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✖ Bullet Sunday 200

Posted on Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Dave!I spent the entire weekend trying to get caught up with work but failed miserably despite working day and night. I suppose this is a FAIL! I can feel good about. But not really. I DO feel good that I've reached TWO HUNDRED Bullet Sundays though...

• Negatory. I am still trying to decide if there is a triple negative or a quadruple negative in this here sentence: "I ain't not never seen no deer there this time of year." What's odd is that even though this sentence is a grammatical nightmare, if you turn off your brain it makes perfect sense. It's like the more negatives you pile up, the more emphatic the "no" is. I'll have to remember this the next time somebody asks if they can have one of my cookies.

• Icy. Two shows I love to hate to watch are Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers. I don't know why. Probably because real people in real danger makes for real entertainment!

Ice Road Truckers!

Though they're both great television, I'm probably most attached to Ice Truckers because I'm hopelessly in love with trucker Lisa Kelly...

Ice Road Trucker Lisa Kelly!

I got to meet Captain Sig Hansen (from Deadliest Catch) totally by accident when I was at Walt Disney World's Norway Pavilion at Epcot a couple years back. It was pretty cool. But it wasn't Lisa. (insert winky smile face here)

ANYWAY... tonight was not only the season finale of Ice Road Truckers, but the debut of Ice Road Truckers: DEADLIEST ROADS! Here was me throughout the entire show...

DAVETOON: Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh Shit!

Because I am afraid of heights, and they were driving these rickety trucks on this insane crumbling one-lane road carved out of a mountain with a million foot drop on the side...

IRT Deadliest Roads!

IRT Deadliest Roads!

And it gets worse next episode. Insanity. But good entertainment (even though not every driver is going to make it). If you're not watching the two Ice Road Truckers shows, I highly recommend them. Assuming your sphincter muscles are strong enough and you can get over the giggles every time somebody talks about "dropping their load."

• Closet. Annnnd you just know... know... what's going to happen six months down the road...

We've seen it a hundred times. The people who are most vicious in attacking and condemning homosexuals are the ones who ultimately end up putting their penis in a place they advocate it doesn't belong. And this flaming ball of "heterosexual righteousness" is actually stalking a guy... specifically because the guy is gay! Bizarre. Oh well... I look forward to adding another self-hating cock-master to my growing collection of hypocrites. It's only a matter of time.

And now... back to work. I've got three days before I fly out again, and entirely too much to do before then...


  1. I love Ice Road Truckers and want to watch the other one but just can’t. Even with just the previews I am tense and jumpy so I can’t imagine watching the entire show like that.

  2. B.E. Earl says:

    I love Ice Road Truckers and Lisa Kelly. The producers of that show really lucked out with her. It’s such a strange, solitary, dangerous existence. I love it.

  3. Steve in NH says:

    Literally interpreted, I say quadruple negative. BUT, that “no” is tricky as to whether it’s a negative or it means “any”. Final answer???? Triple. Fun one.

  4. A. Lewis says:

    “Self hating cock master”?? You’re kidding….right?

    • Dave2 says:

      Well, yes… and no. I do think that people like this lash out with such hate for others because they hate themselves. And while I think it’s horrifying that society is so messed up that somebody should ever have to hate themselves for who they are, I find it reprehensible that he should be so vicious in attacking someone as a way of dealing with the fact that he undoubtedly wants sausage instead of taco.

  5. martymankins says:

    First off, congrats on 200 Bullet Sundays.

    I think I’ve seen Ice Road Truckers before and being afraid of heights, it gave me the willies just watching. I admit it looks like a well done show, though. Maybe I’ll give it another try.

    Watching that interview with the closeted gay-hating freak gave me more of the willies knowing there are people out there that are just smart enough to skirt around the 1st amendment to spew their hate. Six months we’ll find out if he will add to the history of others.

  6. Sybil Law says:

    Yep – we’ll be hearing about that guy hitting on male staffers in a few months, or another bathroom incident…
    Ice Road Truckers really is one cool show, but I’ve only seen it a couple of times – I’ve never seen the girl!
    That is a quadruple negative sentence, but I think the main message is that there are always deer on the road… right?

  7. Just looking at that picture of the truck driving under that overhang gives me the absolute willies. Willies I tell you.

  8. Sean says:

    First Rule:

    Straight men obsess about sex with women.

    Second Rule:

    Gay men obsess about sex with men.


    Any time you have a “straight” man obsessing about sex with men, something’s up.

  9. Tug says:

    OMG I hate driving the Rockies in my little car. NO WAY could I do that in a truck. I’ve told my driver I give him much respect for driving MN, WY, ND, SD, CO, NE in the winter, & it’s nothing like that.

  10. Troy says:

    Looks like someone is going to be found with a penis in his mouth soon – and that guy is Andrew Shirvell. Though I think it would make him a more likeable person.

  11. adena says:

    Oh God, just that picture of that drop made me anxious! I’ll try to watch the show, but I know I’ll be a nervous, nauseous wreck through the entire thing.

    I’m afraid of what I consider “unsafe” heights. Put me in a plane, I’m fine. Make me stand next to a guard rail over a giganto ravine, and my knees get shaky and I feel sick. I know, I don’t understand the reasoning, either.

    Gah…that picture!!

  12. Mooselet says:

    I admit I’ve never watched Ice Road Truckers, but I love Deadliest Catch. Doesn’t hurt Mike Rowe does the narration – such a nice voice. But I do squeal in fear a lot during some of scenes, so I don’t know if I could handle a second show like that. I’ll have to see when it’s on again.

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