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✖ Politican't

Posted on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

Dave!I can't take it anymore. It's to the point where I don't even care who wins... just make the stupid-ass political ads stop. There is no way that any of the candidates out there deserve to be rewarded with a vote after the way their campaigns have behaved. Particularly for Washington State Governor... both of these ass-hats need to be beaten... severely. They all do.


And Washington isn't even a swing-state! I can't imagine how annoying the ads must be in Florida, Pennsylvania, or Ohio right now.

Politics in this country suck ass.

Categories: DaveToons 2008, Television 2008Click To It: Permalink


  1. Mooselet says:

    Politics in all countries suck ass. It’s no different here in Australia during election time.

  2. Brandon says:

    I couldn’t agree more. I don’t have a DVR, so it’s almost not even worth turning on the TV anymore. There are even negative ads for the Public Land Commissioner this year. I’d vote against Doug Sutherland just because he decided to turn that race into something so nasty.

  3. Crail says:

    Enough already with the political ads and the unending news commentaries. This is total overload and has been going on for much to long.

    OK, the UK and Canadian systems are my guidelines; born in Scotland, emigrated to Canada and settle in California; and, yes, a US citizen.

    It is my opinion that too many voters are maxed out on ads and are turned off, except this year.

    There has to be a better way for the election process to be reduced to avoid the unending and intrusive political advertising.

    It appears that, no sooner is one election over, then there is already the building up to the next.

    What are the chances of reducing the time process to weeks instead of months and more months?

    Overload is messing with my mind.

  4. Mattie says:

    I’m in PA. It seems as though the candidates — all of them — have been in-state for weeks now.

    And it’s nasty here. People running around taking down one party’s sign and replacing it with another, the constant phone calls (yeah, who knew cell phones were exempt from the “Do Not Call” list?

    The headquarters for the Republican party was shot up overnight on Wednesday. I believe it was from a pellet gun but they did quite a bit of damage.

    Traffic around the HQ has been horrendous of late. Last Saturday Palin spoke at our local baseball stadium so the line to get tickets was seemingly non-ending on Friday last.

    And the ads? OMG. We’ve taken to watching on-demand tv because the ads are bombarding us every 8 minutes.

    I do know that someone put a “Republican for Obama” sign in front of the Rep. HQ. All hell broke loose.

    I’ve had enough with this campaign. I’ve even received two phone calls from Michelle Obama telling me how things are going.

    We’re barricading our house after we vote. I think it’s going to get really, really nasty here.

    It’s tough being a swing state.

  5. iddly says:

    Come to Australia. We is sensible with our elections – six weeks and it’s all done.

  6. Sam says:

    I’m from PA, and *yes* – the ads are nonstop. They sometimes fill the entire commercial breaks. And they’re sometimes repeated, back to back.

    I can’t wait until this insanity is over!

  7. Avitable says:

    I highly prefer the Obama ads where it’s just him talking to the camera about his plans and ideas, not where he’s trying to undermine McCain. I’d say that I also preferred the McCain ads that do the same, but I’ve never once seen a McCain ad that was doing anything other than bashing Obama.

  8. Robin says:

    Amen. The whole thing has made me want to NOT vote at all. I can’t believe the half-truths, spin and outright lies that make up political ads.

  9. ADW says:

    The Ohio ads are horrible. I think that because one person does the whole smear thing that everyone else feels the need to follow because some of these ads are downright scary. I’m not even talking about for the presidential race. County Commissioner, Ohio State Congressmen, blah blah blah.

    I don’t watch a ton of TV these days and when I have the radio on, I just switch it to another station when the ads come on. They are so bad that I almost have them memorized. Especially Issue 6. (Casinos)


  10. A Lewis says:

    Did you say you’re gonna beat my ass? And do you suppose they’ll be doing multiple recounts again???

  11. diane says:

    I stand by my original mantra, and the mantra of my father…wake me when it’s February. :p

  12. Hilly says:

    I don’t want to make this all about me, but I am going to. 😉

    I hate that my birthday is on Election Day this year…every time that happens, I can’t get excited about it or even enjoy the day as much as I want to because I’m all worked up over the election or sick of hearing about it. I don’t see many Presidential ads here but those Yes on Prop. 8 ads seem to be in full force. I want to throw things at the lady on TV every time I see one!

  13. ChillyWilly says:

    I’m with Avitable. Obama’s ads are more direct, whereas the few McCain ads I’ve seen don’t talk about what he’s going to do for the country. He’s so focused on Obama and who Obama associated with, I have no clue what he supports, other than I get to write off $5,000 for insurance. Whoop-di-do!

    I want all of this to stop soon. It’s tiring and it’s coming to a head for most people.

  14. Robert says:

    I agree with Avitable above. NC, believe it or not, is a swingstate this year. So we’ve been getting more ads than ever in my lifetime. I seem to notice Obama having a good number of ads where he talks to the camera about his policies or plans. Those ads don’t bother me so much. So far all I’ve noticed from McCain is negative. If I hear the name “Ayers” or the phrase “congressional liberals” one more time I’m gonna hurl.

  15. Sybil Law says:

    Ohio here.
    You’re right. They suck ass.
    Fortunately, my 6 year old has the day off from school, so I’m watching cartoons with her. 🙂

  16. Amen. Even though I don’t watch television, I still haven’t been able to much avoid all of this politics crap. I’ll be glad when it’s all over… For a few months.

  17. Lexxie says:

    I think I’m the lone wolf in all this where I actually enjoy it 😛 Okay, I don’t like the SMEAR ads, but I do enjoy the politics, the political talk and the competition. Gets my adrenaline running! I can’t wait to see who wins, but thats the only reason why I can’t wait for it to be over. I’m not sure what to do with my brain when its done D: !!

    As far as Governor goes, I miss the Rossi ads with him standing in front of trees and a river. I do like trees and rivers! But now he doesn’t play that anymore that I’ve seen, so I’m torn D:

  18. sizzle says:

    I just hit mute on all commercials. I hate them in general anyhow. But what I have noticed when I haven’t hit mute? The commercials for local/state campaigns are worse than the Presidential ones! And so poorly made. Aack.

  19. ajooja says:

    The McCain ads here in Missouri are bad but nothing compared to the print ads the Missouri Republicans are sending out. They’re downright offensive.

  20. claire says:

    I’m super sick of seeing the negative ads back and forth for candidates that aren’t even in my state! So much for living near a border…

  21. Gina says:

    How do you even have time to watch television to see the ads with how much you travel? I can’t imagine!

    I find the ads obnoxious and draining and have contemplated not watching television until election day, actually.

  22. Michelle says:

    DVR/Tivo is your friend. Fast forward past all that crap. I don’t think I’ve watched a single ad.

  23. Walt says:


    The ads aren’t enough they’ve been calling our home phone every night with some dumb ass line or another. I tell you the politicians and the minions have gone all out to drive us nuts so we become more disinterested in the process. We need to stop voting and take to the streets to stop commerce. I’m ready to go to jail to avoid being a part of this ridiculous electoral process.

  24. I’m convinced that if all the money being pumped into the political personal-advertising and world-tour were put into the economic crisis, the US trillion-dollar deficit would not exist.
    Very glad I live down here in Australia.

  25. *pixie* says:

    The Ohio ads are so bad that I’ve pretty much resorted to watching all TV (unless it’s glorious, commercial-free PBS) online.

  26. i am here in pennsylvania and i refuse to watch television that has commercials these days. no more radio either…just cd after cd.

  27. vulgarwizard says:

    I fully agree with your last statement in this post.

  28. Lexi says:

    UGH. The Ohio ads suck. I think someone else mentioned the casino issue here…that’s horrible. I also agree with Avitable…I’ve yet to see a single McCain commercial that isn’t about Obama.

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