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✖ Fee

Posted on Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Dave!Here at DaveAir, we understand that when people fly with us they will need to take at least one suitcase with them. This is a basic necessity of travel, WHICH IS WHY WE DON'T FUCKING NICKLE-AND-DIME YOU WITH STUPID-ASS FEES TO CHECK YOUR FIRST FUCKING BAG! BECAUSE IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE NOT TO INCLUDE SOMETHING EVERYBODY NEEDS IN THE FUCKING BASE TICKET PRICE! This revolutionary concept sets us apart from most other dumbass carriers in the industry, and has the side-benefit of freeing up space in our overhead bins for a more pleasant flying experience. It also alleviates the bottleneck at check-in that comes from people having to pay an additional fee that should have been included in the ticket price to begin with.

So stop torturing yourself by flying with asshole airlines who deceive you with low ticket prices only to hit you with idiotic additional fees for something everybody needs... fly DaveAir and leave your all-consuming rage behind!

DaveAir... because flying doesn't have to be an exercise in stupidity and torture.*



*We said flying... dealing with all the airport security nonsense on the ground is your problem.

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Categories: Travel 2009Click To It: Permalink


  1. Robin says:

    My biggest pet peeve is the people that carry on all their luggage, which they then have to gate check (and not pay the fee). We all then have to wait when we land for the gate checked luggage to be brought up—where these people then pick up their luggage and waltz out of the airport—while I (who have paid the baggage fee) have to go wait at baggage claim. So I pay the fee and have to wait and those that carried on didn’t pay the fee get preferential treatment. Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!

  2. Avitable says:

    It’s like selling tickets to a concert and then charging a fee if you want an actual seat so you can sit down.

  3. whall says:

    When will Obama finally get around to adding to his insurance, bank, auto and healthcare hostile takeovers I mean hope and change makeovers with the airline industry?

    We need union ownership!
    We need single payer system!
    We need death pilots!
    We need large executive bonuses!
    We need Cash For Clunkers!
    We need redistribution of wealth!

    Don’t worry, Dave. Obama will swoop in soon enough and take care of your troubles with those pesky capitalist airline companies.

  4. jenny says:

    ARGH! This is one of my pet peeves as well. Because now, everyone tries to bring their ginormous not-made-for-overhead-bin bags onto the plane, and then surprise surprise, they don’t fit, and then we all have to wait while everyone gate checks their bags.

    I have a friend who works for United, and she said the airlines have made a shitload of profit on the bag charges. Funny, how they didn’t drop those charges once fuel prices dropped.

  5. Finn says:


  6. sizzle says:

    I’d fly on Dave Air. TOTALLY.

  7. Howard says:

    Aren’t they charging for the first bag because they know everyone needs at least one? Capitalism is great, ain’t it?

  8. delmer says:

    I’ve gotten around taking luggage with my by simply leaving clothing at my destination on prior visits.

    Now I just take a book… and I always make sure not to take one of those coffee table books in case I’m in the mood to put it in the overhead, I know it will fit.

  9. Tracy says:

    Amen & hallelujah, Brother Dave. I really liked the way United gave me a $5-off ‘discount’ for paying my baggage fee online, in advance. F*ckers.

  10. Kevin says:

    I don’t know. I kind of like the challenge of getting all the things I need into a carry-on bag that I can handle and get on the plane and I enjoy the race to get onto the plane so I can find an open overhead baggage. Guess I’m just a competitive guy.

  11. christie says:

    sigh… I hate airlines… except for Daveair, heh 🙂

  12. Sybil Law says:

    I would so fly your airlines.
    Seems like that should sound kinky, but really, it doesn’t.

  13. I know why they do it, but I hate it when people try to cram their suitcase into the overhead bin. It clearly doesn’t fit and quite frankly, you can’t even lift the bloody thing above your head. So now it’s someone else’s problem to try and cram it in for you. Wow, that was more hostile than I intended it to be.

  14. kilax says:

    I tried to book a ticket with DaveAir for my flight to DC but it didn’t show up 🙁

  15. Jeff says:

    I just flew Delta where before the bag fees, there might be a dozen people at the kiosks. There must have been 500 people in line, waiting to pay and check their bags. This really blows.

  16. Sarah says:

    The whole fee thing doesn’t really bother me, but that’s because I never had the luxury of flying without having to pay that fee.

    And that sentence just made me feel like a kid. Damn.

  17. So when will daveAIR be up and flying?

  18. Robin says:

    That’s why I just fly JetBlue whenever I can – they don’t charge for the 1st checked bag….or, just make sure my bag fits in the overhead bin. 🙂

    But I do agree with you – the fees are seriously out of control.

  19. martymankins says:

    DaveAir sounds a lot like Southwest. Was there a merger recently? 😉

  20. Lynda says:

    I want to fly DaveAir!

  21. If DaveAir flys nonstop between Atlanta and Kralendijk, Bonaire and doesn’t give me shit about heavy-ass scuba gear? Then I’m in. I’m so in.

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