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Bullet Sunday 167

Posted on Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Dave!I'm hungry and it's Bullet Sunday so I thought I'd bullet my current food obsessions!

Seriously, these things are like candy. Like Sweet-Tarts candy. Apparently they're some kind of unholy hybrid union between Golden Delicious and Lady Williams varieties that are crunchy, sour, and sweet all at the same time. They're expensive, but so totally worth it. Just. Can't. Get. Enough.

Pink Lady Apple

I am kind of going through a Frosted Flakes Renaissance. I eat these things for breakfast, lunch, dinner, brunch, snacks, and also use them as a delicious way to exfoliate my skin. Just like Tony the Tiger says... they're grrreat!

Frosted Flakes

Schwan's makes a lot of delicious frozen foods, but their Cheese Toastwiches are to die for. I've never been addicted to crack cocaine, but I'd imagine it's much like this. I frickin' DREAM about eating Cheese Toastwiches! Crispy crunchy on the outside... gooey cheesy on the inside. It's everything good in life combined into a toastable snack! Unfortunately, they are horribly unhealthy with 11g of fat, 5g of saturated fat, 20mg of cholesterol, and 490mg of sodium. Yikes. The good news is that they taste so good you won't mind that they're killing you! Helpful cooking hint: cook one cycle with the toaster set on medium-high, then WAIT 5 to 10 minutes to completely thaw, then toast another cycle (toaster setting may vary).

Cheese Toastwiches

I've never been much of a cranberry fan. Except for cranberry jelly at Thanksgiving. And cranberry juice mixed with vodka. And maybe cranberry jellybeans. But anyway... I first ate Craisins at the Hard Rock Cafe because they put them on their salads. I've been in love with them ever since. I eat them on salads. On Frosted Flakes. In cookies. Or right out of the bag. Bittersweet deliciousness.


I kept getting these on airplanes, but could never find them in the "real world." Eventually I noticed that Pepperidge Farms was making them. This means they are really expensive, but they are also delicious. I go through a couple of boxes a week, which would make me feel bad... except they're fat-free, and that's pretty good isn't it? In any event, they're a nice change from "regular" pretzels.

Pretzel Thins

And now I'm REALLY hungry, so I think I'll go rustle up something for dinner.


  1. Colleen says:

    I think they have pretzel thins at Costco in the “package so large they may become packing material before you can eat them all” size.

    • Dave2 says:

      I am thrilled. Mostly because they’ll be cheaper… and I’m pretty sure I can make a major dent in the giant package! Now all I need is a keg of beer.

  2. martymankins says:

    You steered me in the direction of Uncrustables. I may have to try these cheese toastwiches at some point.

    Now I want Frosted Flakes, too.

  3. noraisins says:

    1) Where do find cranberry jellybeans? They sound delicious.

    2) If you’ve never been much of a cranberry fan its probably because you haven’t tried my “special” cranberry sauce. I take out all of the pesky water the health nuts put in the recipe and replace it with rum and apple cider.

  4. Robin says:

    Crasins on Frosted Flakes? Really? Blech….

    My heroin fix of late are Chocolate Covered Gummi Bears. They are enjoying a renaissance in my tummy lately as the last time I ate them this much was in college. I used to eat them by the bag….daily.

  5. NYCWD says:

    Frosted Flakes? Really???

    I hate that tiger.

    I grabbed a box of Chocolate Cheerios the other day. I’m waiting for Wednesday to try them.

  6. There is a cereal available in Florida that has frosted flakes, almond slivers, and yogurt covered craisins! Total heaven!!!!

  7. Mooselet says:

    Her Majesty loves Pink Lady apples as well, often eating 2 or 3 a day. How much are they there? They run about $4-5 a kilo here.

  8. Hilly says:

    I eat Craisins on my oatmeal every morning. Omnomnom!

    Trader Joe’s has these pretzel thins that I simply adore so since I can’t get those, I will have to try your recommendation!

  9. trishk says:

    I can’t get the Pink Lady apples here. Washington will not export them to Florida. Some sort of discrimination thing I think! I have to have my mother buy them and ship them to me.

  10. Sybil Law says:

    You need to have a salad with craisins and apples and crunched up pretzels. And grilled cheese things on the side.
    Great. Now I’m hungry!
    Yum to all of it.

  11. *lynne* says:

    Dave, did you ever see the Cinnamon Frosted Flakes? They were on the shelves for a very limited time a few years ago, and ZOMG they were absolutely delish! Frosted Flakes are sweet anyway, right? But then you add the cinnamon sweetness??!! *droool* … one box didn’t last more than a few days in the naranek household! (Un)fortunately I don’t see ’em anymore, so either Chicagoland was a (failed) test site, or they pulled the product for some reason. 🙁

  12. josh says:

    Stop excavating mah mind! I was JUST having a convo wiff a friend about how derrrrricious Alecia Beth Moore Lady apples are! And I love all the other stuff too! Can I come over to your house for Thanksgiving since I assume THAT’s what you eat on all occasionz!

  13. mw says:

    Trader Joe’s has a version of those pretzel things, only theirs are called Pretzel *Slims*. And they’re excellent.

  14. Finn says:

    At least the apples are healthy. And the Crasins.

    Don’t know if these are cheaper than Pepperidge Farms, but they are excellent and have several delicious flavors, although I prefer the plain ones with hummus or onion dip:

  15. DutchBitch says:

    Ummm sorry? Frosted Flakes? So why am * I * still stuck with three mini-boxes of those? Huh?

  16. Michael Andersson says:

    – Pink Lady: meh
    – Honey Crisp: FTW

    – Craisins: also available at Costco. Must have. Now.

    • Dave2 says:

      I don’t like the Honeygold or Honeycrisp varieties nearly as much as I love the Pink Lady apples. I’ve eaten a lot of apples, and they are by far my favorite.

      • MAndersson says:

        So, I got myself a Pink Lady today, based on your recommendation… I still think that Honeycrips are better, although Braeburn or Fuju are my go-to apples. The Pink Lady seemed a bit mealy for my taste, although I will grant you that it could have been that one bad apple. I’ll try another next week, though. OK with you?

  17. Laura says:

    Pink Lady apples are DELISH! Definitely my favorite fruit to snack on! I’m also a huge fan of the pretzel thins.

  18. RW says:

    They’ve revived Alpha-Bits, for those who remember!

  19. And this? Is why you shouldn’t blog (or grocery-shop) when you’re hungry.

  20. mrs. hall says:

    i feel the same way about honey comb cereal. seriously I can finish a big ole’ box in less than half a day.

    been about five years since the last binge.


    been too long . . .

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