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✖ Commando!

Posted on Friday, September 5th, 2008

Dave!Last night I was on Twitter bemoaning the fact that I had no clean underwear left and would have to wash some.

@Gooster thought it was a much better idea to go without (but, then again, he would).

And thus I declared that today COMMANDO FRIDAY, and Gooster made it official. This is just me doing my part for a greener planet by eliminating a pair of underwear that needs to be washed. Some have said that it might be smarter to recycle underwear rather than go without. To this I say "BEGONE YOU FOUL UNBELIEVER FOR COMMANDO FRIDAY IS HERE!


I hope I don't get denim burns on my bits and pieces.

Categories: Memes 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. Gooster says:

    Don’t run in denim ala commando style. Not pretty! I’ve had some rough situations because of said combination.

  2. Finn says:

    If you don’t want to chafe your bits, try these.

  3. Winter says:

    Damn Dave. That is the hottest pic of you yet. You sure you don’t wanna be in the Better than a Hot Blogger Calendar? When I get home, I will defo take off my panties for you and Gooster!

  4. whall says:

    The Gays are going to be upset that you’re only showing 20% proof, but I guess that follows.

  5. Sorata says:

    I know u r straight, Dave… But that photo is just too sexy… Just gotta send my ‘straight’ love to you heheheh

    Hooray for Commando Friday!!!!!!

  6. Justin Scott says:

    Growl! Calvin Klein has nothing on you!

  7. karla says:

    I’m all singing porn music over here….BOW chicka WA WOW.

    This could be tmi, but whenever I wear jeans I am always commando. That extra underwear layer seems so unnecessary with jeans.

    I wore jeans today. So I unwittingly participated!

  8. Gina says:

    Sexy! I want to see more sexy pics of you on this blog. 🙂 Please?

  9. Naomi says:

    EVERY day is commando Friday! (But bras don’t count. That’s a little too hard core. Even for me…)

  10. Finn says:

    Oh, btw, me-ow.

  11. Mike says:

    Damn, you should’ve posted that on THURSDAY. 😉

    I’ll join in next Friday, because I know that if I go in the bathroom here to remove my underwear, something terrible will happen.

    Hurray for Commando Fridays!

  12. ChillyWilly says:

    And Gina also had a push towards commando.

    My boys feel so much freer and unconstrained by any labels or fabric.

  13. Michelle says:

    You’re such a tease. But you look really hot in that pic.

  14. John says:

    Your boys don’t have a house?!

  15. B.E. Earl says:

    Working from home allows me the freedom to go commando or just butt nekkid any time I want.

    The neighbors might complain, though.

  16. Hilly says:

    Holy SexyMotherFucker, Batman! You may bring “the call of the wild” to the girls AND the gays.

    I wish I didn’t have such a squiffy feeling about my pants touching Princess HoopieDoo cause then I could totally go commando.

  17. Jeff says:

    I think “Floppin Friday” works too.

  18. awytch says:

    Nope, can’t participate…

    Have to wear khaki cords today (I didn’t do laundry either) and no way is commando an option with those things.

    Maybe I will next time.

    Nice picture though.

  19. Am I the only one here thinking about zipper malfunctions?

    And yeah. Hot.

  20. Chris says:

    YUMMY! Oh, um, yeah taking mine off now to participate.

  21. Tracy says:

    Hot. That is all.

  22. kapgar says:

    Oh my God. More information than I EVER needed.

  23. Avitable says:

    I’d rather just eliminate pants completely!

  24. annie says:

    Watch. the. zipper.

  25. lizriz says:


    Very sexy.

  26. Even when I have plenty of clean undies, I prefer to go without whenever possible… But never with jeans… Dangerous.

  27. some girl says:

    Wow. When are you coming to Chicago next? Damn I hope it’s on a Friday.

  28. Miss Britt says:

    Al Gore would be proud.

  29. claire says:

    I love how suggestive that photo is while not actually showing anything. Well done!

  30. Tech-Babe says:

    I’m in! But I see what you mean about the denim…ouchie=/

    Thanks for leading me here Winter!!!

  31. shari says:

    OK, it’s working in that photo… but if you turn commando into a peek-a-boo a la Britney Spears, I’m gonna have to slap you.

  32. sizzle says:

    My commando days are usually Thursdays.

  33. kat says:

    that picture is so many kinds of awesome i don’t even know what to do with myself.

  34. Lisa says:

    Wow Dave…You are a sexay thang! I’m having hot flashes.

  35. The best piece of advice you’ve ever received on this blog EVAR courtesy of Annie. Watching the zipper is a must. Something About Mary much? (shudders)

  36. Kailey says:

    I’m with Hilly 100% on this one.

  37. Patty says:

    Like the pic of you! I always did like it when a guy shoes a bit of him tummy. Yeah, for commando….I think it’s sexy. ha.

  38. Lewis says:

    Nah, you won’t get any burns on your wee-wee. I promise. I do it regularly and dig it!

  39. Bec says:

    I believe if I print this picture and put it on the roof of our house our road shall stay dry with the heat coming from it. Hot diggety damn! 😉

  40. Damn, is that global warming? (Feeling a mite bit toasty over here.)

    If’n you need help rubbing lotion on those tender bits, just give a holler. Y’know, we don’t want them getting all chaffed or anything.

  41. ETinNY says:

    Oh, he’s probably wearing the thong bathing suit that he just can’t bring himself to wear at the beach;-)

  42. iddly says:

    Does that mean you were clean undies on Monday, put them on backwards on Tuesday, turned them inside-out for Wednesday and wore them inside-out and backwards on Thursday…

  43. I totally hesitated scrolling down. I didn’t know if you were going to pull an Avi on us or not.

  44. Yes, you do look hot in that photo!! Like really!!

    Take more please!!

    Also, when will you be doing a NY meet up thingy??? If ever??


  45. Stacey says:

    Now that’s HOT.

    I’m not down with the whole commando thing myself. I love my matching bra and panties too much to split up a set.

  46. Tug says:

    Even grandma here needs to stop & say holySHIT you look HOT in that pic!

    (Is it just me, or are everyone’s comments covered up by the avatars?)

  47. Sodapop says:

    Damn, you are sexy. If you take a picture like that every Friday, I might start liking this Commando Friday thing.

  48. My gawd, that’s a sexy picture of you! I think I’ll download that one.

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