Another Bullet Sunday from home! How lucky can I get?
• Golden. Naturally, I was very sad to hear that Rue McClanahan has passed away. As the sex-starved Blanche Devereaux from The Golden Girls, she had some very big shoes to fill. Sex-starved shoes formerly filled by Betty White as the sex-starved Sue-Ann Nivens from The Mary Tyler Moore Show. But McClanahan managed to create a character all her own, and Blanche quickly became a television classic beloved the world over. She will be missed...
Hang in there, Betty!
• Greedo. Coolest. Keychain. Ever. Of course, all LEGO minifig keychains are cool... but this one is frickin' sweet! The character is named "Onaconda Farr" but I prefer to think of him as "Greedo" in a new outfit (HAN SHOT FIRST!)...
• Rated. And so AT&T has changed their rate plans, eliminating unlimited data options for new smartphone customers.
Holy crap.
With each passing minute I loathe AT&T even more than I did the minute before. On top of service that is so shitty I can barely make phone calls sometimes, now they're screwing over Apple by killing one of the things that makes buying an iPhone or iPad so great. AND screwing over customers like me who wanted to purchase a tethering option for my UNLIMITED data plan (which is now impossible, as you have to DOWNGRADE to their shitty LIMITED plans to get tethering!). I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, hope that Apple can use this as an excuse to break their exclusivity contract and fucking drop AT&T like the pile of crap they have become.
• O'Really? Just when I think that Bill O'Reilly couldn't possibly be a bigger asshole than he already is... he proves me wrong. McDonalds France has a new ad campaign called "Come As You Are" which shows how different people from all different walks of life are welcome at their restaurants. Their clever ad for gay customers was recently discussed at FOX News, where Bill O'Reilly asked if McDonalds France had an ad welcoming Al-Qaeda to their restaurants too...
Yes. That's right. Bill O'Reilly feels that if you're going to welcome gays into your restaurant, you might as well be inviting Al-Qaeda as well. That he can say hateful crazy-ass shit like this and still have people wanting to watch his show is just mind-boggling. Humanity FAIL!
• C B No. Why is it any time I go to watch videos at CBS, they shove an ad down my throat that plays perfectly... then come up with an error message saying the video is no longer available? Well, dumbasses, I clicked on the firckin' video link from YOUR website, so why in the hell are you advertising content that isn't available?
Stupid crap like this happens all the time when trying to view content officially and legally... yet, networks continue to whine over people illegally sharing VIDEO THAT ACTUALLY WORKS. Well guess what? YOU FORCE PEOPLE TO DO IT! Either fix your busted-ass shit or STOP WHINING ABOUT PIRACY!
And now I suppose I should go to bed since I have to be up in 4-1/2 hours. I would have gone to bed earlier, but I'm still jazzed from the Blackhawks win, and the MTV Movie Awards were actually entertaining enough to keep me watching this year. Who knew?
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I sent an email of support off to McDonald’s, last week, about the “Come as You Are” commercial. I figured they were going to get a lot of unhappy mail about it and felt that those of us with more sense should be represented.
Re: CBS – I feel much better knowing that it’s them and not me.
Re: Bill O’Reilly – Don’t get me started.
We just recently got rid of AT & T. I don’t even have an iPhone and the service sucked, not to mention they wouldn’t fix any of the problems we had. Verizon kicks ass, so far.
Bill O’Reilly is a dumb mofo. Period. He makes it easy to create a character called, “Bill O’Really?”, so he can then be ripped upon. If I had the gumption, I’d totally do it.
RIP Rue! Blanche rocked – as did Rue.
I totally forgot about the MTV awards until all the news outlets were showing Ms Bullock’s kiss this morning.
Someone remarked that they were disappointed in Elton John performing at Rush Blimpbaugh’s wedding. I said I’d do it in a heartbeat…anything to separate him from a million buck of his own money. Then, I’d use that money against him and the others of the same ilk, like Bill O’Really
They offered Verizon the exclusive on I-phone first, but would not let Verizon work on the phones. Verizon will not sign up for a phone that their techs can’t work on. BAD apple.
At first when I heard about the new AT&T plan, with a 2GB per month cap, I thought HOLY CRAP, that’s gonna suck! But then I checked how much I’ve used… SINCE I GOT THE IPHONE 3GS ALMOST EXACTLY A YEAR AGO… and it’s only 5.5GB. Granted, I don’t tether, but I’d use my laptop’s wifi or my Verizon ‘internet anywhere’ card anyway, so it’s not a big deal to me.
I guess it’s like people who support higher taxes on gas and oil with the end goal being to reduce usage of gas and oil… AT&T puts artificial limits on bandwidth usage, making people think more than consume, and supposedly it makes it better for everyone.
Unless, of course, you’re one of the greedy bandwidth hogs.
Why do you hate America, Dave?
Depends on the month. When I am traveling heavy, I am using my iPhone constantly for data and can top 1 GB… never 2 GB. HOWEVER… I’ve been waiting for tethering. I thought that for a monthly fee, I would have access to my UNLIMITED data plan. This would allow me to bypass all the hotel internet charges and airport internet charges and all those times I really need a computer on the road instead of just my iPhone. Sure 3G isn’t as fast as paid wi-fi, but I don’t care. My goal was to start using the UNLIMITED data plan I’m paying for in a way that I wanted to be using it.
But, of course, that is no longer possible. To tether, I now have to pay additional money WITHOUT getting additional data on my plan. This is bullshit. I will easily top that 2 GB when tethering, which was the entire point of an unlimited data plan.
But what choice do I have? I will now have to live within a limit that is NOT going to be an “artificial” limit to me. So, basically, I was lured into renewing my contract with a phone that was capable of tethering… but AT&T never allowed it. Now that they ARE allowing it, the conditions change. Not right.
As for “greedy bandwidth hogs”… I am curious how you can blame them for the massive problems on AT&T’s network when AT&T claims that 98% of their customers are NOT greedy bandwidth hogs! If this is truly the case, then slapping 2% of their users with limits is NOT going to miraculously fix all their problems. All it will do is prevent things from getting worse when you factor in all the new data-intensive toys on the latest iPhone 4G. Lame.
Though I admit if these “artificial limits” actually DID solve all of AT&T’s massive network problems, I would certainly be in favor of them! 🙂