The first time I became aware of Wayne Hall was when he left a rambling yet funny comment on an entry back in March of 2006. I think I might have made a token visit or two to his site after that, but didn't really check out his blog for reals until May of that same year. His comments were always so witty that I pretty much had to check out his blog.
So I went to The Blog of Whall, saw a joke that kinda offended me, then left. I figured that if this was indicative of what Wayne wrote about on his own site, that it probably wasn't for me. Life's too short and all that.
But eventually Whall kind of grew on me, so I finally got to a place where I could read his blog without screaming. I just tried to ignore his more political-oriented stuff and it was all good. After all, not only is Wayne highly entertaining, but he totally loves me, and was plugging Blogography all the time (like here and here and here). This showed that, despite his "whallitics," he at least had good taste in blogs.
Since that time Wayne has become a good friend because, even with our vast... mind-bogglingly vast... political differences, we're more alike than different, which is pretty much how I find people to be all over the world. So when Mr. Hall asked me to guest-post for him while he was on vacation, how could I refuse?
Go check out an all-new episode of The Blogography Show over at!
If you're interested in a little "behind-the-scenes" action on how the guest-post came together, I've put that in an extended entry...
A long, long time ago, I had ambitions of creating a monthly animated video talk show where Lil' Dave would have guest stars that he'd interview in a humorous way. I spent weeks developing a studio set and working on animating the mouth movements which would allow DaveToons to "talk." It was a great idea that I may still get to one of these days, I just never found the time to work on it...
The Blogography Show had pretty much been forgotten, but when Wayne asked me to guest-post, it was the first thing that popped into my head. I would have an un-animated show where rapper Lil' Wayne would be the guest star. But, due to some confusion, Lil' Wayne HALL would show up instead. He'd then go on about his beloved LOLCats, at which time Lil' Dave would scream for security and have him evicted.
If you haven't yet seen the entry, you probably should do that before continuing on.
Anyway... the first thing I did was write out a script...
LIL' DAVE: Hey everybody! Welcome back to the show, where we're broadcasting LIVE from in beautiful Austin, Texas! Tonight have a very special treat... please welcome Grammy Award winning rapper and hip-hop artist Lil' Wayne!
LIL' WAYNE HALL: Howdy, Lil' Dave! Thanks for having me on the show!
LIL' DAVE: Uhhh... there's been a mistake. You aren't the Lil' Wayne that we asked to be here! Besides, aren't you supposed to be on vacation?
LIL' WAYNE HALL: Naaaahhh, this is a lot better than a vacation!
LIL' DAVE: Err... okay. What do you have for us tonight?
LIL' WAYNE HALL: Why, only the best thing ever... LOLCat posters!!!
LIL' DAVE: GAH! Please tell me you're joking!
LIL' WAYNE HALL: Heck no! Just take a look at this one... it's hilarious! See, there's a picture of a little kitten and he's peaking out of a pants pocket. Tee hee! And above that it says "OBAMA CAT!" Ha ha ha!
LIL' DAVE: Well that's not very funny.
LIL' WAYNE HALL: No... wait... underneath the photo it says "I IZ IN UR POCKET, TAKIN UR MONEH!" BWAH HA HA HAAAA!!! Obama Cat is in your pocket taking your money! Hee hee hee heeeeee!
LIL' DAVE: Security. SECURITY!!!
As I started breaking it down into panels, it quickly became obvious that it was just too long. I decided to chop out the Obama Cat politics and just cut to the chase. By tightening it up a bit, I think it actually ended up being a bit funnier too. The only thing left was to DaveToonify Wayne...
And an hour later, guest-post mission accomplished!
Here's an archive of the entry originally posted at The Blog of Whall...
This is not Wayne, this is Dave from Blogography, and I’ll be filling in today while the vacationing Family of Whall is increasing their Carbon Footprint in South Padre! We now rejoin Lil’ Dave and Bad Monkey with their show already in progress…
Oops. Better luck next time Lil’ Wayne.
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Dude, it’s “munneh” not “Moneh”.
While the theatrical version was definitely quite funny (er, funneh), I’m glad I got to see the Extended Unedited Director’s Special LOLcut Edition. The ObamaCat is priceless.
And I’m also glad my blog gave you posting/publishing issues. I think I’ve fixed them. And thank you for reminding me of a great joke! (for the rest of you, you might want to know that I’ve mostly eliminated all politics from my blog, since a few months ago. Now I keep my politics to my tweets and utterz and other blog sites dedicated to politics).
Way to blaze the trail of guest posters for this next week, Dave2!
As always, I like the behind the scenes of how these Dave Toons get made.
Now that you have opened yourself up for guest blogging, I may see if there’s an opening over at Banal Leakage someday.
It is, and was, awesome.
I so want to be on the Lil’ Dave show!
You iz funneh.
I would like to see the animated Blogography show.
You’re a funny funny man Dave. Pretty much.
That is hysterical. and I also want to see an animated Blogography show.
Nobody does guest posts like you do, Dave! Awesome, as always!
Your talents amaze me. I would also love to see a Blogography show!
I *love* the part where Lil’ Wayne explains the caption — that got a good chuckle from me.