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Posted on Monday, April 26th, 2010

Dave!=sigh= Back to reality.

I'm so very sad that TequilaCon is over, but ultimately happy beyond words at how amazing it was again this year. It makes me want to run out an buy lottery tickets, because I feel so lucky to have been able to attend. Thanks so much to everybody who took time out of their busy lives to join us... I hope that you had as much fun as we did!

The trip back to Seattle from Vancouver was blissfully uneventful, as we managed to cross the border with no problems. Even though we had been living out our newly-found Metalocalypse addiction and couldn't stop quoting the terrifying rock-n-roll clown Dr. Rockzo the entire way down...

Dr. Rockzo... I DO COCAINE!!


I'd blog more about the trip, but I just got back from an incredible dinner with Jenny (at the fantastic Seattle institution known as Ray's Boathouse) and have had entirely too much wine to concentrate long enough to form coherent thoughts...

Ray's Boathouse Photo
Beautiful photo taken from moohaha on Flickr.

And now I suppose that it's time that I get some sleep so I can return to Real Life in the morning.

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Categories: Travel 2010Click To It: Permalink


  1. jenny says:

    K-K-K-K-YEAH!! I’m Dr. Rockzo and I DO COCAINE!!!

  2. Glad you’re home and glad you had a great time!

  3. You can call me, 'Sir' says:

    I’ve only ever seen the episodes with Dr. Rockzo, which is probably why I hold the show in such high esteem without having seen much of it.

  4. Sybil Law says:

    Nice! The Metal Clown may be the only clown I’ve ever liked!
    Except your costume those years ago at Avitaween, I mean..

  5. sizzle says:

    It WAS a lot of fun. Thanks for putting it together with the crew!

    I’ve never been to Ray’s. I’m gonna have to check that out.

    P.S. Real life is for suckers.

  6. Hilly says:

    welcome home, pumpkin. I am so glad you all had a rockin’ time!

  7. josh says:

    I didn’t read this entry. I saw that rapist clown and ran away screaming. Don’t care what’s it from. Don’t care who it is. Just get it away from me.

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