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✖ Senselessness

Posted on Monday, August 8th, 2011

Dave!"Some men just want to watch the world burn."
— Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight


In total seriousness, why can't I block incoming call numbers on my iPhone?

Or, to be more accurate, why do I have to "jailbreak" my iPhone to block incoming call numbers on my iPhone?

How "smart" can a "smart phone" be if you can't tell it to block calls you don't want?

Last week somebody had my mobile phone confused with a FAX machine. For two hours. After the first hour, I added the caller to my address book so I could assign a "silent" ringtone. Because that's the absolute best you can do with an iPhone. For the past couple days I've had to once again ignore my phone because of a number I don't know keeps calling. Today I couldn't stand it any longer and answered. It was a company wanting me to take an opinion poll. My opinion was that they could shove their fucking poll up their ass since the call was eating into my minutes.


The fact that Apple doesn't allow people to manage who has access to them is pathetic.

In other bad news, this is London...

London Riots

The above map shows incidents of "rioting" in The City and its surrounds.

I can pretend to understand the thinking that would cause somebody who feels poverty-stricken, oppressed, and abused by The System to resort to violence and destroy the property of innocent people who are just trying to make a living... but not really. Especially when people are being endangered and hurt.

"London shops that survived the German blitz bombings and fires, now being burned to the ground by their own in 2011."
— @felix85, via Twitter

Sadly, this kind of mentality feels like a sign of things to come. And it's only a matter of time before it reaches our shores. With each passing day, US citizens grow more and more tired of the fucked-up political bullshit that's destroying their lives and this country. There's no respect, compassion, understanding, or compromise any more. Just hate. And all that hate has to go somewhere.

It's just a matter of whether the world can survive it.

"No, I don't mind being the smartest man in the world. I just wish it wasn't this one."
— Adrian Veidt, Watchmen

Though right now, I'd settle for a smarter smart phone.

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Categories: Apple Stuff 2011Click To It: Permalink


  1. faiqa says:

    how did I miss the rioting thing?! it’s especially disturbing because our British counterparts seem to be the more level headed ones if we ignore the whole soccer thing. also, Androids let you block calls!!

  2. Watching the video of the Riots is sobering. I truly have no words. It’s quite sickening to watch someone being dragged from their car and have it set ablaze.

  3. Invader_Stu says:

    At this point I think it has little to do with the initial incident that sparked it all. Now it’s just an excuse for out of control kids to break and steal stuff. It’s really sad to see how the country has gone. Even long before all the shit they claim it is about started the country was going down hill fast since the 90s (maybe even earlier). It’s becoming a thug country. Makes me happy to live in Holland but kind of scared that my parents live 15 mins away from some of these areas. Fucking idiots.

  4. the muskrat says:

    Yeah, I’ve never gotten the thug mentality of destroying the fruits of others’ labor and hurting people over anger at one person or one governmental entity (in the example above, the actions of a cop).
    I guess if there was some sort of seemingly racially motivated police-on-perp violent act here, my wife’s store might get burned down in retaliation. How does that help things or send a message?

    A better protest would be to strive to go off the grid and quit paying income taxes.

  5. My favorite inspiring story so far has to be when the kitchen staff at The Ledbury of London took their guests to the wine cellar and locked them in with wine & petit fours while beating the crap out of the looters who had broken in on dinner service with rolling pins, fry baskets, and kitchen utensils! Some good in so much bad. Viva la kitchen staff!

  6. Megan says:

    Sure, destroy your neighborhood because you feel neglected by the government. That makes perfect sense.

    It’s sad that there are people who use this kind of situation as an excuse to behave like animals (apologies to the animals).

    I’m with Faiqa at being shocked that this is happening in England.

  7. Sybil Law says:

    Shit is crazy.

  8. Foo says:

    Hah!, Dan just added “Wrong Number John” to his phone the other day. It is ridiculous that you can’t block numbers. Is John there? Is this John? Ring…ring…ring…John? I’m looking for John…

  9. martymankins says:

    Between politics and religion, we are becoming more divided as a people each and every day. It’s just sad.

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