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Caturday 325

Posted on Saturday, October 7th, 2023

Dave!I almost ran out of the "urinary care" prescription cat food that Jake needs and Jenny also eats. This is what I supplement to "wet" food, which is everything from Chicken of the Sea salmon or tuna and =shudder= anchovies to cat food that's soups, broths, and canned.

It wouldn't be the end of the world. I still have the Meow Mix that I feed to the neighbor cats, but it's not ideal if I'm going to keep Jake out of the cat hospital...


As I always do, I look at the seasonal toys to see if there's anything Jake and Jenny will play with for 20 minutes then abandon. I found Spooky Donuts and Kitty Crackle Catnip Candy Corn...

Halloween themed cat toys.

Jake stopped to smell the ones I threw on the stairs, but was mostly not interested. He has only a mild reaction to catnip...

Jake being leary of the Halloween toys on the stairs.

His sister, on the other hand...

Jenny playing with Kitty Crackle Catnip Candy Corn

Jenny playing with Kitty Crackle Catnip Candy Corn

Jenny playing with Kitty Crackle Catnip Candy Corn

Jenny playing with Kitty Crackle Catnip Candy Corn

She gets high on the 'nip, that's for sure...

Jenny, high on catnip!

Jake was more interested in the box, as usual...

Jake's Shipping Box Exam

And, sure enough, the toys are completely ignored now. Halloween was nice while it lasted.

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Categories: Cats 2023Click To It: Permalink


  1. Your stairs are awesome.

    • Dave2 says:

      The problem is that Jakes likes to lounge on them. Which is perfectly fine… except when it’s dark… because he doesn’t want to move and I’m worried that I’m going to squish him one of these days!

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