So I could save money, I took a wacky flight through Atlanta which had one of those dreaded layovers that's too long to just hang around the airport, but too short to do much of anything. Pretty much a day-waster... which sucks when you're on vacation, but good for traveling on a budget.
Even though I'd only have an hour once I got to downtown Atlanta, I decided to go anyway. I wanted to pick up something at World of Coke without Lime, and sitting around a boring airport drives me nuts. This ended up being a good move because Dragon Con is in town, which provided endless people-watching opportunities. The costumes people come up with for these things are pretty impressive and, since I was downtown at lunchtime, they were all out wandering the streets of Atlanta.
Playing around with my new wide-wide-angle lens was fun too. I can get a lot of picture in a photo now...
I'll need to figure out how to take care of the freaky lens distortion when I have time to experiment a bit, but I am pretty happy with everything so far.
But the best part of my day was when I found out I had been upgraded for my flight. The extra legroom and ability to lay your seat flat for sleeping is a big plus over being shoved into a cramped coach seat for 9 hours...
A far cry from my early days of travel.
I remember 20 years ago where traveling like this wasn't even a remote possibility for me. Of course, back then I had no money left after buying my plane ticket, and ended up staying in cheap hotels and hostels with nothing more than a backpack and a bike lock to keep me company. I'd need a bike lock, because if I couldn't afford a cheap hotel or hostel, I'd take an overnight train to my next destination so I'd have a safe place to sleep. And falling asleep on a train meant the possibility of waking up to find your stuff stolen unless you bolted it to the luggage rack. Ah yes, there's no better friend for the cheap traveler than a bike lock!
And now I have to put my laptop away before the flight attendant yells at me.
Except they don't really "yell" at you in the front of the plane... but they do have a way of shaming you into doing what they want in the nicest possible way.
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That’s a sweet amount of back-of-the-seat storage you have available to you. Congrats on the upgrade.
Sorry you weren’t here for longer!
I love shaming people. With a smile on my face and theirs. But, of course, if it had been turned off already, I wouldn’t have the opportunity.
So now your pictures will be even BETTER?! Wow!!
Have a fantastic time!
Wow, airlines that let you lay down flat? That’s pretty cool. I have such a difficult time sleeping on planes, usually. Have a great vacation.
David, Have an awesome vacation, you deserve it!!
Extra leg room is awesome, even for a shorty like me.
I guess your Day Two was a lot better than Day One “PAX Seattle.” Have fun, mate.
Those are really white shoes!! Bon Voyage.
Those are really white shoes!! Bon Voyage.
I was at Dragoncon. We love it. You should go sometime. It’s Fraking Fantastic. You get to meet alot of cool people and party like crazy. Lots of stars, panels, and all sorts of classes/workshops. And dressing up in costume is the best. Just be prepared to get your picture taken alot if you have got a cool costume. If you go we’d love to meet you. Getting the tickets is hell though. We had to wait for almost 3 hours (most of it outside) to pick up our tickets. After we had pre-registered and paid online months ago.