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✖ Gorgeous

Posted on Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Dave!I did not want to come here.

The last quarter of 2008 was a very hard travel period for me. I was stuck in airports and hotels more than I was home. I was dragged from one corner of the country to the other. I was worked to a state of exhaustion that doesn't go away anytime soon. Yes there were fun moments, but it is not much fun. I just wanted to stay home for a while.

But "home" has been a miserable place as of late. Freezing fog has made the days depressing and gray... the nights cold and bleak.

Turns out a few days in gorgeous San Diego may be just what I need.

After work, this was my day.

Drinking Jäger and Stella at a beautiful waterfront bar...

Stella and Jager

Enjoying flawless blue skies and the ocean air at Harbor Island...

San Diego Skyline

Looking for the Super Friends at the Hall of Justice...

Hall of Justice San Diego

Eating Pinkberry with fresh strawberries...

Cup of Pinkberry frozen yogurt with strawberries

In-between all that, there might have been a few more bars and some drinking.

= ahem =

Tomorrow will hopefully be more of the same.

Categories: Travel 2009Click To It: Permalink


  1. Sue says:

    Ooh, looks lovely! I’m stuck here with -20F wind chill. Brrr.

  2. carlos m. hernandez says:

    Thanks, Dave.

    Now I’ve got that narrator’s voice from ‘The Superfriends’ stuck in my head.

    “Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice.” With that trippy swooping stars transition animation.

    Although the sound effects for that bit were cool and would make a great drop.

  3. Whitenoise says:

    Drink up some sun for the rest of us poor, frozen bastards!

  4. Crail00 says:

    San Diego is really great.

  5. Hilly says:

    “Tomorrow will hopefully be more of the same.”

    Um, you *know* it!

  6. Sounds like a little slice of heaven. It’s like 4 degrees here today.

  7. Embrace the warm…. then send it back to Florida! This cold ass 40 degree crap can take a hike!

    (Yes, I am a wuss.)

  8. Craig says:

    My jaw literally dropped when I saw that pinkberry with strawberries. It looks amazing.

  9. Dan says:

    Who needs vacation?

  10. Finn says:

    Gorgeous indeed. Enjoy – you’ve earned it.

  11. ajooja says:

    We stay in the same area, maybe even the same hotel, when we’re in San Diego. I hope you have a good time.

  12. martymankins says:

    If you ever decide to leave Washington State, San Diego would be a good place for you to live. It fits you good.

  13. Now this is the life. You should move here.

  14. claire says:

    Shots #2 and 4 are making me a bit jealous. At best, it might get up to 10 degrees here today not including wind chill.

    Might be time to make myself a blueberry/banana smoothie and sit by a fire… And there’s BSG to look forward to.

  15. leigh says:

    That warm sun and blue sky, verses this cold, bleak and dark day. I will trade you. I was just in San Diego in November I would go back today if I had to. Twist my rubber arm.

  16. lizriz says:

    We are having the most beautiful weather down here in SoCal. It’s almost sinful!

    Glad you’re enjoying it. 🙂

  17. Becky says:

    I never even heard of pinkberry til you mentioned it last night at Karl’s. I can tell I’m definitely missing out on an experience.

    I hope that you’re able to get the rest and relaxation that you need. And YAY for Jeager!!

  18. twinkie says:

    I *heart* San Diego. I really do. Hope you’re having a blast. We’ll be halfway there tomorrow. Driving to pick up to quads (400’s) we bought for our boys. They outgrew their 50’s a loooong time ago but we couldn’t afford new ones until now.

  19. jewelz916 says:

    I’m hitting SanDiego in July….I’ll have a few of those things on my ‘to do’ list..and I’ll look for the Dave Memorial too.

  20. Did you go eat in the Gaslamp district? There’s an absolutely amazing Italian restaurant there that you should go to. The name? Oh yeah, bugger, I’ve spotted the first problem. So how crap am I?

  21. Brandon says:

    Those pictures are depressing. I’m having the hardest time getting back in the Washington winters state-of-mind. That all just reminds me of how great the winters were in SoCal. Sigh.

  22. Mattie says:

    Oh … how I miss San Diego. We lived there for almost 30 years.

    We’re in PA now. -7 degrees as I write this.

    I’m so jealous.

  23. Justin Scott says:

    You drinks sure do look tasty.

  24. Jeff says:

    So the question now is “Do you want to go home?”

    80+ degrees for the next few days!

  25. Randy says:

    GREAT Harbor/Water picture!

  26. Sarah says:

    Is it bad that I live in Cali and have never had pinkberry?

    I’m starting to think it is.

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