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Caturday 192

Posted on Saturday, January 9th, 2021

Dave!The holidays being over aren't all that sad for me... I don't celebrate any of them... but I kinda feel bad for my cats. Always something new and exciting for them. Lights hanging outside the windows... Christmas cards they can chew on (which is appropriate considering 5 out of the 8 I received were addressed to them)... and all kinds of other stuff that's new and different...

Gift wrapping with the cats examing it.

One thing that I wasn't anticipating was Jake and Jenny shedding like it's the middle of Summer when there are some weeks of Winter left to be had. The fur is literally flying everywhere, and petting them results in handfuls coming off in my hand...

And apparently all that shedding is itchy, because my cats will not leave me alone. They want to be petted and scratched and scrubbed...

Jake getting scratches.

Jenny getting scratches.

Jake getting more scratches.

From the minute I get home until the minute I fall asleep, they are wanting never-ending scratches.

I'd write more exciting details about my needy cats but, well, my cats are being needy.

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Categories: Cats 2021Click To It: Permalink


  1. Dean says:

    We have a female visually identical to Jake – Dora!

    She goes nuts for one of these.

    And you will get 5x the hair off in half the time – give you a few minutes back to yourself if that is what you want 😀

    • Dave2 says:

      Jake and Jenny don’t mind the Furminator that I have at all (which does a really good job)… but it’s a matter of catching the at a time I have the time. It takes a while when they’re got a lot of fur trapped in there! I usually make time in the Spring and Fall when the weather starts to change… but this year they’re getting an early start!

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