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✖ Bullet Sunday 318

Posted on Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Dave!Another boring February Sunday got you down? Don't despair... because and even MORE boring Bullet Sunday starts now...

• Oscars! Meh.

• Over! By this time next week, Tiwlight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part Two will have been released on DVD and Blu-Ray. And then it's over, right? I mean, it's the final shitty movie of the shitty Twilight movies based on the shitty Twilight books, isn't it? I won't have to be subjected to any more of this crap... right?

• Overer! And speaking of over... the three internet trends I am so over with this month are...

• Hook! I have to admit that I haven't seen a single episode of Once Upon a Time. I'm not into fables and fairy tales, so the show is not my cup of tea. But I keep seeing these television promos which feature a surprising element...

Captain Hook!

That's Colin O'Donoghue, who apparently plays Captain Hook. But I don't care about that. I mean, yeah, I guess he's a good-looking guy and all... and I'm sure he's a decent actor and everything... but I'm talking about something more important than any of that...

Captain Eye Liner

EYELINER! Or, as I like to call it, "Captain Jack Sparrow Guyliner"...

Captain Jack Sparrow

Apparently it's impossible to be a pirate now-a-days unless you've got eyeliner on. I approve completely. Mostly because I can totally rock the guyliner look...

Dave Liner

But also because I'm totally a pirate at heart. The day this goes mainstream, I am so there.

• Suck! I am one of those rare people who believes in paying for the stuff I want. If there's a game I want, I buy it. If there's a movie I want, I buy it. If there's a television series I want, I buy it. If there's a song I want, I buy it. Thanks to Apple's iTunes, most any media I want to own can be purchased quickly and easily, so I pay the price. Until now. I went to purchase the latest season of Archer only to find that FX Network has placed ads in each episode. That's right, I'M PAYING FOR ADS! Well fuck this shit. FX Network is out of the damn minds if they think that I am going to pay for advertising when there are alternatives for getting Archer ad-free.

And now... time to call it a night. Tomorrow promises to be a long, long day.

Categories: Bullet Sunday 2013, Movies 2013, Television 2013Click To It: Permalink


  1. Paying for ads? Seriously? Are the episodes at least at a reduced price because of the offsetting ad revenue?

  2. Sarah says:

    Paying for ads is crap! I can’t believe they expect you to sit through ads for a show you already bought. That’s pretty unbelievable.

  3. Jim says:

    Watched the first three episodes of Once Upon A Time, despised it (especially the parts in storybook land, soooo cheesy). Then saw the “here’s what happened in Season One” hour-long freebie — was impressed by how much crap they had apparently crammed into the season, as well as how much of what they had crammed into the season seemed to be crap.

    Take the worst parts of Lost, paint with the annoying parts of The Princess Bride, fold in the less interesting segments of Fables comic book, and add FX reminiscent of Krofft Supershow. Presto!

  4. claire says:

    I fast forwarded through most of the Oscars but occasionally would catch up. The actress from Twilight presented along with Daniel Radcliffe who looked very chipper while she looked strung out and as though she couldn’t care.

    I don’t get the appeal of those movies at all.

    Love Daniel Day Lewis though. 🙂 You should catch his acceptance speech if you didn’t see it.

  5. Kyra Wilson says:

    I’ve always liked the guy-eyeliner look, but then I was goth before it was goth in the 1980-90’s and into RHPS, so I’m not sure that’s a ringing endorsement.

  6. For the first time in a few years we actually watched the Oscars from start to finish. Was ok I guess. Can’t really compare it to others as it has been so long since I’ve even bothered.

  7. Kim says:

    I’m usually not a fan of makeup on a man, but by golly, you make it work !

  8. Mind Of Mine says:

    HA! I hadn’t scrolled down enough to see the picture, but I just KNEW you were going to say eyeliner.

    I for one, love a bit of guy liner.

  9. Michelle M. says:

    Stephenie Meyer wrote a book called The Host, which is now a movie (starring Saoirse Ronan). It also features a love triangle. So, it’s not over yet : (.

  10. did you wear the guy liner when you went as the man in black for halloween?

  11. Donna says:

    I understand the author of the Twilight series is writing books from Edward’s perspective. I’m thinking they’ll remake all the movies accordingly. I know you’re stoked about that!

    I seem to remember a lot of guys rocked the eyeliner back in the 80’s when I was young and cute and in total party girl mode. I’ll tell you though, Colin could have full on drag queen makeup and he’d still be smokin’ hot.

    I actually watch and like Once Upon a Time but I adore fairy tales. Must come from my Irish upbringing. I was weaned on every sort of fairy, ghost, folklore and make-it-up-as-you-go-along story ever. I also know all the words to an obscene amount of Irish lullabies. The Irish are a wordy bunch.

  12. martymankins says:

    I just barely found the screaming goats this last week. For me, I’m just getting started.

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