Today is why I ask people to keep me away from sharp objects...
A few more like this and it won't be a matter of if I end up on a psychopathic rampage, but when.
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When you do, just remember that I’m one of the Good Guys, but that if you come for me I fight to the death.
Hmmn. Rott’s had the same thing going on. He even took the knife out of the drawer and set it on the end table next to the couch. LOL
This is how I feel everyday. I usually ask that I be kept away from firearms, since I could do a much greater amount of harm with them. But I can wish……
Easy there, boy….easy there……back away from the knife…….
Well, today is Halloween, so technically you could get away with it…

(Hope today is better!)
I’m surprised to find that the line from “if” to “when” wasn’t crossed ages ago….