My day did not get off to a very good start.
Two kids prank-called me at 3:30am and tried again before I had my phone put on "do-not-disturb." They were staying here at the hotel, because nobody at the switchboard let a call through. Where the heck are their parents? Because this was my ONE SHOT at getting some decent sleep, and it was completely destroyed. Tomorrow I have to be up a an insane hour for my flight back home, so my only hope of catching up on my rest is if I can sleep on the plane (which is unlikely).
Things got a lot better once I met up with Beth (who makes all the awesome hats in the Artificial Duck Store) and Kevin. We ate lunch at the very cool (and delicious) "Savage Pizza" located at "Little Five Points." The quirky neighborhood is most famous for The Vortex, because it's got a very cool entrance...
From there we went to Atlanta's terrific High Museum...
They have a lot of incredible artwork there, but the main reason I wanted to go was to see "The Funeral of Atala," a very moving painting by Girodet that's based on a reinterpretation of "Romeo and Juliet" in Chateaubriand's popular 1801 novel, Atala. The image depicts Chactas, a Natchez Indian mourning and burying his love Atala after she commits suicide because she feared breaking the vow of chastity she made to her mother. It's an absolutely beautiful and powerful work of art...
There are many other interesting pieces, like these two which I have renamed "For The Win!" and "Purple Cow Dressed as a Lion Eating a Taco"...
After the museum, Beth and Kevin took me to an Atlanta institution... The Varisty (a massive drive-in restaurant)... so I could experience a delicious Frosted Orange drink. We sat in the "schoolhouse room" where everybody sits at those little desks they give you in elementary school. I had to steal this photo from Kevin, because my iPhone camera decided to stop working for some reason...
From there it was time for Davelanta at the Hard Rock Cafe Atlanta. Probably the most obscenely loud Hard Rock property I have ever been to. The music was way, way too loud, but we had a great time anyway. Here's me with Beth and Kevin...
Then Mentally Rehearsed showed up...
Then Coal Miner's Granddaughter...
And then Geeky Tai-Tai and Mr. Geeky Tai-Tai, Mike...
Despite nearly going deaf, we all had a great time, and decided to move across the street to a quieter venue so we could more easily talk.
And there was Key Lime Pie.
For what started out as kind of a crappy day, it sure ended well!
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You should rename your site, “eBlogography”… I can hear it now, “At eBlogography, our patented Compatibility Matching System ® narrows the field from millions of candidates to a highly select group of bloggers with whom you share deep levels of compatibility. Where other sites match on a picture and a paragraph, eBlogography matches you based on compatibility in the most important areas of life – like values, character, intellect, sense of humor, spiritual beliefs, passion, and up to 24 other dimensions.” Thanks for setting up Davelanta 2. We had a blast!
Ooooh. It looks like so much fun! And mmmn Key Lime Pie. Oh, and a week until Dave Diego! YAY!
Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that Richard Meier designed that museum?
I am jealous you got to spend the day with Beth and Kevin! They seemed REALLY fun when I meet them!
Bummer on the little shits stealing your sleep – being a light sleeper that goes on my list of pet hates too.
Kilax asked but I want to know also, is that a Meier designed museum? Looks in part like our Getty out here.
I used to think it was a sign of aging when I noticed that venues were loud but now I realize they’re all just trying to kill us with noise.
It’s 4:30 a.m. here and I’m up. Where’s the loud noise when I need it to kill me? NOWHERE.
oh my dog, i love atlanta. and little five points. and the vortex. and the high museum. and you guys.
fuck, i am totally wishing i had been at davelanta.
so glad you had a great time.
DO NOT kill me if I say that the dude in that beautiful piece of art looks like Joey from Friends.
Love hearing about the interesting places you go!
Awesome! I’m glad Heather got to show up, but no husband?
I totally should have driven up, but we built a few more props for Halloween, so it was probably better to stay here.
It sounds like a great time was had by all! I am glad you had a good time.
So, when are you heading to New England, dang it?? We need a DaveWoods, or DaveSun!
“The Funeral of Atala” is crazy beautiful and I am only seeing it here on your page. I must make my way to Atlanta to see it because well, I think it would move me.
I am so glad you all had a wonderful time and got to hang out together!
what an adorable smile!
That book sounds intriguing, and the painting looks incredible. I’ll have to add “Atala” to my ‘to read’ list.
Dave, we had a fabulous time seeing you again and getting to meet other bloggers, who actually don’t live that far away.
By the way, as we were getting on the train to head back North, a woman stopped me and asked what kind of convention we had attended. I told her, “Davelanta2, a bunch of bloggers met with our favorite blogger, Dave2”. She said, “Oh that sounds like a lot of fun. I really like your name tag and ‘flair’ too!” I proceeded to give her my L’il Dave pin with your URL. I’m sure she’s probably already checked out your blog.
Thanks, Dave, for taking the time from your busy schedule to hang out with us for the evening!
Nothing wrong with Key Lime Pie!
Beth is cool, isn’t she? I’m only sad I didn’t get to meet the other Kevin. He sounds pretty cool and, according to their daughters, is very similar to me in many ways. That either speaks kudos for me or drags him down into my mud a little bit.
I had a great time, Dave! And it was wonderful meeting Beth & Kevin (Go North Georgia College!), Mr. & Mrs. Geeky Tai-Tai, and Elizabeth. Thanks for my name tag and flair and can’t wait for Davelanta 3!
PS Avitable – He was home with the kids! My day off!
Hey, I have that same “Zombies ate my Brain” t-shirt. How cool is that? *snicker*
Sounds like Davelanta was a major success.
But no World Of Coca-Cola visit to ask them what happened to Coke with Lime ?(the diet version is not an acceptable substitute, either)
glad you had a good time~~you deserve it~~
I *heart* Davelanta! You are so amazingly amazing, I wish you had work here more often!
Wow, looks like a great time! Also, I simply adore that painting… Heartbreaking!!!
Varsity FO’s are fantastic. Brings back lots of good memories.