancerous polyps that were removed in my first time, was clean as a whistle the second time and, although I complained endlessly about the prep for the procedure (cleaning out your colon is no fun at all), the procedure itself was no big deal. They can give you a sedative and you can be doped up and even sleep through it if you want. Or you can go commando and skip the sedation for big fun during the experience.

Just do it. This can literally save your life.

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  1. Nicole says:

    Ahhh, a topic near and dear to my heart! I’ve been getting colonoscopies since my twenties and they’ve been covered in various degrees over the years depending on the health insurance company. The most I had to pay was $650 once, but usually they’ve been covered 100%.

    I had one polyp removed a decade ago and each re-check has come out clear. The prep is definitely the worst part, although after two instances of throwing up from the prescription salty liquid, I switched to the Gatorade Miralax protocol which is much easier to get down, even though I hate Gatorade. I can tolerate fruit punch flavors, but everyone dyes them red so they are a no no for prep. If they can make the cherry one clear, why not the fruit punch!?!?

    Anyway, as much as not eating for a full day and then sitting on the toilet all night sucks, it is reassuring to know it’s one of the few cancers that can be fully prevented with regular screenings. I hope they lower the starting age since, like you said, incidences are rising in the younger generation.

    • Dave2 says:

      My previous insurance wouldn’t cover them unless ordered by a doctor until I turned 50. I have no idea if that’s the case for all insurances, but I’d gladly pay $650 to start earlier, if that was the cost.

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