At midnight tonight, it's the Year of the Tiger!
Here's hoping it's going to be grrrrrreat!
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It’s back to Me-Year! Woot!
It’s my year! YAY!
As we say in Malaysia: GONG XI FA CHAI! or in the Malaysia of my childhood: KONG HEE FAT CHOY! I’ve read analyses for this year that indicate it’s going to be an ..interesting… year. So what else is new, eh? :p
Beautiful illo! Happy New Year
I’m the year of the Horse. Make of that what you will. Doesn’t (necessarily) mean I like to be saddled and hit with a riding crop.
Gong Hay Fat Choy!
Happy New Year, Tiger!
Happy V.D.
I really dig your blog.
I was born during the Year of the Goat. But I am a Leo, so I am still taking The Year of the Tiger as my year anyway.
So, did you have Breakfast with the Tiger of the Year?
(I am just enough older than you that you might not be familiar with that Frosted Flakes commercial. But… who am I to delete anything I’ve already typed?)
I’m Year of the Dragon. Laughing dragon specifically. Apparently, there are signs within the signs, roaring dragon, laughing dragon, neurotic dragon, pretends not to watch Oprah dragon.
Man. Now, I want egg rolls.