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✖ Breathe

Posted on Monday, March 4th, 2013

Dave!Lately I've been having moments where I find myself not breathing and I have to remind myself to take a breath. It's very annoying. And has me wondering what in the heck is preoccupying the part of my brain that's supposed to handle the breathing. I suppose it's better than suddenly finding out your heart isn't beating, but still.

So far as Mondays go, this one was pretty heinous. Despite working my guts out from dusk 'til dawn I didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped. I suppose that was to be expected, because, well, Monday. What was not expected was finding out that my automated backup utility was, in fact, not backing up anything at all. This was discovered right after I had congratulated myself because a missing file could just be downloaded from my backup. Except it couldn't, because I didn't have a backup, which made me very cross indeed.

Nothing like spending two hours re-doing work you had already finished.

As if that weren't enough, I am still having problems with my blog. For reasons I can't figure out, the back-end that manages everything has suddenly decided to randomly fail while I'm updating stuff. This has resulted in my map page having no map, and my archive page being a disorganized mess.

I'd fix all that, but I have bigger fish to fry.

Like making sure I keep breathing.

Categories: Blogging 2013Click To It: Permalink


  1. D2 says:

    Hey Dave, your map page doesn’t have a map. Just kidding. Breathe. We need you healthy!

  2. This happens to me when I lie down at night and try to sleep but can’t quit thinking about unresolved issues from the day.

  3. Backups not working when needed is a nightmare I’ve had on more than one occasion.

  4. On the positive side, if you hold your breath long enough, you pass out. Then you get some incredible sleep.

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